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ID Location Place Type Grid Reference
3320 Wade's Kiln Brick Kiln
3321 Bones (Hyrne) Land
3322 Bonymouth Tenement
3323 Bott (Dickbeck), Middleton Tenement
3324 North Field Field
3325 Bramptons Land
3326 Brick Kiln Close Close
3327 Brand Meadow Meadow
3328 Brathewaite, Brathewiate, Braythwayt, Brawicke,Brethwick, (Browick) Tenement
3329 Joan Jumpers Field
3330 Seven Acres Field
3331 Pit Close Close
3332 Great Pasture Field
3333 Little Pasture Field
3334 Tillott's Close Close
3335 Wattlefield Hall Hall
3336 Breads Meadow (Cakebreads) Meadow
3337 Brewers Pitle Area of Wymondham
3338 The Brickhill Area of Wymondham
3339 Brickhill Lands Land
3340 Brickhills Area of Wymondham
3341 Bridewell Area of Wymondham
3342 Brinde (The Brins, The Brind, Little Brend), Norton Area of Wymondham
3343 Broom Style Area of Wymondham
3344 Brome Hills Area of Wymondham
3345 Broom Close (Broomefield) Close
3346 Broome Hill Hill
3347 Brothiways (Brothwayts), Cakewick Close
3348 Browns Still Area of Wymondham
3349 Bucklands, Norton Land
3350 Buntins Area of Wymondham
3351 Bull House
3352 Burtland Area of Wymondham
3353 Bush Close
3354 Buttfyld Area of Wymondham
3355 Butt Meadow, Near Fairland Meadow
3356 Byfield Close Close
3357 Broadland, Northfield Area of Wymondham
3358 Nitty Parkefield, Silfield Area of Wymondham
3359 Calls Closes Close
3360 Calthorpe Bridge Bridge
3361 Carters (Carres) Area of Wymondham
3362 Carters Close (Sendalls & Carres) Close
3363 Sendalls (Carters, Carres), Silfield Close
3364 Catt Tenement, Town Green Hill Tenement
3365 Catt (Weightinge) Land
3366 Weightinge Catt, Pasture, Whiting Tenement Tenement
3367 Catting Weightinge, Town Green Area of Wymondham
3368 Chamber Hogg Close, Silfield Close
3369 Hogg Pasture Land
3370 Chamberlain Land
3371 Chapel Close Close
3372 The Chaple Area of Wymondham
3373 Chappel of St Thomas (Dissolved Becket's Chapel) Chapel
3374 Chase, Driftway Area of Wymondham
3375 Chosil Manor
3376 Church Close Close
3377 Marlepitts Area of Wymondham
3378 Church Mere Land
3379 Chyllinges Tenement, Cakewick near Marlepitts Tenement
3380 Cobbolds Pightle Area of Wymondham
3381 Cockrandalls Hyrne, Silfield Area of Wymondham
3382 Cokkes Tenement
3383 Colmans Close Close
3384 Colyarde Farm, Wattlefield Farm
3385 Coltons Close (Davys Hirne), Stanfield Close
3386 Davy's Hirne (Davies), Stanfield Field at end of Davy's Lane Land
3387 Combers Tenement
3388 Common House House
3389 Common Pasture, Downham, Kidds Moor Land
3390 Common Pitle Area of Wymondham
3391 Conduit Close (Cundyett, Cunditt), Brathwaite Close
3392 Conduit Meadow Meadow
3393 Cooks Tenement
3394 Coopers Inclosure (Tenement Wildhogg with Woods) Land
3395 Coppingthorne. (Coppilthorne), Northfield Area of Wymondham
3396 Coopers Close Close
3397 Cork's Croft Croft
3398 Cornhills Close, Spooner Row Close
3399 Cox Croft Area of Wymondham
3400 Cracks Tenement (Inclosed - Kiddalls Close) Tenement
3401 Crispines (Crispynee) Tenement and Messuage, Merryetts Messuage, Wattlefield Messuage
3402 Critts Area of Wymondham
3403 Crodges Close Close
3404 Crodgis Land
3405 Cromebeck Inclosure (Tenement Wildhogg with Woods) Area of Wymondham
3406 Crombeckles Close Close
3407 Cross Lane pitle Area of Wymondham
3408 Croughhaughe, Crownshaughe Area of Wymondham
3409 Crownsell Wood Wood
3410 Curtes (Parish Priest) Area of Wymondham
3411 Dale (Deale, Dele), Silfield Area of Wymondham
3412 Dame Meadows Meadow
3413 Davy's Croft, Knights Close Croft
3414 Knight's Close Close
3415 Stanfield Field Field
3416 Dennis Close Close
3417 Deyes Sinck, (Sinkland) Parkefield, Silfield Area of Wymondham
3418 Diamonds (Tooley Tenement) Tenement
3419 Dickbecke, Diggebeke, Dygebeck Area of Wymondham