Document Query

ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
50122 Conveyance of cottages at Wymondham by John Cross et. al. Jasper Howes Tipple. Conveyance 442/52 23/01/1836
50123 Assignment of cottages in Wymondham by George Durrant (direction of Edward Goulty et. al.) to William Robert Clarke. Assignment 442/53 25/01/1836
50124 Certificate acknowledging the right of married women to deeds under Act of Parliament.. Certificate 442/54 27/01/1836
50125 Sales Particulars - 111a, 2r,37p Farmhouse, farmland in Wymondham Sale Particulars 564/16 08/07/1809 08/07/1809
50126 Declaration by Rose Goulty re: Elizabeth Carter of Mattishall deceased. Declaration 442/55/1
50127 Declaration by Rose Goulty re: William Chamberlain. Declaration 442/55/2
50128 Sales Particulars - Messuage in Fairland Street Sale Particulars 564/17 23/12/1870 23/12/1870
50129 Declaration by John Cross butcher of Moulton re: Elizabeth Carter of Mattishall. Declaration 442/55/3
50130 Declaration by John Cross butcher of Moulton re: Mary Cross his mother. Declaration 442/55/4
50131 Declaration by Elizabeth Cooper, Rebecca Secret and Mary Thurling re: their mother Mary Cross. Declaration 442/55/5
50132 Letters from Gill Mckenna re Wicklewood Workhouse. Photocopy of and extract from General view of agriculture in Norfolk 1788 - 1802 by Arthur Young Letter 441/23 ??/??/1788 23/09/1887
50133 Declaration by Sarah Chamberlain widow of Hethersett re: William Chamberlin her husband. Declaration 442/55/7&8
50134 Applications for employment at Wicklewood Workhouse Application 441/24 08/03/1836 21/03/1867
50135 An Act for amending several acts for the better relief and employment of the poor within the Hundred of Forehoe Act 441/25 28/06/1833
50136 Weekly income of the industrious poor (Not Dated) Account 441/26
50137 Wicklewood Workhouse (Hospital) possibly of inmates. Not Dated Photograph 441/27
50138 Proposed closure of Wicklewood Hospital (Workhouse) Letter 441/28 30/04/1971 21/10/1971
50139 Audio Tape Cassette of a Wymondham Society Meeting 22/06/1989 by Rachel Young. ( Wicklewood Workhouse) Miscellaneous 441/29 22/06/1989
50140 Book of Maps of the Wymondham Area 1821 Wymondham Town Archive 1821 Map Book Index. Book Book 449/01/02 1
50141 Appointment in Fee of a cottage in Wymondham by Jasper Howes Tipple to John Tipple. Appointment 442/56 30/01/1837
50142 Lease of cottages in Town Green Street, Wymondham, by John Cross to Jasper Howes Tipple. Lease 442/57 22/01/1836
50143 List of debts of Sarah Tipple deceased. Booklet 442/58/1&2 30/11/1864
50144 Will (draft) of Sarah Howes Tipple. Will 442/59 10/10/1864
50145 Will (draft) of Sarah Howes Tipple. Will 442/59 10/10/1864
50146 List of debts due to the estate of Sarah Howes Tipple. List 442/60
50147 Agreement between Edward Palmer Clarke and William Gilbert. Agreement 442/61 ??/??/1860
50148 Oath of Charles Crane in the Queens Bench re: John Doe v. Richard Roe. Oath 442/62 09/06/1849
50149 Demand for payment of debt. Claim 442/76/1-11 28/12/1864
50151 Valuation of household furniture and stock in trade of Sarah Howes Tipple. Valuation 442/63 23/11/1864 25/11/1864
50152 Schedule of Deeds and Documents re: land purchase at Wymondham by Rev. William Dack Daniel. Schedule 442/64 04/12/1818 16/10/1863
50153 Writ of Exchange to Cornelius Howes Tipple. Writ 442/65 03/12/1864
50154 Poster advertising that Wymondham Urban District Council require a junior clerk Notice Wymondham UDC 433/1 1
50155 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council from the 'Admiralty', London, regarding HMS Hyacinth and the adoption of a warship scheme Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/1 2 31/10/1947
50156 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding a map revision through the aid of Air Surveys Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/2 2 27/08/1947
50157 Letters with details of Wymondham furnishing and hardware retailers Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/3 2 21/03/1947 26/03/1947
50158 Letter from Amalgamated Tobacco Corporation Limited requesting any unused cartons for use for packing cigarettes under their NAAFI Contract Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/4 2 29/11/1946
50159 Letter regarding the relocation of the Wymondham Assistance Board to Norwich Area Office Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/5 2 11/12/1946 13/12/1946
50160 Letter from the Automobile Association to Wymondham Urban District Council clerk, thanking him for his communication regarding a sign for Wymondham Horse Show on 14/09/1946 Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/6 2 23/08/1946
50161 Letter from Charles Buxton, Financial Advisers, offering local authority loans at 3% over 30 years Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/7 2 ??/01/1948
50162 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council inviting the clerk to attend a British Social Hygiene Conference, titled 'Family - Whose Responsibility?' Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/8 2 ??/01/1948
50163 Letter from Mr Bradley to the Town Clerk, advising he is unable to attend a council meeting due to ill health Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/9 02/04/1947 04/12/1947
50164 Letter from Barton Transport advising of their applicatin to operate a bus servise from Nottingham to Lowestoft, via Wymondham, Norfolk Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/10 2 28/11/1947
50165 Letters to and from Wymondham Urban District council concerning the blocked guttering at the old Town Hall, Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/11 2 21/11/1947 24/11/1947
50166 Building Industries National Council Congress '4th Building Congress'. with an invitation for Wymondham Urban District Council to attend Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/12 2 22/09/1947 19/11/1947
50167 Letter concerning the British Empire Nurses War Memorial Fund donations Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/13 2 ??/09/1947
50168 List of debtors of Sarah Howes Tipple deceased. List 442/66
50170 Sale Particulars (draft) of land and cottages in Wymondham. Sale Particulars 442/67 11/09/1863
50171 Requisitions re: sale of property by Clarke to Gilbert. Requisitions 442/68 24/02/1860
50172 Agreement between George Lovick Coleman and John Mitchell and Edward Palmer Clarke re: debt of Sarah H. Tipple. Agreement 442/69 18/02/1865
50173 Tenancy agreement of Sarah Tipple to premises in Wymondham of Edward Palmer Clarke. Tenancy 442/70 03/05/1844
50174 Receipt book of Sarah Howes Tipple deceased. Booklet 442/71 23/12/1864 27/01/1865
50175 Agreement between Rev. W. D. Daniel and E. P. Clarke re: production of deeds. Agreement 442/72 16/10/1863
50176 Observations on title of an estate in Saint Augustine's, Norwich. Observation 442/73 18/03/1859
50177 Letter re: debts of Sarah Howes Tipple. Letter 442/74 30/11/1864
50178 Assignment (copy) by Sarah, William Howes, Cornelius and John Howes Tipple John Mitchel And Edward P. Clarke. Assignment 442/75 19/03/1844
50179 Inventory and Valuation of furniture etc. of Jasper Howes Tipple. Inventory 442/77 02/12/1843 02/01/1844
50180 Tipple account on sale 0f part of estate to Norfolk Railway Company. Account 442/78 06/04/1842 21/04/1855
50181 Sale Particulars of farms in Wymondham and Crownthorpe. Sale Particulars 442/79 08/08/1857
50182 Tipples Farm crops 1852-3. Miscellaneous 442/80 ??/??/1852 ??/??/1853
50183 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council from financial brokers in London, offering loans Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/14 2 ??/06/1947
50184 Wymondham Urban District Council letter ordering stationery from Messrs Broughton, Stationer, Cardiff. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/15 2 17/05/1947 24/05/1947
50185 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council requesting their attendance at at Dental Association Annual General Meeting Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/16 2 09/05/1947
50186 British Standards Institution letter inviting Wymondham Urban District Council to become a subscribing member of their Institution Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/17 2 05/05/1947
50187 British Social Hygiene Council Conference pamphlet and letter to Wymondham Urban District Council Booklet Wymondham UDC 433/2/18 2 27/11/1946 16/01/1947
50188 Wymondham Urban Distict Council letter to British Gas & Light Company regarding the poor supply of gas to Silfield, Wymondham, Norfolk Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/19 2 12/09/1946
50189 British Red Cross letters regarding their 'Emergency Help Scheme' and a list of divisional presidents Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/20 2 12/08/1946 09/10/1947
50190 Proposed swimming pool Wymondham - Letter and memo to Town Council regarding running costs. Letter Wymondham T C 409/2/1 2 22/04/1983 19/07/1985
50191 Wymondham Urban District Council letter to Mrs Best regarding her query about Forehoe Guardians. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/21 2 05/11/1946
50192 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council from the Central Office for Health Hygiene with information on a summer school in Health Education Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/22 2 ??/12/1947 ??/01/1948
50193 Central Office of Information letters to Wymondham Urban District Council re: 'Report to the Nation' posters Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/23 2 ??/04/1947 04/11/1947
50194 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council asking for population numbers for Wymondham from 1801 to 1901 and the rateable values. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/24 2 02/11/1947
50195 Circulars on Rating and Valuation Acts and Farm Workers Cottages sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Circular Wymondham UDC 433/2/25 2 21/06/1947 15/10/1947
50196 Proposed swimming pool Wymondham - Meeting of Wymondham "SWYM" committee attendees on 14/05/1985 Memorandum Wymondham T C 409/2/2 2 19/04/1985 14/05/1985
50197 Letters from The Central Office of Information Services in the Eastern Region sent to Wymondham Urban District Council, concerning fuel economy, and staggering of holidays Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/26 2 ??/12/1946 ??/04/1947
50198 Letters to Wymondham Urban District Council from Caister on Sea Parish Council requesting information on local supply of electricity Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/27 2 06/09/1946 23/09/1946
50199 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council from Corporation of Certified Secretaries with information on their Silver Jubilee Conference Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/28 30/06/1947 04/09/1947
50200 Proposed swimming pool Wymondham - Correspondence between South Norfolk District Council, Wymondham Town Council and the Sports Council Correspondence Wymondham T C 409/2/3 2 27/06/1985 19/07/1985
50201 'Calculating and Recording Services Ltd.' letter to Wymondham Urban District Council giving information on the service they provide Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/29 2 24/04/1946
50202 Letters from Wymondham Urban District Council to acknowledge receipt of an enquiry from Mr Crook who is interested in the history of Wymondham Market Cross Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/30 2 02/06/1947 06/06/1947
50203 William Gayton's letter to Wymondham Urban District Council, inviting the staff to attend a Church 21st anniversary celebration Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/31 2 13/05/1943
50204 Circular notice to Wymondham Urban District Council titled 'Catering wages Act 1918 and delays of dispatch of notices' Circular Wymondham T C 433/2/32 2 28/08/1946
50205 Poster titled 'Industrial & Staff Canteen Undertaking Wages Board', sent to Wymondham Urban District Council Wymondham UDC 433/2/33 2 ??/??/1943 06/09/1946
50206 Posters advertising the termination of hostilities in Europe and a notice of a thanksgiving service to be held in Wymondham Notice Wymondham UDC 433/2/34 2
50207 Wymondham Urban District Council's copy of a local government officers' booklet titled 'Citizen', a monthly journal of civic affairs. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/35 2
50208 Letter to F. Clarke from Wymondham Urban District Council offering him their sympathy for his loss. Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/36 2 15/10/1946
50209 Letter to Wymondhgam Urban District Council from the Senior Australian Trade Commissioners, regarding a shipment of canned fruit donated to Local Governing Authorities Letter Wymondham UDC 433/2/37 2 27/11/1946
50210 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council, advertising the sale of Chestnut Fencing Erection Service, from a London Company Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/1 3 04/11/1946
50211 Contract between John Hare & William Harvey for sale of 10 acres of land in Wymondham Contract 564/18 13/06/1800 06/04/1801
50212 Sales Particulars of 9 plots of land in Wymondham Sale Particulars 564/19 30/07/1830
50213 Sales Particulars - Land in Silfield Sale Particulars 564/20 29/07/1814
50214 Timetable of bus services 12A to Hingham, stopping at Wymondham, Wicklewood and Hethersett Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/2 3 08/11/1946 04/12/1946
50215 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council clerk about tendering for further building work in Wymondham Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/3 3 10/01/1948
50216 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding Employers' Liability Insurance Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/4 3 15/12/1947
50217 Letter concerning Mrs Elliott of Hingham and her cottage rental increase Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/5 3 09/07/1947
50218 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council advising of the reorganisation of Edward J. Edwards public works in Norwich Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/6 3 14/11/1947
50219 Letter from the Empire Day movement to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding Empire Day messages Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/7 3 ??/03/1947
50220 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council regarding the London Lord Mayor's National Flood Distress Fund Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/8 3 ??/05/1947
50221 Letter to Wymondham Urban District Council re: Conference of Fuel Allocation in East Anglia by the Minister of Fuel and Power Letter Wymondham UDC 433/3/9 3 09/05/1947