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50522 Wymondham Urban District Council's letter to Barclays Bank, Wymondham, requesting an overdraft of £10,000 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/7 12 13/10/1952
50523 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Repairs and renovations (Phase 1) - Hammond Brothers Builders. Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/7/1 7 18/08/1981 27/09/1983
50524 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Town Scheme Grant - Application for grant to replace/ repair external gates Form Wymondham T C 409/7/2 7 27/09/1983 03/11/1983
50525 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Repairs and redecorations (Phase 2). Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/7/3 7 09/03/1984 09/07/1984
50526 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Repairs and renovations to Council offices in Middleton Street. Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/7/4 7 18/08/1981 07/09/1982
50527 Observations on title of Mrs Cann to William Robert Clarke. Observation 477/6 28/11/1872
50528 Memorandum of title re: Cann to Clarke. Memorandum 477/7 31/12/1833 10/10/1872
50529 Cromwells manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of Lucy Lain. Admission / Surrender 477/8 29/07/1812
50530 Cromwells manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of James Lain. Admission / Surrender 477/10 30/03/1867
50531 Conveyance (draft) of hereditaments in Spooner Row, Wymondham by Emily Jane Cann to William Robert Clarke. Conveyance 477/9 ??/??/1872
50532 Wymondham Town Council - Complaint from Damgate and White Horse Street residents association regarding condition of pavements. Letter Wymondham T C 409/7/5 7 31/08/1982 02/09/1982
50533 Wymondham Town Council - Letter requesting copy of South Norfolk District Minutes Letter Wymondham T C 409/7/6 7 20/02/1984
50534 S. R. Batson Ltd. request for confirmation that Wymondham Urban District Council are still wanting to order an Imperial Typewriter Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/8 12 13/11/1952
50535 Financial brokers C. Buxton Ltd. information on their current loans available to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/9 12 ??/11/1952
50536 R. Briggs letter to Wymondham Urban District Council giving a summary of his work experience and asking about vacancies for work with the council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/10 12 25/02/1953
50537 Mrs Buck's letter to the R.S.P.C.A. , Wymondham, reporting an increase in stray cats at the caravan area of Cavick Home Farm, Wymondham. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/11 12 10/02/1953
50538 Wymondham Urban District Council letter to Miss Bailey of Cavick House, Wymondham, with details of a potential cook Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/12 12 20/01/1953 27/01/1953
50539 Notice of a change of licencee at the Sawyers Public House in Suton, Norfolk Licence Wymondham UDC 433/12/13 12 21/04/1953
50540 Creamola England Ltd. request from Wymondham Urban District Council for population figures for the Urban District and Forehoe & Henstead District Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/14 12 19/02/1953 20/02/1953
50541 Request from the Chief Fire Officer at Hethersett, Norfolk for details of the Wymondham Urban District Council population Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/15 12 18/11/1952 19/11/1953
50542 The Cremation Society information on their annual conference sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/16 12 15/01/1953
50543 The Council for Preservation of Rural England letter with details of their annual conference in October 1953, sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/17 12 ??/08/1953
50544 Eastern Gas Consultative Council report sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/18 12 31/03/1953
50545 Wymondham Urban District Council letters regarding information on Wymondham Town Guides and Handbooks Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/19 12 15/07/1953 04/12/1953
50546 Toc H. Wymondham letter to Wymondham Urban District Council with information on their charity event in support of Norfolk Flood Relief Fund Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/20 12 26/02/1953
50547 G. L. Cleaver's request for permission from Wymondham Urban District Council to distribute and display posters in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/21 12 13/10/1952 ??/??/1953
50548 Notice of a transfer of liquor licence at the Rule & Compass Public House, Silfield, Norfolk Licence Wymondham UDC 433/12/22 12 05/02/1952 20/01/1953
50549 Notice of a transfer of liquor licence at the Woolpack, Public House, Wymondham, Norfolk Licence Wymondham UDC 433/12/23 12 03/02/1953 27/10/1953
50550 Estate of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke deceased : Administrators' Accounts. Account Book Pomeroy 421/8/1 8 12/02/1894 05/10/1933
50551 Domestic Coal Consumer Council summary of its annual report sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/24 12 21/07/1953
50552 P. Daines letter to Wymondham Urban District Council asking about Wymondham water supply for his school project Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/25 12 12/01/1953
50553 Wymondham Urban District Council letter to the District Valuer with information on 1951 population and rateable values Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/26 12 08/10/1952 09/10/1953
50554 Eastern Electricity correspondence with Wymondham Urban District Council about information on their showroom in Middleton Street, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/27 12 22/10/1952 14/05/1953
50555 Information sent to Wymondham Urban District Council about stationery products and publishers Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/28 12 19/11/1952 15/10/1953
50556 Letters sent to Wymondham Urban District Council with requests for bus services in Tuttles Lane, Wymondham and a change of bus stop positions Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/29 12 11/09/1952 24/07/1953
50557 Wymondham Urban District Council letters from Ellams Duplicator Co. Ltd. with examples of duplicating paper available to purchase Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/30 12 23/10/1952 ??/03/1953
50558 Central Council for Health Education information on their seminar on foot health, sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/31 12 01/12/1953 23/02/1954
50559 Wymondham Urban District Council's copy of the Empire Day Movement President's message for 1953 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/32 12 ??/04/1953
50560 Wymondham Urban District Council's reply to Mr Evans, who requested a copy of his birth certificate Letter Wymondham UDC 433/12/33 12 17/11/1953
50561 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of a notice 'Fishery Byelaws', received from East Suffolk & Norfolk River Board Notice Wymondham UDC 433/12/34 12 25/11/1953
50562 Mr Fletcher's request for details of accommodation in Wymondham, sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/1 13
50563 Major Fletcher's letter to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding an order for decorations and for their payment Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/2 13 30/01/1953 01/05/1953
50564 Mortgage of an estate in Wymondham by James Lain to Emily Jane Cann. Mortgage 477/11 01/04/1867
50565 Mortgage by William Lain to William Camp of premises in Spooner Row ,Wymondham. Mortgage 477/12 15/05/1834
50566 Photocopies of Forehoe and Humbleyard Land Tax Redemptions 1799 - 1948. Wymondham, Norfolk Tax 443/01 ??/??/1799 ??/??/1905
50567 Lease of Sycamore House, Back Lane, Wymondham Lease 564/28 13/04/1809 13/04/1809
50568 Various stock certificates. Certificate 477/13 17/04/1924 01/01/1940
50569 Various bills to Miss Stephenson Cann. Bill 477/14 1 30/11/1932 21/06/1935
50570 Birth certificate of William Cann. Certificate 477/15 2 14/11/1852
50571 Birth certificate of Samuel Cann. Certificate 477/16 2 05/07/1854
50572 Birth certificate of Thomas Cann. Certificate 477/17 2 12/11/1855
50573 Birth certificate of Mary Cann. Certificate 477/18 2 05/06/1857
50574 Birth certificate of John Cann. Certificate 477/19 2 02/04/1859
50575 Birth certificate of Robert Cann. Certificate 477/20 2 30/12/1863
50576 Birth certificate of Frederick Cann. Certificate 477/21 2 02/06/1865
50577 Birth certificate of Edward Stannard Cann. Certificate 477/22 2 13/08/1866
50578 Birth certificate of Frank Cann. Certificate 477/23 2 07/09/1869
50579 Birth certificate of Martha Elizabeth Cann. Certificate 477/24 2 30/07/1871
50580 Evidence of death of William Cann. Certificate 477/25 2 22/08/1882
50581 Correspondence from Australia re: William Cann, Frederick Cann and Samuel Thomas Cann. Letter 477/26 2 01/09/1882 14/04/1887
50582 Letter from Australia re Samuel Thomas Cann. Letter 477/27 2 14/04/1887
50583 Wymondham Urban District Council letters informing staff of the death of Mrs Ethel Gooch Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/3 13 07/02/1953 12/02/1953
50584 Wymondham Urban District Council letter confirming the address of Mr L. Bailey of Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/4 13 10/04/1953
50585 Great Yarmouth's Town Clerk's letter to Wymondham Urban District Council thanking them for the loan of a sanitary inspector following the flooding of houses in Great Yarmouth Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/5 13 13/03/1953
50586 Mr Harvey's letter of complaint about the occupiers who are using the dis-ued gravel pit at Station Road, Wymondham and problems with their dog and rubbish Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/6 13 22/02/1953 23/02/1953
50587 Liquor licence transferred from B. Henson to G. Ryder at the London Tavern Public House, Wymondham Licence Wymondham UDC 433/13/7 13 05/02/1953
50588 Letter from Mr Houston, Northern Ireland, to Wymondham Town Clerk, requesting the address of Alfred Dewing Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/8 13 18/03/1953
50589 Wymondham Urban District Council notices concerning various National Conferences on Housing Issues Notice Wymondham UDC 433/13/9 13 30/01/1953 15/06/1953
50590 Wymondham Urban District Council letters from Central Council for Health Education and details of their summer school in August 1953 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/10 13 ??/01/1953 08/04/1953
50591 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Water supply to offices in Middleton Street. Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/8/1 8 18/03/1982 18/05/1983
50592 Wymondham Urban District Council - Plan showing proposed relief culvert in Folly Road. Plan Wymondham T C 409/8/2 8 ??/07/1968
50593 Wymondham Town Council Offices - modification and repair to office heating system. Letter Wymondham T C 409/8/3 8 07/03/1986 03/07/1986
50594 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Pothole repairs to Council yard. Letter Wymondham T C 409/8/4 8 ??/04/1985 29/07/1986
50595 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Minor changes to office layout. Letter Wymondham T C 409/8/5 8 15/04/1988
50596 Wymondham Town Council Offices - repairs to Cupola on out building roof. Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/8/6 8 24/02/1989 17/07/1989
50597 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Proposed fire alarm system to Council Offices Letter Wymondham T C 409/8/7 8 02/06/1989
50598 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Boundary fence to rear of Council offices Letter Wymondham T C 409/8/8 8 04/10/1991
50599 Wymondham Town Council Offices - Break in to offices on 9th March 1983 Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/8/9 8 09/03/1993 28/05/1993
50600 Mortgage by Assignment of Sycamore House, Back Lane, Wymondham Mortgage 564/29 14/6/1834 14/6/1834
50601 Letter to Mr Cann and Messrs Bailey re settlement of a loan. Letter 477/28 3 24/04/1890
50602 Letter from William Cann to Crosier Bailey re: shooting rights. Letter 477/29 3 01/05/1890
50603 Solicitors letter to William Cann and Messrs Bailey re: dispute of Cavick estate rents. Letter 477/30 3 05/05/1890
50604 Letter re: agreement between William Cann and Messrs Bailey. Letter 477/31 3 03/05/1890
50605 Letter re: payment of promissory note between William Cann and Messrs Bailey. Letter 477/32 3 03/05/1890
50606 Letter re: breach of agreemeb=nt between William Cann and Messrs Bailey. Letter 477/33 3 06/05/1890
50607 Letter from William Cann agreeing to abide by agreement. Letter 477/34 3 28/05/1890
50608 Letter re: re payment of promissory note. Letter 477/35 3 05/06/1890
50609 Wymondham Urban District Council miscellaneous letters to local residents regarding collection of an aga oven, moving home etc. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/11 13 17/11/1952 15/07/1953
50610 Institute of Works & Highways notice of a conference at Great Yarmouth sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Notice Wymondham UDC 433/13/12 13 ??/02/1953
50611 Wymondham Urban District Council copies of letters from The Central Office of Information on their anti litter campaign, United Nations Day and Coronation Committee and Overseas visitors Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/13 13 15/01/1953 09/07/1953
50612 Jarrold's store letters to Wymondham Urban District Council requesting contact details for the Parish Council chairman Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/14 13 15/07/1952 20/10/1952
50613 Condolences and an acknowledgement following the death of Mrs Kirk-Bryce Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/15 13 ??/10/1953 06/11/1953
50614 Wymondham Urban District Council contribution to King George VI National Memorial Fund Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/16 13 08/11/1952 08/01/1953
50615 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council with information on local authority loans now available. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/17 13 24/04/1953 20/08/1953
50616 County of Norfolk Joint Scheme for the variation of the Constitution of Local Valuation Panels Notice Wymondham UDC 433/13/20 13 13/12/1953
50617 Letter to Mr Heard, of Wymondham Urban District Council, with a quote for supplying duplicating paper Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/21 13 29/01/1953
50618 Wymondham Urban District Council information received, regarding the lack of provision of a television service in East Anglia Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/22 13 27/01/1953 02/04/1953
50619 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council requesting details of the new address of Mr Lain of Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/23 13 24/12/1953
50620 Wymondham Urban District Council letter requesting that copies of 'The Local Government Chronicle' should be sent to Mr Turner directly. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/18 13 08/07/1953
50621 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding the binding of volumes of local government reports dating 1949 - 1951 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/19 13 20/10/1952 21/10/1953