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50722 Wymondham Urban District Council committee reports including lighting, highways, rating and valuation, housing, public health from 1943 to 1973 Report Wymondham UDC 434/1 1 20/07/1943 05/10/1973
50723 Auction particulars of furniture etc. of Mrs Cann. Sale Particulars 477/58 10/08/1852
50724 Cromwells Manor Wymondham. Memorandum re: Admission of William Lain. Admission / Surrender 477/59 01/04/1867
50725 Transfer of enclosure allotments by Ann Spruce to Samuel Cann. Transfer 477/60 21/12/1807
50726 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Fine on the Admission of Mr Marjoram by the will of Mary Spanton. Admission / Surrender 477/61 20/05/1784
50727 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Fine on the Admission o Mrs Cann by the will of Mary Spanton. Admission / Surrender 477/62 30/04/1825
50728 Grisaugh Manor Wymondham and Cromwells Manor Wymondham. Fines on the Admission of Henrietta Maria Cann under the will of Mary Spanton. Admission / Surrender 477/63 12/04/1821
50729 False Pretence Charge against George Stannard Cann. Newspaper 477/64&65 16/05/1903 18/05/1903
50730 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ Utilities/ Insurance/ Inland Revenue/ Wages/ Donations (October to November 1991). Account Wymondham T C 409/10/4 10 11/09/1991 02/12/1991
50731 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ County & District Councils/ Post Office/ Rugby Club/ Wages (November to December 1991). Account Wymondham T C 409/10/5 10 ??/01/1989 07/01/1992
50732 Conveyance of Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane, Wymondham Conveyance 564/32 30/10/1874
50733 Conveyance of Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane, Wymondham Conveyance 564/33 23/03/1877
50734 Supplemental Abstract of Title of Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane, Wymondham Abstract of Title 564/34 30/10/1874 11/10/1889
50735 Conveyance of Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane, Wymondham Conveyance 564/35 11/10/1899
50736 Conveyance (copy of draft) of an inclosure of land at Spooner Row, Wymondham, by Emilly Jane Cann to James Caston. Conveyance 377/66 ??/??/1873
50737 Marriage Settlement of Samuel Cann with Henrietta Maria Margerum. Marriage Settlement 477/67 18/08/1814
50738 Receipt for purchase payment from Samuel Cann re: allotment land at Wymondham. Receipt 477/68 16/03/1808
50739 Receipt for purchase payment from Samuel Cann re: allotment land at Wymondham. Receipt 477/69 06/04/1808
50740 Lease of land in Wymondham William Beauchamp Proctor and Hambleton Thomas Custance to Samuel Cann. Lease 477/70 17/02/1812
50741 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ County & District Councils/ Solicitors/ Bank of England/ Wages (December 1991 to January 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/11/1 11 15/10/1991 04/02/1992
50742 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ Inland Revenue/ Newspaper advertisement/ Wages (January to February 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/11/2 11 07/01/1992 03/03/1992
50743 Will (copy) of William Robert Cann. Will 477/71 06/12/1861 09/01/1868
50744 Miscellaneous receipts of Miss M. E Cann. Bill 477/72 ??/??/1926
50745 Miscellaneous receipted bills of Miss M. E Cann. Bill 477/73 ??/??/1915
50746 Miscellaneous receipted bills of Miss M. E Cann. Bill 477/74 ??/??/1916
50747 Miscellaneous receipted bills of Miss M. E Cann. Bill 477/75 ??/??/1923
50748 Land Tax 1822. Market Street, Towngreen, Downham, Suton, Silfield, Wattlefield Divisions Tax 443/02 ??/??/1822
50749 Mortgage of Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane, Wymondham Mortgage 564/36 12/10/1889
50750 Mortgage of Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane, Wymondham Mortgage 564/37 01/01/1894 06/01/1894
50751 Payment of cemetary plot and funeral fees re: Miss Chettle. Bill 477/76 19/09/1906
50752 Receipts for donation to Wymondham Church Restoration Fund. Receipt 477/77 28/10/1901 27/05/1907
50753 Appointment of trustees of the will of Emily Jane Cann. Appointment 477/78 01/11/1932
50754 Settlement of stocks by Mary Emily Cann to Emily Jane Cann and Florence Rosa Cann. Settlement 477/79 28/11/1900
50755 Order re: Florence Rosa Cann deceased. Order 477/80 05/02/1936
50756 Wymondham Urban District Council surveyors' reports to the Housing Committee from 1963 to 1968 Report Wymondham UDC 434/2 2 23/01/1963 26/11/1968
50757 Mrs J. de R. B. Clarke : Inland Revenue Corrective Affidavit (draft) with 13 attached documents. Affidavit Pomeroy 421/10/1 10 11/02/1894 25/11/1896
50758 Mrs J. de R. B. Clarke : Inland Revenue Form of Residuary Account and Supporting Pages. Account Pomeroy 421/10/2 10 11/02/1894 13/11/1896
50759 Abstract of Title of William Herring to hereditaments in Wymondham. Abstract of Title 477/81 06/04/1816 30/10/1824
50760 Lease of premises in Town Green Street, Wymondham, by Thomas Cann to William Herring. Lease 477/82 08/10/1824
50761 Conveyance of a messuage in Wymondham by Thomas Cann to William Herring. Conveyance 477/83 09/10/1824
50762 Conveyance of a messuage in Wymondham by William Herring to John Herring. Conveyance 477/84 15/05/1830
50763 Vouchers of Miss Florence Rosa Cann. Miscellaneous 477/85 01/05/1916 30/04/1918
50764 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers (February 1992 to March 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/11/3 11 16/01/1992 23/03/1992
50765 Mrs J. de R. B. Clarke decd : Mrs E. J. Cann's Trust Fund. £10,000 Scinde Punjaub & Delhi Railway "B"Annuity. Trust Pomeroy 421/11 11 17/09/1895 21/03/1910
50766 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ County & District Councils/ Association of Local Councils/ Audit Commission/ Grants/ Insurance/ Wages (February 1992 to April 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/12/1 12 31/12/1991 07/04/1992
50767 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ District Council/ Regional Employers Organisation/ Grant/ Church Ministers/ Wages (March 1992 to April 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/12/2 12 12/01/1992 05/05/1992
50768 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ Fire Protection / Tourist Board/ Grant/ Wages (April 1992 to May 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/12/3 12 07/04/1992 26/05/1992
50769 Mrs Julia de R.B.Clarke decd. : Investment of £30,000 to be held in Trust for Mrs E. J. Cann, Mrs J. F. Utten Browne, & Mrs J. L. Haughton. Trust Pomeroy 421/12/1 12 22/02/1895 23/05/1928
50770 Mrs Julia de R.B.Clarke decd. : Appointment of John White the younger & John Bartle Pomeroy as additional Trustees of Mrs Clarke's Will. Indenture Pomeroy 421/12/2 12 09/01/1896 22/04/1914
50771 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Court Rental. Book 480/1 14/10/1690 10/10/1670
50772 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Utilities/ Inland Revenue/ Norfolk County Services/ Donations/ Tourist Board/ Wages (May 1992 to June 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/12/4 12 03/06/1992 07/07/1992
50773 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Utilities/ Bank of England/ District Council (June 1992 to July 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/12/5 12 03/06/1992 06/08/1992
50774 Mrs Emily Jane Cann & Others to Mrs Gertrude C.L.White & Others, Release & Covenant for Indemnity re: the Estate of Mrs Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke decd. Release Pomeroy 421/12/3 12 02/11/1875 20/12/1902
50775 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Quit rents due Michaelmas 1841. Rental 480/2 29/09/1841
50776 Isabel Eva Clarke : Estate Duty due on her death. Tax assessment form Pomeroy 421/13/1 13 13/03/1902 13/08/1903
50777 Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke : Inland Revenue Form of Residuary Account Tax assessment form Pomeroy 421/13/2 13 19/11/1903 10/12/1903
50778 Clarke, Julia de Roubigne Beevor : Inland Revenue Corrective Affidavit. Tax assessment form Pomeroy 421/13/3 13 19/11/1903 30/11/1903
50779 John White and E.B. Pomeroy : Bank Account book with Messrs Gurneys, Birkbecks, Barclay & Buxton Account Book Pomeroy 421/14/1-2 14 27/04/1894 24/10/1902
50780 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland revenue/ Utilities/ Grant/ Insurance/ Wages (July 1992 to August 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/13/1 13 31/01/1992 01/09/1992
50781 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland Revenue/ Utilities/ Grant/ District Council/ Norfolk County Services/ Insurance/ Wages (August 1992 to September 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/13/2 13 21/04/1992 06/10/1992
50782 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland Revenue/ Utilities/ Tourist Board/ Chamber of Trade/ District Council/ Norfolk County Services/ Wages (September 1992 to October 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/13/3 13 28/07/1992 03/11/1992
50783 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland Revenue/ Utilities/ Audit Commission/ Grant/ Wages (October 1992 to November1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/13/4 13 28/07/1992 01/12/1992
50784 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland Revenue/ Old Grammar School Foundation/ Post Office/ District Council/ Wages (November 1992 to December 1992). Account Wymondham T C 409/13/5 13 17/10/1992 05/01/1993
50785 Abridgement of Court Book of manor of the Queen Wymondham 1769. Miscellaneous 480/3 29/09/1769
50786 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. List of letters sent to copyhold tenants. List 480/4 ??/05/1860
50787 Manor of the Queen, Wymondham. Transcript of tenants in 1769. List 480/5/1&2 ??/??/1769
50788 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Topography 1769 List 480/6 ??/??/1769
50789 Braken, Wramplingham and Wymondham Court Roll Manor Court Roll 480/7 ??/05/1535
50790 Cautley - Captain & Mrs and John White & Others : Release Release Pomeroy 421/13/4 13 01/03/1915 31/03/1915
50791 Abstract of Title - Sycamore House, 7 Back Lane, Wymondham Abstract of Title 564/38 11/10/1889 24/07/1929
50792 Death Certificate - Robert James Plunkett Certificate 564/39 ?/?/1893 19/06/1952
50793 Mrs E.J.Cann : Form of Discharge re: funds for life received from Mrs Julia de R.B. Clarke decd. Discharge Pomeroy 421/13/5 13 19/12/1909 14/01/1910
50794 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Sale Particulars of 5 parcels of land. Sale Particulars 480/8/1-3 1 08/08/1863
50795 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Plan of inclosure allotments. Plan 480/9 1 ??/??/1810
50796 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Plan of inclosure allotments. Plan 480/10 1
50797 Lease (draft) of Manor of the Queen Wymondham lands. Lease 480/11 1 30/12/1836
50798 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Plan of Little Abbey Field. Plan 480/12 1
50799 Letter re: Little Abbey Field, Wymondham. Letter 480/13 1 16/03/1863
50800 Estate of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke deceased : Administrators' Accounts : Breakdown of Investment of £30,000. Note Pomeroy 421/8/2 8
50801 Mrs. Clarke : Register of Investments Book Pomeroy 421/15 21/03/1817 23/10/1891
50802 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland revenue/ Utilities/ District Council/ Public Works Loan/ Grant/ Association of Local Councils/ Resources/ Solicitor/ Wages (December 1992 to January 1993). Account Wymondham T C 409/14/1 14 02/12/1992 02/02/1993
50803 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland revenue/ District Council/ Royal Society Prevention of Accidents/ Heating Oil Supplies/ Wages (January 1993 to February 1993). Account Wymondham T C 409/14/2 14 18/11/1992 02/03/1993
50804 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland revenue/ Utilities/ National Association of Local Councils/ Rent/ Insurance/ Staffordshire County Council/ Wages/ Halifax Building Society (February 1993 to March 1993). Account Wymondham T C 409/14/3 14 22/01/1993 08/04/1993
50805 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland revenue/ District Council/ Utilities/ Fire Inspection/ Heritage Society/ Norfolk Playing Fields/ Norfolk Rural Community/ Ministers/ Wages (March 1993 to April 1993). Account Wymondham T C 409/14/4 14 17/02/1993 04/05/1993
50806 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland revenue/ Citizens Advice Bureau/ District Council/ Grant/ Wages (April 1993 to May 1993). Account Wymondham T C 409/14/5 14 19/02/1993 25/05/1993
50807 Poster - Wyumondham Parish Council Re Cultivatioon of Cottage Gardens and Allotments. Poster 564/40 21/02/1917 21/02/1917
50808 Collection of invoices to George Sewell, Boot & Shoe dealer Invoice 564/41 13/10/1896 15/11/1898
50809 Catalogue of wheels etc for William Wymer, Wheelwright Catalogue 564/42 ??/??/1906 ??/??/1908
50810 Sales Particulars - 3 cottages at East Carleton Sale Particulars 564/43 11/09/1901 11/09/1901
50811 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Accounts of Peter Stoughton with Sir Charles Gould. Account 480/10/1-12 ??/??/1778 ??/??/1788
50812 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Warrant of acknowledgement of a conditional surrender. Acknowledgement 480/11 02/01/1686
50813 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Admission of Antony and Sara Gooch on surrender of William Le Neve. 480/12 15/05/1699
50814 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Two miscellaneous documents. Manor Court 480/13/1&2
50815 Photocopies of Land Tax payable 1767, Market Street Division. Tax 443/03/01 1 16/05/1767
50816 King Edward 7th (Norfolk & Norwich) Memorial Fund --- Envelope of papers Envelope 564/44 18/08/1910
50817 Draft Abstract of Title to dwellinghouse in Church Street, Wymondham (Poss, No 17) Abstract of Title 564/45 16/02/1876 23/09/1916
50818 Wymondham Urban District Council committee reports from April 1948 to December 1961 Report Wymondham UDC 434/3 3 20/04/1948 19/12/1961
50819 Valuation of the Wymondham brewery of Messrs Cann & Clarke. Valuation 474/1 31/07/1871
50820 Sale Particulars of Public Houses, farms and houses in East Dreham, Hackford, Hingham, Wymondham, Wreningham and Attleborough. Sale Particulars 474/2 21/08/1880
50821 Transfer of a mortgage (draft copy) of an estate at Wymondham by executors of Edward P. Clarke to Henry Overman and Elijah C. Bailey. Mortgage 474/3 12/06/1874