Document Query

ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
49322 Draft copy re Sale of Edward Plowman property Property 428/68 7 11/06/1887
49323 Sale of Clapgate Farm, Wymondham, Norfolk Sale Particulars 428/69 7 11/06/1886
49324 Sale of produce from The Plowman Family Property Miscellaneous 428/70 7 06/07/1886
49325 Draft copy of Abstract of Title of the Trustees of Will of the late Edward Plowman Abstract of Title 428/71 7 11/11/1850 ??/??/1886
49326 T. C. Watson's account day book showing goods delivered and cash received in 1809 Account Book Pomeroy 336/3/1 3 01/01/1809 30/12/1809
49327 Vincent Jermyn - Handwritten notes confirming admittance as tenant of land in Norwich Road/ background history of land/ purchase of land by Mr C R Ayton (Deceased) in 1928. Note Pomeroy 392/30/8 30 09/02/1877 05/05/1944
49328 Manor of Wymondham - note requesting cheque for fee payable on admission of Mr George Ayton - 1884 Note Pomeroy 392/31/1 31 23/08/1884
49329 Trustees of Loyal Travellers Rest Lodge - account and receipt of payment relating to legal cost for house purchase by Mr C R Ayton - 1895 Account Pomeroy 392/31/2 31 ??/04/1895 11/10/1895
49330 Office Copy of an Affidavit of Mr Thomas Hart Standley Affidavit 428/72 7 06/08/1886
49331 Sale of Edward Plowman (deceased) property. Plowman v Plowman Sale Particulars 428/73 7 13/08/1887 27/08/1887
49332 Copy of Direction re Edward Plowman (Deceased) Direction 428/74 7 20/11/1886
49333 Writ of Summons re Plowman v Plowman Writ 428/75 7 20/12/1886 21/12/1886
49334 Notice providing instructions to Creditors as to proof of debt under the Bankruptcy Acts 1914 and 1926 Notice Pomeroy 392/31/3 31 ??/??/1914 ??/??/1926
49335 Completion statement showing purchase price/ interest and tax deducted for three clients - Ayton/ Kerridge/ Ronn Statement Pomeroy 392/31/4 31 11/10/1921 10/05/1922
49336 Ayton - letter to Pomeroy and Son regarding conveyance of property ( Purchase of Tithe Barn). Accounts for undertaking legal work. Letter Pomeroy 392/31/7 31 05/09/1921 21/07/1922
49337 Hand drawn sketch plan indicating dimensions of property in Wymondham, Norfolk - exact location unknown. Plan Pomeroy 392/31/5 31 ??/??/????
49338 Mr Charles Robert Ayton and Mr Cyril Robert Ayton - confirmation from Inland Revenue of application for deed of partnership Letter Pomeroy 392/31/6 31 09/01/1920 14/01/1920
49339 Probate of the will of Thomas Watts of Wymondham. Will 522/1 27/05/1755 31/07/1755
49340 Copy of State for Council re Edward Plowman (deceased) Miscellaneous 428/76 7 29/05/1878 09/12/1880
49341 Affidavit of Sarah Rudling. Ann Plowman and associates (Plaintiffs) and John Plowman and William Kirk (Defendants). Affidavit 428/77 7 30/12/1886 01/01/1887
49342 Copy of Consent Plowman v Plowman Miscellaneous 428/78 8 29/06/1887
49343 Affidavit of Edward Boyce Pomeroy. Plowman v Plowman Affidavit 428/79 8 ??/07/1887
49344 Sale of The Plowman Family property. Property 428/80 8 27/08/1887
49345 Copy of Notice of Motion for appointment of a Receiver. Plowman v Plowman Notice 428/81 8 11/01/1887
49346 Copy of Summons re Plowman v Plowman Summons 428/82 8 14/09/1888
49347 Copy of Summons re Plowman v Plowman Summons 428/83 8 09/02/1889 02/03/1889
49348 Copy of Affidavit re Plowman v Plowman Affidavit 428/84 8 28/06/1888
49349 Copy of Affidavit 0f Thomas William Gaze. Plowman v Plowman Affidavit 428/85 8 19/03/1888
49350 T. C. Watson's account book for 1810 Account Book Pomeroy 336/3/2 3 02/01/1810 24/01/1811
49351 Copy of Affidavit by Arthur Glasspoole. Plowman v Plowman Affidavit 428/86 8 19/03/1888
49352 Copy of Affidavit of George William Girling Barnard. Plowman v Plowman Affidavit 428/87 8 04/02/1887
49353 Copy of Affidavit of Thomas Hart Standley. Plowman v Plowman Affidavit 428/88 8 04/08/1887
49354 T. C. Watson's account book for 1811 Account Book Pomeroy 336/3/3 3 07/01/1811 31/12/1811
49355 Extract of the will of Thomas Watts. Will 522/2 27/05/1755
49356 Draft Consent of Fanny Elizabeth Mays re Plowman v Plowman Miscellaneous 428/89 8 27/04/1887
49357 Draft Copy of Deed of Appointment and Draft Copy of Absolute Surrender re Mr John Plowman and others to The Right Honorable Earl of Kimberley Deed of Appointment 428/90 8 11/11/1850 28/02/1887
49358 Release of premises in Middleton Street, Wymondham by Anthony Bunn to John Kett. Release 522/3 06/05/1718
49359 Lease of premises in Middleton Street, Wymondham by Anthony Bunn to John Kett. Lease 522/4 05/05/1718
49360 Draft Copy re Plowman v Plowman Miscellaneous 428/91 8 13/06/1888
49361 Agreement between Anthony Bunn and John Kett re: payment for conveyance of premises in Wymondham. Agreement 522/5 30/04/1718 29/12/1718
49362 Choselies Manor Wymondham. Admission of Francis and Elizabeth Lawes. Admission / Surrender 522/6 11/11/1652
49363 Choselies Manor Wymondham. Admission of John Dawes. Admission / Surrender 522/7 25/03/1663
49364 Choselies Manor Wymondham. Admission of Anthony Bunn. Admission / Surrender 522/8 31/05/1678
49365 Choselies Manor Wymondham. Surrender of Anthony Bunn to John Kett. Admission / Surrender 522/9 06/05/1718
49366 Choselies Manor Wymondham. Surrender of Anthony Bunn to John Kett. Admission / Surrender 522/10 11/05/1718
49367 Will (copy) of Thomas Watts of Wymondham. Will 522/11 27/05/1755 31/07/1755
49368 Release of properties in Damgate Street, Wymondham by Roger Rose to Robert Harvey. Release 522/12 28/07/1741
49369 Lease of properties in Damgate Street, Wymondham by Roger Rose to Robert Harvey. Lease 522/13 27/07/1741
49370 Release of properties in Damgate Street, Wymondham, by Robert Harvey to Thomas Watts. Release 522/14 26/09/1752
49371 Lease of properties in Damgate Street, Wymondham, by Robert Harvey to Thomas Watts. Lease 522/15 25/09/1752
49372 Obligation of Roger Rose to Robert Harvey re: a payment. Bond 522/16 09/07/1752
49373 Fire Insurance Receipts from Sun Insurance and Norwich Union with named insured as Mr E Cross and Mrs S A Cross respectively. Receipt Pomeroy 392/31/8 31 22/12/1931 23/12/1936
49374 Handwritten draft letters regarding Tithe redemption annuity ( Nos. 776/1074/1066/1073/1076/381/1059 & 1018) and land purchase on Melton Road. Letter Pomeroy 392/31/9 31 03/08/1937 01/09/1937
49375 Draft Conveyance document for Nos. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 The Limes, Norwich Road, Wymondham, Norfolk and "Tithe Barn". Conveyance Pomeroy 392/31/10 31 29/03/1888 04/09/1931
49376 Memorandum confirming conveyance between Daniel William Robert Thorpe and Ellen Mary Beales and Kate Jane Elizabeth Thorpe. Memorandum Pomeroy 392/32/1 32 31/08/1934
49377 Probate form number C261972 for Norwich District Probate Registry for the estate of G.A.Stubbs (deceased) Form Pomeroy 392/32/2 32 10/07/1937
49378 Obligation of Robert Harvey to Thomas watts re: covenants. Bond 522/17 26/09/1752
49379 Release and Conveyance of house in Middleton Street, Wymondham by John and Susanna Fenn to John and Mary Wells. Release 522/18 21/06/1754
49380 Lease of house in Middleton Street, Wymondham by John and Susanna Fenn to John and Mary Wells. Lease 522/19
49381 Obligation of John Fenn and John Wells to Thomas Watts re: covenant. Bond 522/20 21/06/1754
49382 Choselies Manor Wymondham. Admission of Thomas John and Mary Watts. Admission / Surrender 522/21 29/06/1772
49383 Bargain and Sale of premises in Market Street, Wymondham, by Jehosaphat Postle to Thomas Watts. Bargain and Sale 522/22 12/05/1781
49384 T. C. Watson's 'Day book' for 1812, showing bricks supplied and cash received Account Book Pomeroy 336/4/1 4 03/01/1812 31/12/1812
49385 Recovery of premises in Wymondham by John Brown from Robert Gimingham. Recovery 522/23 21/05/1786
49386 Release by Thomas Watts to Robert Gimingham of premises in Damgate Street, Wymondham. Release 522/24 20/04/1787
49387 Lease by Thomas Watts to Robert Gimingham of premises in Damgate Street, Wymondham. Lease 522/25 19/04/1787
49388 Two documents relating to land in Wymondham and Besthorpe, Norfolk. Belonging to the late Mr Edward Plowman Miscellaneous 428/92 9 06/02/1858 25/06/1858
49389 Copy of Plan re conveyance from G. B. L. Knight to Edward Plowman Plan 428/93 9 06/04/1858
49390 Draft conveyance G. B. L. Knight to Mr Edward Palmer Conveyance 428/94 9 16/01/1845 06/02/1858
49391 Draft Mortgage re Edward Plowman to Clarke Stoughton. Mortgage 428/95 9 06/02/1858
49392 Sale of land in Wymondham, Deopham, Besthorpe and Morley, Norfolk Sale Particulars 428/96 9 04/07/1857
49393 Abstract of Title re George Browne Leak Knight to an Estate at Wymondham and Besthorpe, Norfolk Abstract of Title 428/97 9 13/12/1659 ??/??/1857
49394 Bundle of papers re The Plowman Family Property Miscellaneous 428/98 05/04/1884
49395 T. C. Watson's (Junior) account book for 1813, listing people supplied with bricks and cash received Account Book Pomeroy 336/4/2 4 04/01/1813 14/01/1814
49396 Choselies Manor Wymondham. Abstract of Title of Thomas Watts. Abstract of Title 522/26 10/01/1755 29/05/1807
49397 Will (copy) of Thomas Watts. Will 522/27 11/06/1801
49398 Note re: family of Thomas Watts Carter. Note 522/28 ??/09/1824 ??/??/1827
49399 Assignment of a share of money from sale of an estate by Samuel Carter to John Watts. Assignment 522/29 01/11/1834
49400 Agreement between John Watts and Richard Francis. Agreement 522/30 07/06/1837
49401 Extract of the will of Richard Francis watchmaker of Wymondham. Will 522/31 06/02/1847
49402 Wymondham Town Council meeting agendas for 1978 Agenda 431/01 03/01/1978 15/12/1978
49403 Account book dated 1821, for T. C. Watson, listing people supplied with bricks Account Book Pomeroy 336/4/3 4 01/01/1821 31/12/1821
49404 List of four names on sketch plan and note showing one name. Location unknown. List Pomeroy 392/32/3 32 01/03/1928
49405 Letter from Pearl Life Assurance Co Ltd and Henry J Gidney to Pomeroy regarding Mrs Alpe's mortgage and Life assurance premiums. Letter Pomeroy 392/32/4 32 12/05/1910 02/06/1910
49406 Choselies Manor Wymondham. Abstract of Title to hereditaments. Abstract of Title 522/32 10/01/1755 12/07/1841
49407 Declaration of James Cooper re: family of Thomas Watts. Declaration 522/33 13/09/1860
49408 Residuary tax account re: John Watts bricklayer of Wymondham. Account 522/34 06/06/1844 15/05/1847
49409 Sale Particulars of property in Bridewell Street and Wattlefield Wymondham. Sale Particulars 522/35 21/10/1842
49410 Sale Particulars of properties in Wymondham. Sale Particulars 522/36 19/09/1834
49411 Sale Particulars and Purchase Agreement of properties in Wymondham. Sale Particulars 522/37 09/02/1844 19/03/1844
49412 Receipt of Hannah Watts of a legacy payment. Receipt 522/38 26/02/1842 09/01/1844
49413 Grant of Administration to William Critten re: Elizabeth Carter. Administration 522/39 01/11/1834
49414 Notes re: Thomas Watts Carter and Elizabeth Carter. Note 522/40 24/09/1824 23/05/1827
49415 Grant of Administration to Samuel Carter re: Thomas Watts Carter. Administration 522/41 25/10/1834
49416 Receipt of legacy by William Critten. Receipt 522/42 01/11/1834
49417 Receipt of George Critten for legacy. Receipt 522/43 01/11/1834
49418 Affidavit of Samuel Carter re: his son Thomas Watts Carter. Affidavit 522/44 01/11/1834
49419 Details of marriage of Thomas Watts Carter, Miscellaneous 522/45 25/12/1813
49420 Assignment of portion of rents etc, by John Watts to Edward Palmer Clarke. Assignment 522/46 21/02/1834
49421 Agreement between John Watts and Edward Palmer Clarke re: a payment. Agreement 522/47 01/11/1834