Document Query

ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
49622 Conveyance of the Wymondham Parks by Sir Philip Knyvett to Sir Henry Hobart. Conveyance 526/57 01/07/1614
49623 Inquisition Post Mortem re: Robert de Tatteshall. Inquisition post mortem 526/58 ??/??/1297
49624 Verdict re: Great Park, Wymondham, tithes. Case 526/59 28/11/1613
49625 Verdict re: Little Park, Wymondham, tithes. Case 526/60 ??/??/1596 12/02/1611
49626 Lists of expenses and income for The Wymondham Urban District Council. Account 431/09 ??/??/1976 ??/??/1980
49627 Wymondham Urban District Council Annual reports from the Medical Health Officer and Public Health Inspector's Annual reports. Report 431/10 ??/??/1969 ??/??/1970
49628 Power and Constitution of Local Councils (Parish and Town) Miscellaneous 431/11 ??/??/1976
49629 Wymondham Urban District Council, Meeting of Burial Commitee, Agenda 431/12 15/10/1974
49630 Mrs Clarke's Rental Book No 2, from 1891 - 1893 Rent Book Pomeroy 420/1/1 1 11/10/1891 11/10/1893
49631 Letter giving a summary of the life of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke Letter 420/2/1 2 07/07/1991
49632 Account of the life of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke Family Tree 420/2/2 2 16/12/1806 11/02/1894
49633 'A Fier devised of the Divell' the Great Fire of Wymondham 1615 by John Wilson. Book Book 498/1 11/06/1615 24/04/1616
49634 Copy of the probate of the will of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke Probate Pomeroy 420/2/3 2 03/12/1894
49635 Copy of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke's will Will Pomeroy 420/2/4 2 02/10/1872
49636 Bills for various building works carried out at property in Wymondham, for Mrs E. P. Clarke by E. Woodbine Bill Pomeroy 430/3/1 3 31/01/1877 23/07/1877
49637 John Barker's account with Mrs E. P. Clarke Account Pomeroy 420/3/2 3 13/01/1880 14/02/1881
49638 Wymondham Heritage Museum Association - Minutes of the committee meetings held during 1984. Minutes 406/3/3 3 07/01/1984 22/01/1985
49639 Wymondham Heritage Museum Association - Minutes of the committee meetings held during 1985. Minutes 406/3/4 3 11/12/1984 21/11/1985
49640 The Great Fire of Wymondham. Miscellaneous 498/2 11/06/1615
49641 The Booke of Losses by the fire, 11th June 1615. List 498/3 11/06/1615
49642 Manor of the Queen, Wymondham. Copyhold tenements destroyed by the fire of 1615. Miscellaneous 498/4/1&2 11/06/1615 18/09/1615
49643 The Araignement of John Flodder and his wife. Miscellaneous 498/5/1&2 11/06/1615
49644 Account of Brief for Wymondham Fire 1615. Account 498/6 11/06/1615 24/08/1621
49645 Wymondham at the time of the fire of 1615. Extracts from the Town Book 1583-1622. Miscellaneous 498/7 ??/??/1583 11/12/1966
49646 Timber-framed houses in Wymondham 1580-1620 by John Wilson. Miscellaneous 498/8 ??/??/1580 ??/??/1620
49647 The Town that almost burned to the ground. Newspaper 498/9 11/06/1615 11/06/2008
49648 Purchase of land by John Verdon from executors of Robert Dey. Bargain and Sale 498/10 28/02/1683
49649 Wymondham Inclosure Notice to Town Trustees. Notice 498/11 1 15/06/1810
49650 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Extract of Court Books. Court Record 498/12 1 28/09/1835 26/10/1773
49651 P. Bowgen's bills to Mrs E, P. Clarke for work carried out at her properties Bill Pomeroy 420/3/3 3 01/01/1880 24/12/1880
49652 E. L. Semmence's bill to Mrs J. Clarke for work carried out at Mr Boyce's farm Bill Pomeroy 420/3/4 3 15/09/1887 ??/10/1888
49653 Specification for work to be carried out at Mr Barker's farm at Downham, Wymondham Specification Pomeroy 420/3/5 3 12/07/1873
49654 Transfer of property. Miscellaneous 498/13 1 16/04/1777 01/05/1781
49655 Lease of land at Wymondham by Town Land Trustees to Murrell Wright. Lease 498/14 1 03/01/1840
49656 Lease of land at Wymondham by Town Land Trustees to Murrell Wright. Lease 498/15 1 03/01/1840
49657 Lease of land at Wymondham by Town Land Trustees to Thomas Mays. Lease 498/16 1 18/10/1839
49658 Lease of land at Wymondham by Town Land Trustees to Saul Standforth. Lease 498/17 1 17/11/1837
49659 Wymondham Urban District Council Meeting Agendas Agenda 432/01 02/12/1969 03/11/1970
49660 Lease of land at Wymondham by Town Land Trustees to John Standley. Lease 498/18 1 18/10/1739
49661 J. Springall's bill for work carried out at Boyce's farm at Dykebeck, Wymondham Bill Pomeroy 420/3/6 3 17/02/1890
49662 E. L. Semmence's bill to Mrs Clarke, regarding work at Boyce's Farm at Dykebeck, Wymondham Bill Pomeroy 420/3/7 3 10/09/1887 07/05/1889
49663 E. L. Semmence's bill for work carried out at a house in Vicar Street, Wymondham Bill Pomeroy 420/3/8 3 06/01/1888 01/02/1889
49664 Julia de Roubigne Clarke's declaration appointing Mr White to sell her annuities Declaration Pomeroy 420/3/9 3 21/01/1884
49665 James R. Colman & Son's bill to Mrs Clarke Bill Pomeroy 420/3/10 3 05/01/1884 31/01/1884
49666 J. Springhall's bill to Mrs J. de Roubigne Clarke for work carried out at Mr Boyce's farm at Dykebeck, Wymondham Bill Pomeroy 420/3/11 3 17/05/1889
49667 Lease of land at Wymondham by Town Land Trustees to William Bale. Lease 498/19 1 29/09/1839
49668 Lease of land at Wymondham by Town Land Trustees to Thomas Bale Lease 498/20 1 17/11/1837
49669 Mr Glasspole's receipt for work carried out regarding the Church Choir, on behalf of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke Receipt Pomeroy 420/3/12 3 06/09/1875
49670 Thomas Colman's bill for work carried out at Dykebeck and for Mrs Clarke Bill Pomeroy 420/3/13 3 ??/??/1887 17/05/1889
49671 E. L. Semmence's bill regarding work carried out for Mrs Clarke in Vicar Street, Wymondham Bill Pomeroy 420/3/14 3 19/01/1886 24/02/1887
49672 E. L. Semmence's bill for work carried out in Vicar Street, for Mrs Clarke Bill Pomeroy 420/3/15 3 13/07/1883 13/02/1885
49673 Eastern Daily Press article titled 'The Clarke will case', reporting the challenging of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke's will Newspaper Pomeroy 420/4/1 4 21/10/1894
49674 Eastern Daily Press article titled 'The Clarke will case' Newspaper Pomeroy 420/4/2 4 31/10/1894
49675 Newspaper article from the Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich Gazette with an account of the probate case of the late Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke Newspaper Pomeroy 420/4/3 4 03/11/1894
49676 Assignment of a lease by John Carter to Cornelius Tipple. Assignment of lease 498/21 1 25/01/1805
49677 Assignment of a lease by Henry White to John Carter. Assignment of lease 498/22 1 29/12/1804
49678 Assignment of a lease by Thomas Dersley to Henry White. Assignment of lease 498/23 1 12/09/1788
49679 Lease (counterpart) of land by ffeofees of Wymondham to William Wade. Lease 498/24 1 01/05/1781
49680 Lease of Wymondham Workhouse by Trustees Wymondham Town Lands to Thomas Dersley. Lease 498/25/1&2 1 16/09/1777
49681 Obligation of Thomas Dersley to Sir John Wodehouse re: lease from Wymondham Town Trustees. Bond 498/26 1 16/09/1777
49682 Trustees of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke deceased to Horace Arthur : Draft Conveyance of 8 cottages & double cottage & outbuildings in Wymondham Conveyance 421/1/5 1 28/12/1894
49683 Wymondham Town Lands account 1821-1829. Account 498/27 1 ??/??/1821 ??/??/1829
49684 Observation on title of Wymondham Charity trustees to the old warehouse, Wymondahm. Observation 498/28 03/02/1870
49685 Particulars of fine on admission to Blyths Meadow, Wymondham. Account 498/29 29/06/1868
49686 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Admission of John Wodehouse et. al., & declaration of William Massey. Admission / Surrender 498/30 07/10/1636 11/06/1833
49687 Cromwells Manor Wymondham. Abstract of Title to copyhold hereditaments. Abstract of Title 498/31 20/11/1718 26/05/1847
49688 Auction catalogue of the estate in Wymondham, of the Reverend Thomas C. Burroughes, deceased, Sale Particulars 408/22/2 14/05/1847
49689 Norfolk Weekly Standard and Angus newspaper article titled 'A Wymondham Will Case Newspaper Pomeroy 420/4/4 4 03/11/1894
49690 Norwich Mercury newspaper article titled 'A Remarkable Norfolk Will Case, Alleged Mental Incapacity'. Newsletter Pomeroy 420/4/5 4 03/11/1894
49691 Wymondham Town Land Charity. Case for opinion of Mr Wigg. Case 498/32 20/03/1847
49692 'The Norfolk News' article titled 'The Clarke Will Case'. Newspaper Pomeroy 420/4/6 4 03/11/1894
49693 The London Gazette and The Times newspapers' notice to creditors with claims against the estate of Julia De Roubigne Clarke, deceased. Newspaper Pomeroy 420/4/7 4 18/12/1894
49694 Sales particulars of 2 Manors to be sold by auction on behalf of the trustees of the late Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke Sale Particulars Pomeroy 420/5/1 5 10/04/1897
49695 Cromwells Manor Wymondham. Admission of Armine Wodehouse. Admission / Surrender 498/33 09/05/1737
49696 Abstract of Conveyance (draft) of land to trustees of Wymondham Town Lands Charity. Conveyance 498/34 09/09/1835
49697 Letter from Charity Commission re: Wymondham Charity. Letter 498/35 13/06/1868
49698 Agreement between Robert Parsley and James Colman re: purchase of cottages in Fairland Street, Wymondham. Agreement 498/36 07/02/1844
49699 Abstract of Title of land in Chapelgate Street, Wymondham. Abstract of Title 498/37 22/01/1672 06/02/1805
49700 Affidavit by Edward Palmer Clarke. Affidavit 498/38 14/11/1862
49701 Mortgage by William Rudling to Miss E. S. Aldred. Mortgage 498/39 ??/??/1879
49702 Release of lands in Wymondham by Peter Stoughton to Lord Wodehouse et. al. Release 498/40 06/02/1805
49703 Lease of lands in Wymondham by Peter Stoughton to Lord Wodehoue et. al. Lease 498/41 05/02/1805
49704 Release of lands in Wymondham by Bartholomew Dey to Armine Wodehouse et. al. Release 498/42 21/12/1768
49705 Lease of land in Wymondham by Bartholomew Dey to Armine Wodehouse et. al. Lease 498/43 20/12/1768
49706 Document re: William and Thomas Woodhouse and Alexander Chapman. Miscellaneous 498/44 14/04/1550
49707 Agreement between Thomas and Philippa Seaborne, Loy and Martha Agas, Jeremy and Susan Lawes, John and Mary Kittmer, Thomas Talbot, James Seaborne, Robert Cary and Lewis Hinton. Agreement 498/45 09/07/1683
49708 Wymondham Town ffeofees 1736. List 498/46 08/03/1736
49709 Miscellaneous Wtmondham Town Lands accounts. Account 498/47 10/04/1772 29/03/1773
49710 Account of lands and tenements belonging to Wymondham Township. List 498/48 20/10/1719
49711 Inquisition of Wymondham Town Lands, Miscellaneous 498/49 2 26/07/1600 02/05/1719
49712 Map of an estate belonging to trustees for poor of Wymondham. Map 498/50 3
49713 Plan of piece of Town Lands in Town Green Street, Wymondham. Plan 498/51 2 17/06/1829
49714 Map of Wymondham Town Lands, Map 498/52 2
49715 Plan showing exchange of Blyths Meadow and Deys Land. Plan 498/53 2
49716 Plan of Wymondham Town Land in occupation of Mr Wright and Mr Race. Plan 498/54 2 ??/??/1831
49717 Wymondham Town Lands Terrier. Terrier 498/55 19/10/1719 28/10/1998
49718 The maintenance of town property in Wymondham c.1590-c.1640 by John Wilson. Miscellaneous 498/58 ??/03/2002
49719 Various Wymondham Town Lands maps. Map 498/57
49720 Sales particulars of a dwelling house in Wymondham and farms in Spooner Row to be sold by the trustees of the estate of the late Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke Sale Particulars Pomeroy 420/5/2 5 12/07/1895
49721 Contract between Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke and E. L. Semmence for the erection of 2 cottages in Town Green, Wymondham, Norfolk Contract Pomeroy 420/5/3 5 19/09/1887