Document Query

ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
50022 Inventory and Valuation (copy) of Stock and Crops of a farm at Suton, Wymondham of Cornelius Tipple deceased. Inventory 442/5 14/02/1839
50023 Account book of William Wymer, wheelwright, from 1905 to 1910 Account Book Pomeroy 430/1/1 1 15/06/1905 28/11/1910
50024 The Wicklewood Workhouse. Miscellaneous 441/05 1 ??/??/1834 ??/??/1930
50025 Wicklewood Hospital and Workhouse Miscellaneous 441/06 27/09/1954 ??/??/1955
50026 Situation of Tipple property at St. Martin at Oak, Norwich. Plan 442/6
50027 Notice from William Wiseman re: bankruptcy of Jasper Howes Tipple. Notice 442/7
50028 List of mortgages by Cornelius and Jasper Tipple. List 442/8 03/03/1826 06/02/1846
50029 Statement of rents of cottages of Jasper Howes Tipple. Account 442/9
50030 Abstract of Lease from Wymondham Charities Trustees. Lease 442/10 16/09/1777
50031 List of Trustees on Lease. List 442/11 16/09/1777
50032 Thomas Mays account book from 1872 to 1876 Account Book Pomeroy 430/2 2 09/01/1872 05/02/1877
50033 Statement of rents of property of Cornelius Tipple at Wymondham. Account 442/12 ??/??/1838
50034 Probate of the will of George Tipple wheelwright of Wymondham. Will 442/13 10/01/1870
50035 Marriage Settlement of Hannah Bale to George Tipple. Marriage Settlement 442/14 26/11/1822
50036 Thomas Mays account book from January 1876 to October 1877 Account Book Pomeroy 430/3 3 12/01/1876 18/10/1877
50037 Inland Revenue Succession Duty re: George Tipple. Form 442/15 29/03/1820 17/01/1872
50038 W. R. Clarke's rent book Rent Book Pomeroy 430/4 4 06/04/1872 11/10/1880
50039 Mrs Clarke. Rental. Rental 421/3 30/09/1871 29/09/1890
50040 Tenancy Agreement re: premises of Jasper Howes Tipple. Tenancy 442/16 11/10/1836
50041 Letter of advise re: Messrs Tipple and Mr Darley's machine. Letter 442/17 20/08/1826
50042 Letter re: complaint of erection of a building blocking light. Letter 442/18 26/04/1826
50043 Lease of premises in Town Green Street, Wymondham by Mace Hardiment to Cornelius Tipple. Lease 442/19 10/10/1828
50044 Conveyance of premises in Wymondham by Edward Palmer Clarke to Cornelius Tipple. Conveyance 442/20 22/10/1824
50045 Lease of premises in Towngreen, Wymondham, by Edward Palmer Clarke to Cornelius Tipple. Lease 442/21 21/10/1824
50046 Emily Jane Cann : Receipt for share of balance of funds from Executorship of Mrs Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke. Receipt 421/4/1 4 ??/11/1903 22/12/1903
50047 Julia Frances Utten Browne : Receipt for share of balance of funds from Executorship of Mrs Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke. Receipt 421/4/2 4 ??/11/1903 04/01/1904
50048 Jessee Louise Haughton : Receipt for share of balance of funds from Executorship of Mrs Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke. Receipt 421/4/3 4 ??/11/1903 28/12/1903
50049 Conveyance of an estate in Town Green, Wymondham, by Thomas Cann to William Chamberlin. Conveyance 442/22 30/10/1824
50050 Assignment of residue of a lease by John Mitchell to Henry Hobart. Assignment of lease 442/23 30/10/1824
50051 Grant of a rent charge out of lands in Wymondham by Cornelius Tipple to William Chance. Grant 442/24 13/01/1818
50052 Conveyance of messuages in Wymondham by Thomas Mace Hardyment to Cornelius Tipple. Conveyance 442/25 11/10/1828
50053 Award of Enfranchisement - 29/31 Damgate Street Award 564/5 24/07/1923
50054 Admission - 29/31 Damgate Street Admission / Surrender 464/6 22/11/1922
50055 Abstract of Title - 29/31 Damgate Street Abstract of Title 564/7 01/08/1923 30/09/1947
50056 Conveyance - 29/31 Damgate Street Conveyance 564/8 30/09/1947
50057 Account book, thought to be belonging to the Drake family of Cavick House, Wymondham, Norfolk Account Book Pomeroy 430/5 5 19/07/1709 09/10/1759
50058 Sale Particulars for Properties in 19 Lots lately belonging to Mrs Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke deceased [Description & Location plan] Sale Particulars 421/5/1 5 22/06/1894
50059 Conveyance (draft) by Representatives of Mrs J.F.Lilly decd. to Mrs D.J.B.G. Cautley ; houses, cottages and land in Wymondham. Conveyance 421/5/2 5 30/08/1901 19/02/1915
50060 Assignment of part of Wymondham Abbey lands by Jeosaphat Postle and Rev. James Stoughton to John Mitchell and Edward Palmer Clarke. Assignment 442/26 ??/??/1826
50061 Inventory of furniture etc. of J. H. Tipple. Inventory 442/27 ??/??/1843
50062 Letter from C. H. Tipple re: a debt. Letter 442/28 10/10/1872
50063 Valuation of Covenants upon a farm at Suton, Wymondham of W. H. Tipple to John Mitchell. Valuation 442/29 24/10/1848
50064 Bond (draft) of Cornelius Youngman and Sarah Tipple to Richard Dawes re: £200. Bond 442/30 ??/??/1851
50065 Deed of Covenant of Rev. W. Papillon and Rev. T. Drake with Jasper H. Tipple re: farm and land at Wymondham. Covenant 442/31 05/10/1856
50066 Robert Baker apprentice to William Jackson Indenture 441/07 04/10/1784
50067 Frogs Hall Lane : Abstract of Title to enclosure of pasture land. Abstract of Title 421/5/3 5 02/10/1872 ??/??/1920
50068 Mary Haystead committed to Wicklewood Workhouse for default of payment Miscellaneous 441/08 26/01/1848
50069 The complaint of James Bacon (Overseer in the Parish of Wicklewood) against Mary Ann Hilling Miscellaneous 441/09 17/02/1846 24/03/1846
50070 Payment made by Edmund Smith, Wymondham, Norfolk. Bond 441/10 29/12/1820
50071 Handwritten and original document. Thomas Rackham - Susanna Pulford. Miscellaneous 441/11 02/04/1831 21/02/1845
50072 Complaint re James Bacon - Henry Hilling Miscellaneous 441/12 09/03/1846
50073 Removal order of Robert Blackwood from Wicklewood, Norfolk to Hethel, Norfolk Order 441/13 17/03/1835
50074 Mrs D.J.B.G.Cautley to Mr B.W. Brooks : Draft Conveyance of pasture land or orchard in Town Green, Wymondham. (Location Plan included) Conveyance 421/5/4 5 ??/??/1941
50075 Bill from John Wells, Farrier to John Mitchell Bill 564/9 01/01/1828 31/12/1828
50076 Sale Particulars - 4 Residences Norwich Road, Wymondham Sale Particulars 564/10 07/06/1889 07/06/1889
50077 Sales Particulars of Cherry Tree Inn, Wicklewood Sale Particulars 564/11 20/09/1889 20/09/1889
50078 Sales Particulard of The Millwrights Arms, Dereham, The Lion, Hackford & property in Wymondham, Wrenningham & Attleborough Sale Particulars 564/12 21/08/1880 21/08/1880
50079 Emily Jane Cann : Receipt for share of funds from dividends & sale of India stock left to Eva Clarke by Julia de R.B. Clarke. Receipt Pomeroy 421/4/4 4 ??/02/1902 ??/01/1903
50080 Julia Frances Utten Browne : Receipt for share of funds from dividends & sale of India stock left to Eva Clarke by Julia de R.B. Clarke. Receipt Pomeroy 421/4/5 4 ??/02/1902 ??/01/1903
50081 Jessis Laura Haughton : Receipt for share of funds from dividends & sale of India stock left to Eva Clarke by Julia de R.B. Clarke. Receipt Pomeroy 421/4/6 4 ??/02/1902 ??/01/1903
50082 Mrs Julia de R. B. Clarke deceased : Epitome of Will and 6 Codicils Will Pomeroy 421/6/1 6 02/10/1872 10/06/1893
50083 Manor of Gunvils: Copyhold hereditaments late belonging to Mary Wade decd. (Draft) Abstract of Title Pomeroy 421/6/4 6 29/04/1799 ??/??/1895
50084 Mr John Bunn's account book till his death in 1814, taken over by J. Humphrey, his executor Account Book Pomeroy 430/6 6 11/10/1811 ??/12/1848
50085 Correspondence re Isolation Hospital, Wicklewood. Selling of land and property in Wymondham. Correspondence 441/14 18/08/1949 10/12/1953
50086 List of Paupers in Wicklewood Workhouse, Forehoe Hundred Statement of account List 441/15 21/09/1844 25/03/1848
50087 In Chancery Harvey v. Tipple Statement of Property. Case 442/32
50088 Transfer (draft) of premises in Wymondham by William Howes Tipple to Sophia Ann Mason. Conveyance 442/35 ??/??/1848
50089 Will (attested copy) of Cornelius Tipple. Will 442/33/1&2 11/08/1838 12/06/1839
50090 Surrender of copyhold premises by Cornelius Tipple to Henry Wells. Admission / Surrender 442/34 03/03/1826
50091 Julia De R.B.Clarke : Epitome of Will & 6 Codicils. Rough preliminary document. See ID 50082 box doc 421/6/1 for full details. Will Pomeroy 421/6/2 6 02/10/1872 10/06/1893
50092 Original Documents and Transciptions. Documents re Title to Wicklewood Common and House on Industry 1776-1777. Act for dividing land in Wicklewood 1808. Rights to Common Pasture- Extracts from rolls 1568-1691. Miscellaneous 441/16 ??/??/1568 ??/??/1808
50093 The Forehoe Association in account with Edward Press Account 441/17 07/04/1832 01/12/1832
50094 Six Photographs of Wicklewood Workhouse 1985 Photograph Photograph 441/18
50095 Properties and Tenants of Cornelius Tipple. List 442/36
50096 Suton Farm account book. Account Book 442/37 17/10/1851 22/12/1851
50097 Memorandum (copy) of Cornelius Tipple re: purchase from Thomas Mace Hardyment. Memorandum 442/38
50098 Schedules re: estate of Cornelius Tipple. Schedule 442/39 23/11/1846
50099 Particulars of the estates of Jasper Howes Tipple. Schedule 442/40 24/11/1846
50100 Appointment of Overseer for Wicklewood Workhouse. General Order - Parish Councils Form of Precept. 11/02/1895 Appointment 441/19 11/02/1895 12/05/1909
50101 Extract of Document held at Wymondham Town Archive. Transcription 441/20 06/17/1776
50102 List of the Subscribers and Nominees to the Hundred of Forehoe House of Industry in Wicklewood, Norfolk. By Tontine Annuities. Booklet 441/21 10/04/1776 30/06/1777
50103 Statement of the affairs of Cornelius Tipple at time of his death. Statement 442/41/1&2 13/09/1838
50104 Bankruptcy of Jasper Howes Tipple. Bankruptcy 442/42 24/10/1843
50105 Miscellaneous bills and receipts re: Tipple estate. Miscellaneous 442/43 ??/??/1858
50106 Notice to William Howes Tipple to quit a farm. Notice 442/44/1&2 31/03/1848
50107 Will (copy) of Sarah Howes Tipple spinster of Wymondham. Will 442/45 10/10/1864
50108 Schedule of Deeds and Writings re: of an estate of Thomas Taylor at Wymondham. Schedule 442/46 16/11/1739 15/04/1829
50109 Sale Particulars for Properties in 11 Lots lately belonging to Mrs Julia de Roubigne Clarke deceased [Location plans included] Sale Particulars Pomeroy 421/6/3 6 12/07/1895
50110 Schedule of Deeds re: an estate of William Fulcher at Wymondham. Schedule 442/47 16/11/1723 17/02/1812
50111 Wicklewood Workhouse AGM's including Account Statements and lists of Directors and Guardians 1850-1888. Miscellaneous 441/22 ??/??/1850 ??/??/1888
50112 Sales Particulars - 4 Parcels in Silfield and elsewhere Sale Particulars 564/13 09/08/1817 09/08/1817
50113 Auction Particulars Poster - Belle Vue, 49 Norwich Road and cottages at Norwich Common & Damgate Street Sale Particulars 564/14 22/11/1935 22/11/1935
50114 Schedule of Deeds and Writings of an estate of William Fulcher in Wymondham. Schedule 442/48 16/11/1723 13/11/1819
50115 Schedule of Deeds and Writings of an estate of Thomas Taylor in Wymondham. Schedule 442/49 16/11/1739 15/04/1829
50116 Proposed Swimming Pool and car park - correspondence between South Norfolk District Council and Wymondham Town Council (1981 to 1984) Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/1 1 16/04/1981 27/11/1984
50117 Proposed Swimming Pool in Wymondham - copies of Feasibility report Report Wymondham T C 409/1/2 1 ??/??/1976 ??/03/1985
50118 Proposed Swimming Pool in Wymondham - original copy of feasibility report. Report Wymondham T C 409/1/3 1 ??/??/1976 ??/03/1985
50119 Schedule of Deeds and Writings of an estate of George and Richard Tipple in Wymondham. Schedule 442/50 24/06/1741 21/08/1826
50120 Extract from Marriage Settlement of Hannah Bale with George Tipple, Marriage Settlement 442/51 11/10/1813 26/11/1822
50121 Sales Particulars - Land in Silfield Sale Particulars 564/15 09/07/1813 09/07/1813