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50322 Instructions re: conditions of sale of J. H. Tipple's farm. Instructions 442/114 01/07/1857
50323 Bill of Charles Ayton re: work for Tipples farm. Bill 442/115 03/01/1851 01/02/1852
50324 Norfolk Town & County Planning Department letters to Wymondham Urban District Council about gravel pits, extraction of sand and gravel and building restrictions Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/1 5 25/04/1946 31/05/1947
50325 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council about wedding presents for HRH Princess Elizabeth Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/2 5 18/10/1947 20/10/1947
50326 Correspondence re: National Savings Committee meetings at Wymondham Urban District Council Chambers Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/3 5 27/08/1947 18/12/1947
50327 Letters concerning the supply of insulin given to Mrs. H. Mayes Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/4 5 16/07/1946 01/08/1946
50328 Wymondham Urban District Council correspondence on Health, Food Poisoning and Rabies Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/5 5 15/05/1947 05/12/1947
50329 Wymondham Urban District Council copies of notices about Housing, Planning and Smoke Abatement Society Notice Wymondham UDC 433/5/6 5 01/10/1947 01/12/1947
50330 Wymondham Urban District Council letters about the erection of a bus shelter Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/7 5 07/01/1947 27/02/1947
50331 Wymondham Urban District Council letters about the allotment of work in connection with the Reconstitution of The Territorial Army Association, War Department Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/8 5 ??/12/1946 05/02/1947
50332 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council on Fowl Pest Orders 1936 - 1947 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/9 5 16/07/1947
50333 Wymondham Urban District Council letters about Wymondham schools, and sanitary conveniences, milk deliveries and courses on social studies Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/10 5 11/09/1946 31/12/1947
50334 Bill of Simon Oakley for work at Tipple's farm. Bill 442/116 04/09/1851 17/01/1852
50335 In Bankruptcy. Particulars of the estate of Jasper Howes Jasper. Account 442/117 23/11/1846
50336 Crops of Tipple's Dykebeck and Suton Farms. Miscellaneous 442/118 ??/??/1848
50337 Sale of premises in Vicar Street, Wymondham, under the will of George Tipple. Bargain and Sale 442/119 01/12/1871
50338 Account Book of William Blomfield's (late Tipple's) farm. Account Book 442/120 29/09/1849 29/09/1850
50339 Wymondham Urban District Council letters about the Dutch Sports Party visit and the local Wymondham football match Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/11 5 25/08/1947 04/09/1947
50340 Wymondham Urban District Council letter about the Wymondham Swimming Pool and Cafe opening hours Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/12 5 19/06/1947
50341 Wymondham Urban District Council letter titled 'The Requisitioned Land and War Works Act 1945' and the retention of underground pipe lines Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/13 5 03/02/1948
50342 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of letter regarding a display of electrical equipment for post was homes Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/14 5 09/10/1946
50343 Wymondham Urban District Council's copy of a letter titled 'The Revised Schedules for Local Institutional Children's Homes and Relieving Officers' Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/15 5 07/05/1947
50344 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council advising of a new dialing code for Quidenham, Norfolk Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/16 5 ??/??/1946
50345 Wymondham Urban District Council Clerk's letter to A. Pratt, the Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector from Worcester. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/17 5 09/01/1946
50346 Letter from Wymondham Urban District Council giving a reference for Mr Bradley Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/18 5 14/01/1948
50347 Proportional Representation Society, London, letter to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/19 5 03/07/1946
50348 Notice of an Annual Conference for Public Lighting Engineers, sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Notice Wymondham UDC 433/5/20 5 31/03/1947
50349 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council inviting purchase of the 'Public Service and Administration Journal' Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/21 5 14/09/1946 ??/11/1947
50350 National petition to admit women into the House of Lords, and a reply from Wymondham Urban District Council Petition Wymondham UDC 433/5/22 5 07/11/1947 31/03/1948
50351 Royal Sanitary Institute letters to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding The National Health Congress Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/23 5 29/11/1946 02/12/1947
50352 Details sent to Wymondham Urban District Council about the River Great Ouse Catchment Board Scheme Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/24 5 11/07/1947 14/07/1947
50353 Royal Automobile Club questionnaire about Wymondham population, local industries and road and rail communications Questionnaire Wymondham UDC 433/5/25 5 09/12/1946
50354 Acknowledgement of receipt of a Wymondham Urban District Council letter regarding the opening of Wymondham baths Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/26 5 20/06/1947
50355 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council with information of a Remembrance Day Service compiled by the Archbishop of Canterbury and York Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/27 5 10/11/1946
50356 Letter from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, on their Silver Jubilee Congress 1947 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/5/28 5 ??/06/1947
50357 Letter from L. Stechler Ltd. requesting names of local people who collect rabbit skins in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/1 6 08/12/1947 15/10/1947
50358 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding the overflowing cesspool at the rear of Semmence's premises in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/2 6 26/08/1946
50359 In Chancery, Tipple v. Youngman. Oath (draft) by Jasper Howes Tipple. Oath 442/121 07/02/1832
50360 Writ re: detention of James Oldfield and Thomas Leatherdale. Writ 442/122 03/02/1832
50361 Tipple v. Youngman. Opinion (copy) of Mr Hale. Opinion 442/123 21/12/1831
50362 Tipple v. Youngman. Letter re: agreement. Letter 442/124 15/02/1833
50363 Tipple v. Youngman. Letter re: agreement. Letter 442/124 15/02/1833
50364 In Chancery, Tipple v. Youngman. Injunction. Injunction 442/125 09/02/1832
50365 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of 'The Society of Women's Housing Managers' letter concerning their annual conference at Westminister Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/3 6 ??/09/1946
50366 Letters between Wymondham Urban District Council and Shaw & Sons, regarding local government publication orders Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/4 6 04/09/1946 22/11/1947
50367 Letters between Wymondham Urban District Council and Mr Stevens of London regarding the potential purchase of 2 cottages and freehold land at Station Road, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/5 6 12/10/1946 01/11/1946
50368 Letter to the Town Clerk at Wymondham Urban District Council requesting the address of any local guest houses for a week's stay in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/6 6 10/05/??
50369 Letters and schedule of Wymondham Horse Show and Gymkhana to be held at Tithe Barn Meadow, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/7 6 08/08/1947 13/09/1947
50370 Town & Country Planning Association letters requesting numbers of Wymondham population, road & rail, industries and current area Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/8 6 17/09/1946 26/03/1947
50371 Correspondence to Wymondham Urban District Council concerning the Urban District Council Association conferences and election of an executive council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/9 6 25/07/1946 05/11/1947
50372 Wymondham Urban District Council letters re: Local Wymondham branch of United Nations Organisation Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/10 6 28/10/1946 04/12/1946
50373 Notice of a change of name on the liquor licence for The Windmill Public House, Wymondham Licence Wymondham UDC 433/6/11 6 04/02/1947 18/11/1947
50374 Letter of sympathy sent to Mrs Youngman, following the death of her husband Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/12 6 20/01/1947 11/02/1947
50375 Letters about Wymondham Swimming Pool and advertising signs and notice boards Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/13 6 18/05/1946 22/07/1946
50376 Letters regarding the Dutch children's visit to Wymondham, Norfolk at Christmas 1946 under the World Friendship Association Scheme Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/14 6 05/10/1946 02/12/1194
50377 Wymondham Urban District Council letter to Britannia Barracks, Norwich, regarding the Semmence garage in Wymondham and problems with a cesspool Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/15 6 21/08/1946
50378 Wymondham Urban District Council letter to Wicklewood Institution concerning the old Forehoe Guardians Committee Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/16 6 05/11/1946
50379 List of catering establishments in Wymondham List Wymondham UDC 433/6/17 6
50380 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council from Eastern Roadways Ltd. advising of an increase in their charges on 'smalls'. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/6/18 6 20/06/1946
50381 Large folder of Wymondham annual medical reports for 1950 - 1958 Report Wymondham UDC 433/7 7 ??/??/1950 ??/??/1958
50382 Abstract of Title to Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane Wymondham Abstract of Title 564/25 24/10/1751 17/1/1803
50383 British Railway letters regarding the closure of Wymondham to Ashwellthorpe, Forncett Branch line Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/1 8 13/07/1950 18/09/1950
50384 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council from financial brokers, C.Buxton Ltd. advising of local authority loans and interest rates available Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/2 8 ??/07/1950 ??/09/1951
50385 Wymondham Urban District Letter to Mrs Bowden, following the death of her mother Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/3 8 10/03/1950
50386 Letter from Wymondham Urban District Council advising a 'Notice of Parliamentary Elections' has been posted outside the council offices in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/4 8 08/10/1951
50387 Letters regarding guides and publications for Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/5 8 25/09/1951
50388 British Legion letter advising of a fete to be held in June 1951 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/6 8 06/05/1951
50389 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council on publications of 'Hygiene in Catering' establishments Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/7 8 06/03/1951 29/03/1951
50390 Notice of a transfer of liquor licence to the Manager of Barwell & Sons, Wymondham Notice Wymondham UDC 433/8/8 8 13/02/1951 20/08/1951
50391 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council from Mr Bitton regarding his cesspool Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/9 8 21/06/1951 24/07/1951
50392 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council from Billericay Urban District Council advising of their election of an employers' representative Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/10 8 05/06/1951
50393 Invitation for the Wymondham Urban District Council clerk to attend a British Industries Fair in 1951 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/11 8 30/04/1951
50394 Letters to Wymondham Town clerk requesting copies of Wymondham town guides and guest accommodation in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/12 8 22/05/1950 13/09/1951
50395 Letters to Wymondham Town Clerk requesting information on medieval market places Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/13 8 08/07/1950 10/07/1950
50396 Letters regarding Wymondham Planning Committee meeting and forms for applying for a licence to build a private house Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/15 8 23/05/1951 17/09/1951
50397 Central Office for Information letters to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding their publications available to order Notice Wymondham UDC 433/8/16 8 09/05/1950 15/09/1951
50398 Letter about the illegal disposal of rubbish near Tuttles Lane and Twin Cottages, Chapel Lane, Wymmondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/14 8 28/12/1950
50399 Farm account book. Account Book 442/126 27/09/1826 ??/08/1830
50400 Farm account book. 442/127 13/03/1826 ??/??/1828
50401 Farm labour account book. Account Book 442/128
50402 Tipples farm account book. 11/10/1851 28/01/1854
50403 Council for The Preservation of Rural England information sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Notice Wymondham UDC 433/8/17 8 19/04/1950 22/10/1950
50404 Central Council for Health notices and letters to Wymondham Urban District Council Notice Wymondham UDC 433/8/18 8
50405 Empire Day message and poster sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/19 8 ??/04/1951 24/05/1951
50406 Letters between Wymondham Urban District Council and Eastern Counties regarding the inadequate bus service between Attleborough and Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/20 8 09/12/1949 06/09/1951
50407 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding fuel and power, and Eastern Electricity Board restrictions on usage Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/21 8 31/07/1950
50408 Eastern Gas Board linformation with new gas tariffs, sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/22 8 06/04/1951
50409 Betty Freeman's letter to Wymondham Urban District Council with a request for her students to attend a local government council meeting Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/23 8 02/10/1950 11/10/1950
50410 Letter advising the appointment of Mr W. Hall to Wymondham Urban District Council & Wayland Rural Joint Food Control Committee Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/24 8 05/09/1951
50411 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of the 'Festival of Britain' information Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/25 8 08/09/1951
50412 Population Census 1951 publication information sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/8/26 8 17/07/1951
50413 Ministry of Health letters and publications sent to Wymondham Urban District Council between 1949 - 1951 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/1 9 31/10/1949 15/06/1951
50414 Institute of Housing Annual Conference 1950 & 1951 sent to Wymondham Urban District Council with application forms Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/2 9 26/06/1950 22/09/1951
50415 Association of Rating & Valuation Offices Conference 1950, sent to Wymondham Urban District Council with an application form Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/3 9 01/07/1950
50416 Miscellaneous letters sent to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding Government circulars and local guides Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/4 9 01/07/1950 28/09/1951
50417 Legal letters sent to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding previous planning consent of land on Norwich Road, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/5 9 05/07/1950 10/07/1950
50418 Wymondham Urban District Council letter regarding the large number of weeds at a building plot on Norwich Road, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/6 9 09/08/1950 12/08/1950
50419 Wymondham Urban District Council letter regarding stationery orders and supplies Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/7 9 25/05/1950 12/01/1951
50420 Wymondham Urban District Council letter giving information on local cafes and restaurants in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/8 9 15/12/1949
50421 G. London's letter to Wymondham Town Clerk, apologising for missing committee meetings Letter Wymondham UDC 433/9/9 9 28/04/1951 11/06/1951