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50222 Letters regarding the costs and rebated fees paid for patients to stay at the Wicklewood Isolation Hospital Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/10 3 30/11/1937 14/07/1938
50223 Letter to the General Post Office Postmaster in Wymondham, asking for names of fishing tackle retailers in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/11 3 14/11/1946 19/11/1946
50224 Documents advising the 'Fortnightly', a monthly publication and a reform of local government article Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/12 3 01/10/1946
50225 Postcard to Wymondham Urban District Council asking for copies of Wymondham town guides to be sent to the library at Gloucester. Postcard Wymondham UDC 433/3/13 3 01/03/1947
50226 Letter to Wymondham Urban Town Council regarding Plot 9 on the Downham Grove Estate, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/14 3 11/08/1947
50227 Poster advertising the 'Shop Window for Britain' Exhibition at St. Andrew's Hall, Norwich Notice Wymondham UDC 433/3/15 3 19/09/1946 28/09/1928
50228 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Admission as tenants of Lord Wodehouse et. al. Admission / Surrender 442/81 24/09/1835
50229 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Admission of Edward Palmer Clarke under the will of Cornelius Tipple. Admission / Surrender 442/82 01/01/1845
50230 Reference re: Cornelius Howes Tipple's application for a Collector of Rates. Miscellaneous 442/83 20/11/1854
50231 Plan of Tipple's estate at Suton, Wymondham. Plan 442/84/1&2
50232 State of cropping at Dykebeck Farm, 1857. Miscellaneous 442/85 04/03/1857
50233 Letter to Mrs Gooch regarding her attendance at the London conference 'Fuel and the Future' Letter Wymondham UDC 433//3/16 3 14/08/1946 10/10/1946
50234 Wymondham Urban District Council letters to local families about grave spaces Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/17 3 19/11/1946
50235 Letters from the 'Hospital for Sick Children', appealing for collections in aid of their children Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/18 3 ??/11/1946 ??/06/1947
50236 Mr Holmes's letter to Wymondham Town Clerk, asking for holiday accommodation places in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/19 3 02/06/1947
50237 Letter enclosing a payment to Wymondham Urban District Council for war damage contribution to Mr Hayward Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/20 3 16/08/1946
50238 Wymondham Urban District Council letters concerning an order for a pantograph and its return to the supplier Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/21 3 06/06/1947 09/06/1947
50239 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Abstract of Title Abstract of Title 442/86 09/11/1797 01/02/1847
50240 Gunvils Manor, Wymondham. Abstract of Title. Abstract of Title 442/87 27/04/1795 27/04/1840
50241 Agreement between Thomas Salter and Edward Candler and Cornelius Tipple property at Wymondham. Agreement 442/88 07/10/1822
50242 Certificate of death of Lieut. William Anderson. Certificate 442/89 10/05/1797 07/09/1822
50243 Fine (copy) re: land and proof of death of Lieut. Anderson. Miscellaneous 442/90 ??/??/1760 13/09/1822
50244 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Notes taken at informal meeting between South Norfolk District and Wymondham Town Councils representatives. Note Wymondham T C 409/2/4 2 12/06/1985 14/06/1985
50245 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Correspondence with Breckland District Council/ City of Norwich and Norfolk County Council regarding running costs and financial contributions Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/2/5 2 09/07/1985 13/08/1985
50246 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Committee agenda, memo to attendees, notes regarding admin costs. Agenda Wymondham T C 409/2/6 2 19/07/1985 25/02/1986
50247 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Letter exchange with Norfolk County Council regarding pool facilities and funding. Letter Wymondham T C 409/2/7 2 18/09/1985 09/04/1986
50248 Letter re: Death of Lieut. William Anderson. Letter 442/91 24/10/1797
50249 Plan of Tipples farm, Suton, Wymondham. Plan 442/92
50251 Abstract of Title to an estate at Wymondham of William Anderson deceased. Abstract of Title 442/93 13/12/1659 07/09/1822
50252 In Chancery. Robert John Harvey et. al. v. Jasper Howes Tipple et. al. Case 442/94 22/02/1844 28/01/1845
50253 Manor of Cromwells : Abstract of Title to a messuage of land Copyhold of the Manor (draft) Abstract of Title Pomeroy 421/6/5 6 03/12/1841 ??/??/1895
50254 In the King's Bench case. Watts v. Tipple. Affidavit (copy) of Alfred Smith Riches. Affidavit 442/95
50255 In the King's Bench case. Watts v. Tipple. Affidavit of Rev, John Colman. Affidavit 442/96
50256 Letter to John Watts from Jasper Howes Tipple re: bastardy case. Letter 442/97 28/03/1836
50257 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Correspondence between Wymondham Town centre, South Norfolk District Council and SWYM Committee Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/2/8 2 07/10/1985 17/02/1989
50258 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Letter exchange between City of Norwich and Wymondham Town Council regarding "Working party" and Funding. Letter Wymondham T C 409/2/9 2 ??/01/1987 23/01/1987
50259 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Letter exchange with Haiste Architecture Ltd Letter Wymondham T C 409/3/1 3 11/09/1991 04/10/1991
50260 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Brochure from H - to - O pool products Brochure Wymondham T C 409/3/2 3 ??/??/1987
50261 Place names - fields, tenements etc (Mainly 16th to 18th) Compiled by Sheila Spicer with second version by John Wilson. List 449/03/04/05 2 ??/??/1600 ??/??/1900
50262 Sales Poster - 3 Cottages in Suton Street, Wymondham Poster 564/21 04/06/1858
50263 Sales Particulars - Small Estate in Spooner Row Sale Particulars 564/22 02/06/1821
50264 Sales Particulars - Capital Brick Kilns 11 lots Sale Particulars 564/23 04/05/1804
50265 Capital & Income Account William Robert Clarke Account 564/24 27/05/1880
50266 Letter from the Civil Defence department to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding the delay in paying a final settlement of the expenditure incurred by local authorities on war service Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/22 3 18/07/1946
50267 Civil Defence circular regarding the future of Women's Voluntary Service Circular Wymondham UDC 433/3/23 3 15/05/1947
50268 Letter to L. Standley of Wymondham Urban District Council regarding a quotation for a keyless binder Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/24 3 17/10/1946
50269 Letter to Mr Humphries regarding property location in the Rural District of Forehoe and Henstead Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/25 3 12/05/1947
50270 Letter showing the rateable value of Wymondham and the average amount due for a working class dwelling Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/26 3 03/12/1947
50271 An invitation to Wymondham Urban District Council to attend an Air Survey at the Public Works Exhibition at Olympia Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/27 3 14/07/1947
50272 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council advising of official reports of parliamentary proceedings in Housing, Agriculture, Transport and Finance Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/1 4 ??/09/1947
50273 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council enclosing a poster relating to a missing son for displaying locally Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/2 4 25/02/1946
50274 Letter from Jarrold & Sons Ltd. with an invitation to attend a business equipment exhibition Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/3 4 15/09/1947
50275 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council thanking the Town Clerk for sending information regarding the number of dwellings and their rateable value. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/4 4 14/10/1946
50276 Kings Bench, Watts v. Tipple. Affidavit (copy) of Rev. John Colman. Affidavit 442/98
50277 Letter of to Jasper H. Tipple re: payment in case ot Watts v, Tipple. Letter 442/99 16/03/1836
50278 Letter re: payment of costs in case of Watts v. Tipple. Letter 442/100 12/03/1836
50279 Notice of Jasper H. Tipple to James Parker and Caudell Clarke re: Watts v. Tipple. Notice 442/101 28/03/1836
50280 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Sports Council response and information, briefing report and Town Council Leisure Services Committee minutes Report Wymondham T C 409/3/3 3 02/11/1992 09/12/1992
50281 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Sports Council literature for providing swimming pools and "working party" discussion report. Brochure Wymondham T C 409/3/4 3 13/10/1992 13/11/1992
50282 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Complaint from resident regarding lack of a swimming pool for the town Letter Wymondham T C 409/4/1 4 11/11/1992 07/12/1992
50283 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - "Working Party" report and correspondence sent to various organisations. Report Wymondham T C 409/4/2 4 21/01/1993 14/02/1993
50284 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Town Council/ SWYM correspondence, working party agendas, reports and meeting minutes (1993) Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/4/3 4 01/03/1993 22/11/1993
50285 Institute of Housing Annual Conference information and application form sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/5 4 30/06/1947
50286 Invitation sent to Wymondham Urban District Council to attend a Parish Church service in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/6 4 23/05/1947 09/06/1947
50287 Liquor licence granted to H. Clarke from S. Clarke of the White Horse Public House in Wymondham Licence Wymondham UDC 433/4/7 4 05/02/1946
50288 Liquor licence granted to G. Messer from B. Mobbs of The Three Boars, Public House at Spooner Row, Norfolk Licence Wymondham UDC 433/4/8 4 05/02/1946 01/11/1946
50289 Liquor licence granted to S. Holmes at the Cross Keys Public House, Wymondham Licence Wymondham UDC 433/4/9 4 04/02/1947 04/06/1947
50290 Imperial Chemical (Pharmaceuticals) Ltd. letter to Wymondham Urban District Council advising of their change of address. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/10 4 30/10/1946
50291 Letter to Wymondham Urban Distrcit Council regarding their order of Guildhall books from Leach & Son of Wisbech Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/11 4 14/12/1946
50292 Wymondham Urban District Council copies of circulars titled 'Whiter Local Government' and 'The Borough, Urban and Rural Councillor' Circular Wymondham UDC 433/4/12 4 27/04/1946 ??/??/1947
50293 In the Kings Bench. Complaint by John Watts against Jasper H. Tipple. Case 442/102 10/02/1836
50294 In the Kings Bench. Watts v, Tipple. Notice to Jasper H. Howes re: damages of £500. Notice 442/103 10/02/1836
50295 Letter to John Watts from Jasper H. Tipple re: costs in Watts v. Tipple. Letter 442/104 28/03/1836
50296 Letter to James Parker and Caudell Clarke from Jasper H. Tipple re: costs in Watts v. Tipple. Letter 442/105 28/03/186
50297 List of huts sold by 'Land's Branch', Eastern Command List Wymondham UDC 433/4/13 4 15/07/1946 30/09/1946
50298 Local Government Boundary Commission acknowledgement of receipt of a letter from Wymondham Urban District Council;, regarding the Annual Report from Medical Office of Health Postcard Wymondham UDC 433/4/14 4 13/08/1946
50299 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding the 'Remuneration of Medical Practitioners employed by Local Councils' Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/15 4 19/09/1947
50300 Municipal Mutual Insurance Annual Meeting, Chairman's Report sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Booklet Wymondham UDC 433/4/16 4 25/04/1947
50301 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Letter of complaint to Town Council regarding lack of a pool in the town Letter Wymondham T C 409/4/4 4 01/05/1993
50302 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Letter exchange and list inviting potential consultants to produce a business plan Letter Wymondham T C 409/4/5 4 26/09/1993 19/12/1994
50303 Wymondham Proposed Swimming Pool - Copy of letters sent by Mrs D Hockaday, chairman of SWYM/ Town council working party swimming pool sub-committee Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/4/6 4 ??/10/1993 11/07/1994
50304 In the Kings Bench, Watts v. Tipple. Declaration by Mary Ann Elsey. Declaration 442/106 10/03/1836
50305 In the Kings Bench, Watts v. Tipple. Oath by Jasper Howes Tipple. Oath 442/107
50306 In the Kings Bench, Watts v. Tipple. Acknowledgement of John Watts re: receipts of costs from Jasper H.Tipple. Acknowledgement 442/108 21/04/1836
50307 In the Kings Bench, Watts v. Tipple. Oath by E. P Clarke. Oath 442/109
50308 Release by John Watts and Mary Ann Elsey to Jasper H. Tipple. Release 442/110 10/03/1836
50309 Covenant by Jasper Howes Tipple. Covenant 442/111 10/03/1836
50310 Norwich County Court bankruptcy forms for Mr Cyril Robert Ayton Bankruptcy Wymondham UDC 392/35/13 35 21/10/1952
50311 Letters concerning Mr Ayton's bankruptcy and claims for money owing to his estate and his debts Letter Wymondham UDC 392/35/14 35 22/12/1952 25/03/1953
50312 Letter from Mr Marwood stating he is unable to attend a Wymondham Urban District Council meeting on 5th November 1946 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/17 4 05/11/1946
50313 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council from 'The Municipal Year Book' asking for rateable values and rates and an estimation of the local population in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/18 4 04/11/1946
50314 Letters and circulars from The Ministry of Health to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding venereal diseases and their annual accounts Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/19 4 22/11/1946 21/11/1947
50315 Letters concerning requisitioned premises, Dr. Buckton's house in Middleton Street, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/20 4 11/04/1947 08/05/1947
50316 Wymondham Urban District Council letter concerning the purchase of hutting to accommodate workers and installing a new gas main in the Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/21 4 09/01/1948
50317 Letters to local councils from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries regarding the River Ouse catchment Board Transfer Scheme Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/22 4 25/08/1947 22/12/1947
50318 Ministry of Transport letters to Wymondham Urban District Council concerning The Road Traffic Act 1930 and appointment of Traffic Commissioners Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/23 4 24/09/1946 13/11/1947
50319 Ministry of Labour and National Service, Pensions & Town & Country Planning letters to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/4/24 4 22/05/1946 ??/02/1947
50320 Burial Certificate (copy) of Cornelius Howes Tipple. Certificate 442/112 31/10/1872 06/11/1872
50321 Account book of Tipple's farm Suton. Account Book 442/113 31/10/1848 05/06/1852