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50622 Letter to Mr Myhill concerning laying new drains, piped water supply and a water closet to his property Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/24 13 18/06/1953
50623 Mr Marwood's letter with apologies for being unable to attend a Wymondham Town Council meeting Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/25 13 05/05/1953
50624 T. H. Mallett's application for a liquor licence for The Old Oak, Public House, Norwich Road, Wymondham Licence Wymondham UDC 433/13/26 13 03/01/1953 03/02/1953
50625 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of a letter regarding the 'Election of an Executive Council' for the Urban District Councils' Association Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/27 13 26/02/1953
50626 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of the Municipal Mutual Insurance Ltd. financial report Report Wymondham UDC 433/13/28 13 ??/??/1953
50627 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding an offer to provide signage for local beauty spots and monuments Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/29 13 06/11/1953
50628 Municipal Treasurers, Research, Education & Financial publications order forms Form Wymondham UDC 433/13/30 13 ??/10/1952 ??/05/1953
50629 Institute of Municipal Engineers information regarding their annual conference Letter Wymondham UDC 433/13/31 13 01/01/1953
50630 Wymondham Urban District Council copies of the information campaign issued by the Ministry of Health Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/1 14 12/05/1952 28/10/1953
50631 Details of the Ministry of Food 'Fuel efficiency' course sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/2 14 29/06/1953
50632 Ministry of Food letters sent to Wymondham Urban District Council requesting population numbers for Spooner Row, Wymondham, condemned and meat allocation Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/3 14 02/09/1952 01/05/1953
50633 Ministry of Housing and Local Government letters to Wymondham Urban District Council requesting details of their chairman and clerk in connection with the issue of Coronation medals Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/4 14 23/03/1953 01/06/1953
50634 Wymondham Urban District Council copies of letters from the Ministry of Housing regarding a two circulars titled 'Housing - saving softwood' and East Coast Floods Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/5 14 07/05/1953 01/06/1953
50635 Ministry of Transport nominations for the appointment of members of the licensing authority for public service vehicles Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/6 14 09/03/1953 15/09/1953
50636 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ South Norfolk District Council/ Wages/ Insurance (February to March 1991) Account Wymondham T C 409/9/1 9 31/01/1991 02/04/1991
50637 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ South Norfolk District Council/ Church ministers/ Wages/ Insurance (March to April 1991) Account Wymondham T C 409/9/2 9 23/01/1991 07/05/1991
50638 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ Solicitors / Wages (April to May 1991) Account Wymondham T C 409/9/3 9 ??/10/1990 21/05/1991
50639 Conveyance of Sycamore House, Back Lane, Wymondham Conveyance 564/30 01/02/1856
50640 Abstract of Title to Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane, Wymondham Abstract of Title 564/31 13/4/1809 21/08/1873
50641 Cavick estate ordnance survey map references and areas. List 477/36 ??/??/1890
50642 Abstract of Title of the trustees under the will of William Cann. Abstract of Title 477/37 27/06/1862 22/01/1895
50643 Conveyance (copy) of land in Frogs Hall Lane, Wymondham, by Clare S. Read to Crosier Bailey. Conveyance 477/38 ??/??/1894
50644 Inland Revenue Residuary Account re: William Cann. Account 477/39 27/09/1895
50645 Commission and expenses on sale of furniture and agricultural items of William Stannard. Miscellaneous 477/40/1&2 10/10/1884 19/10/1884
50646 Ministry of Education accounts concerning the Old Grammar School Foundation, Wymondham Account Wymondham UDC 433/14/7 14 31/03/1953 15/09/1953
50647 National Cash Register Co. Ltd. letter requesting an appointment with the treasurer of Wymondham Urban District Council to discuss Adding/Accounting machines Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/8 14 18/11/1952
50648 Notice of the 13th Conference of Women Members of Local Authorities in England Notice Wymondham UDC 433/14/9 14 14/06/1953 30/10/1953
50649 Norfolk County Council letters to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding the administrative Pakistan Probationers' visit to Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/10 14 04/10/1952 06/10/1952
50650 Norfolk County Council letters on re-organisation of the Local Valuation Panels Variation Scheme Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/11 14 02/02/1952 09/01/1953
50651 Wymondham Urban District Council copies of Norfolk County Council letters about Council year books, statistics and the fire service Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/12 14 10/09/1952 25/06/1953
50652 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of a National Housing & Town Planning conference 1953 Notice Wymondham UDC 433/14/13 14 28/10/1953
50653 Norfolk Executive Committee, National Health Service letters to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding displaying their posters Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/14 14 27/02/1953 14/07/1953
50654 National Smoke Abatement Society information about their annual conference sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/15 14 ??/11/1952 ??/05/1953
50655 National Society for Cancer Relief letters with information on their annual appeal Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/16 14 12/06/1953
50656 National Hospital Service reserve recruitment campaign in Norfolk information sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/14/18 14 26/01/1953 06/05/1953
50657 Wymondham Urban District Council report from the Norfolk Old People's Welfare Committee Report Wymondham T C 433/14/19 14 31/03/1953
50658 Letter to Wymondham Town clerk requesting a copy of Wymondham Town Guide Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/1 15 19/10/1952
50659 Wymondham Urban District Council copies of letters from the Pit Ponies Protection Service and the International League for the Protection of Horses Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/2 15 ??/02/1952
50660 Miss Pierpoint's letter to Wymondham Urban District Council enquiring about local rooms available for teaching music Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/3 15 16/03/1953
50661 Request for a telephone box to be sited in Rothbury Road, area of Wymondham, Letter Wymondham T C 433/15/4 15 25/08/1952 07/07/1953
50662 Council for the Preservation of Rural England details of its annual conference 1952, sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/5 15 23/10/1952
50663 Institute of Public Cleaning details of their annual conference sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/6 15 ??/01/1953
50664 Association of Public Lighting Engineers programme of their annual conference sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/7 15 ??/04/1953 15/09/1953
50665 Letter from Mr Robey to Wymondham Urban District Council enquiring about staff vacancies Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/8 15 08/06/1953 11/06/1953
50666 Letters from Janet Robey requsting a copy of Dr Brown's 1952 medical report for her school project Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/9 15 11/01/1953 28/01/1953
50667 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents letter with details of their National Safety Congress in 1953, sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/10 15 ??/05/1953
50668 The Incorporated Association of Rating and Valuation Office details of their Annual Conference sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/11 15 25/03/1953
50669 National Road Safety Committee copy of a broadcast report titled 'The Queen's Highway safety plans for the Coronation year', sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/12 15 19/01/1953 11/02/1953
50670 Royal Sanitary Institute letter with details of its Health Congress 1953 sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/13 15 25/10/1952 01/05/1953
50671 Letter to Wymondham Town Clerk with a request to purchase a directory of Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/14 15 ??/09/1952
50672 Wymondham Urban District Council letter to Mr Rudling about a request for a bus service around Melton Road area of Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/15 15 13/10/1952
50673 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of a letter sent to Roneo Ltd., supplier of stationer copying equipment Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/16 15 25/02/1952
50674 Request to Wymondham Urban Dostrict Council for local information on industries in Wymondham for inclusion in the Encyclopedia Britannica Letter 433/15/17 15 14/07/1953 15/07/1953
50675 Letter from C. Spight requesting a list of Wymondham Council members for his school project Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/18 15
50676 Letter from a school in Birmingham, requesting local guides with information on Wymondham Town Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/19 15 09/01/1953
50677 Request from The Surrey Chemical Co. Ltd. for a list of retail chemists in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/20 15 15/01/1953 21/01/1953
50678 Letter from Mr Grimes, a builder, requesting an address for a family named 'Bailey', of Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/21 15 08/04/1953 10/04/1953
50679 Letters concerning the American visit to Wymondham under the 'Study Abroad' Inc. by Temple University, Philadelphia Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/22 15 29/06/1953 29/07/1953
50680 'The Sanitary Inspection Association' letter to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding their annual conference Letter Wymondham UDC 433/15/23 15 ??/02/1953
50681 Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association letter to Wymondham Urban District Council requesting a nominated member of the council to serve as a member of their organisation Letter 433/16/1 16 17/07/1953 12/08/1953
50682 Thurrock Public Library request for 2 copies of Wymondham local guide and street plans Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/2 16 09/06/1953
50683 Details of a National Conference on 'Financial Problems of Planning Country Towns' sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/3 16 27/02/1953 20/11/1953
50684 Town & County Planning notice of a 16 day study tour of Southern France, sent ot Wymondham Urban District Council Notice Wymondham UDC 433/16/4 16 20/09/1953
50685 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of a notice advising the words 'Queen Mary' should be omitted from the Common Prayer Book Notice Wymondham UDC 433/16/5 16 21/05/1953
50686 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of vararious information documents sent by the Urban District Council Association Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/6 16 ??/12/1951 08/07/1953
50687 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of the Provident Institution report and accounts Booklet Wymondham UDC 433/16/7 16 04/03/1953
50688 Wymondham Urban District Council copy of the United Nations booklet with U.N. news Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/8 16
50689 Transfer of Liquor licence from F. Wright of the Griffin Public House to J. Cubitt Licence Wymondham UDC 433/16/9 16 05/02/1952 18/11/1952
50690 Announcement of the death of Mr J. R. Wharton Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/10 16 06/12/1952
50691 Wymondham Free Church Federal Council request to be able to display a poster announcing a Youth Rally at Fairland Hall, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/11 16 02/10/1952
50692 Letter from local school children with requests for information for their social studies and committees Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/12 16
50693 Wymondham Urban District Council notices and statements of accounts regarding the local coronation celebrations of Queen Elizabeth 2nd. Notice Wymondham UDC 433/16/13 16 31/05/1953
50694 Letter to T. Turner regarding the registration of catering businesses from Wayland District Council Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/14 16 24/02/1953
50695 Invitation to the Town Clerk to attend the final of 'Wymondham Charity Cup' at the King's Meadow, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/15 16 20/04/1953
50696 Report on the business discussed at the National Conference of Urban District Councils at Hastings Report Wymondham UDC 433/16/16 16 ??/??/1953
50697 Mr R. Youngman's letter with apologies for being unable to attend council meetings (Wymondham Town Council) Letter Wymondham UDC 433/16/17 16 23/01/1953
50698 Mrs Clarke : Statement & Account as to Investments : 24th September 1891 Account Book Pomeroy 421/9 01/01/1874 24/09/1891
50699 Extract from the will of William Robert Cann. Will 477/41 06/12/1861 09/01/1868
50700 Will (copy) of Miss Florence Rosa Cann. Will 477/42 24/03/1910
50701 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ utilities/ Norfolk County Council/ Grant to Heritage Society/ South Norfolk District Council (May to June 1991) Account Wymondham T C 409/9/4 9 23/04/1991 07/06/1991
50702 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ utilities/ Inland Revenue / South Norfolk District Council/ Heritage Society Grant/ Public Works Loan Board (June to July 1991) Account Wymondham T C 409/9/5 9 07/05/1991 31/07/1991
50703 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ utilities/ Inland Revenue/ South Norfolk District Council/ Heritage Society Grant/ Bank of England (July to August 1991) Account Wymondham T C 409/9/6 9 18/07/1991 08/08/1991
50704 Abstract of Title of Thomas Cann. Abstract of Title 477/43 05/12/1750 09/08/1810
50705 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ utilities/ Inland Revenue/ Solicitors/ Insurance/ Wages (July to August 1991). Account Wymondham T C 409/10/1 10 01/07/1991 06/09/1991
50706 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ utilities/ Inland Revenue/ Insurance/ Wages (August to September 1991) Account Wymondham T C 409/10/2 10 12/08/1991 01/10/1991
50707 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ utilities/ Inland Revenue/ South Norfolk District Council/ Wages (September to October 1991) Account Wymondham T C 409/10/3 10 06/09/1991 05/11/1991
50708 Will of Susanna Cann, widow of Wymondham. Will 477/44 21/11/1799
50709 Cromwell Manor Wymondham. Satisfaction of executors of J. S. Cann to William Lain. Satisfaction 477/45 03/12/1833
50710 Grishaugh Manor Wymondham. Admission of Rev. John Stephenson Cann. Admission / Surrender 477/46 29/07/1814
50711 Affidavit (draft) re: lunacy of Florence Rosa Cann. Affidavit 477/47
50712 Order re: lunacy of Florence Rosa Cann. Order 477/48 15/01/1914
50713 Inventory and Valuation of furniture and effects at the Lodge, Wramplingham of William Cann. Inventory 477/49 13/09/1894
50714 Compensation agreement between trustees of Great Hospital, Norwich and John Bartle Pomeroy re: lands formerley of Choselies Manor, Wymondham. Agreement 477/50 28/05/1935
50715 Particulars of Sale and Contract of premises in Market Place, Wymondham. Sale Particulars 477/51 25/06/1897
50716 Cann Pedigree. Pedigree 477/52 ??/??/1817 ??/??/1832
50717 Sale Particulars of two properties in Market Place and Fairland Street, Wymondham. Sale Particulars 477/53 04/10/1935
50718 Transfer of a Mortgage (draft) by Julia de Roubigne Clarke and William Robert Clarke to Henry Overman and Elijah Crosier Bailey. Mortgage 477/54 12/06/1874
50719 Agreement between William Robert Cann and William Green re: the Crown public house, Attleborough. Agreement 477/55 13/10/1828
50720 Inventory of household furniture and effects Florence Cann and Emily Cann. Inventory 477/56 26//0219
50721 Sale Catalogue of household furniture of Miss M. E Cann. Sale Particulars 477/57 15/10/1935