Place Query

ID Location Place Type Grid Reference
3220 Cheapham, Suton Land
3221 Little Dykebeck farm Farm
3222 Cook's Farm Farm
3223 Mill Close Close
3224 Nursery, the Field
3225 Nursery Close Close
3226 Clamp Close Close
3227 Pit Five Acres Field
3228 Flaxmers Close, Great Park Silfield Close
3229 Eight Acres Field
3230 Six Acres Field
3231 Park Pightle Field
3232 Rustens Manor Farm Farm
3233 Dairy Farm Farm
3234 Stanfield Corner Land
3235 White's Farm Farm
3236 Overlands Farm Farm
3237 Sentons Moat Land
3238 124 on the Wymondham enclosure map Land
3239 124 on the Wymondham enclosure map Land
3240 126 on the Wymondham enclosure map Land
3241 127 on the Wymondham enclosure map Land
3242 Willows Farm Farm
3243 The Willows, Wattlefield Land
3244 Lower Grove Farm Farm
3245 Oaklands Farm Farm
3246 Turnpike Farm Farm
3247 Abbey Barnyard Area of Wymondham
3248 Abbey Great Garden Garden
3249 Orchard Wall (Abbey Wall) Wall
3250 Agas Cottage Cottage
3251 Aylmer (Ailemers) Tenement
3252 Allens Close Close
3253 Aleyn Tenement, Norton Tenement
3254 Ankes Tenement
3255 Apple Furlong, Tedds Falgate Way Area of Wymondham
3256 Appleton Lane Close
3257 Applye of Brookland, Northfield Land
3258 Arnolds Tenement, Cock Street, Towngreen Tenement
3259 Ashyard Wall, Damgate Wall
3260 Burntyard, West of town next to Abbey Barnyard Pasture
3261 Aunkses, Browick Area of Wymondham
3262 Back Close, Marketstead Close
3263 Backway Area of Wymondham
3264 Bakers Close, Northfield Close
3265 Bales Area of Wymondham
3266 Bandilands Gate Gate
3267 Bartletts Bridge Bridge
3268 Barleys Wong (Further Rookes, Rookes), Suton Land
3269 Barrow Head (Barroughes), Holmfield Northfield Land
3270 Barrell, Near Tiffey Bridge Area of Wymondham
3271 Little Basely Land
3272 Baliffe (Bayliffe) Meadow, Near Brasier Meadow Meadow
3273 Baynses Area of Wymondham
3274 Baysbridge (Baisbridge) Land
3275 Bayt Hill (Bait Hill) Close Close
3276 Bayt Hill (Bait Hill) Pitle, Suton Area of Wymondham
3277 Beancroft Area of Wymondham
3278 Beckdike Way, Northfield Area of Wymondham
3279 Becksdyke (Backes Dyke), Northfield Dyke/ Ditch
3280 Becks Gap Area of Wymondham
3281 Becks Gate Gate
3282 Becks Lane, Northfield Close
3283 Page's Field
3284 Spooner Row Lane Lane
3285 Brasier Meadow
3286 Farthest Six Acres Field
3287 Eaglings Field
3288 Downhill Piece Field
3289 The Homestall Field
3290 Garden Field Field
3291 Home Pasture Field
3292 Lina field Field
3293 Great Hulls Field
3294 Long Piece (Peece) Field
3295 Little Hulls Field
3296 Footpath Piece Field
3297 Beckway, Wymondham Road
3298 Low Meadow, Salters Ford, (Westwade) Field
3299 Bekkes, Norton Tenement
3300 Sheep Yard Field
3301 Bells Close, Chapple Road, near Driftway Close
3302 Berry Close Close
3303 Bestbridge Bridge (Bestbrigg), Northfield Bridge
3304 New Land Five Acres Field
3305 Bestbridge Way (Bestbrigge Waie), Near Bisland Field, Northfield Lane
3306 New Land Six Acres Field
3307 Best Bag, Bisland Field Area of Wymondham
3308 Bestnig Area of Wymondham
3309 Billhams Hurn Area of Wymondham
3310 Birding Bush Piece, Northfield (Kings Way) Area of Wymondham
3311 Birds Close
3312 Bites Lane, Verrings Lane, Wymondham. Lane
3313 Blacketts Grove Grove
3314 Bleryes Close, Right Up Lane Close
3315 Blerry, Silfield Land
3316 Bones Close
3317 Verrings Lane Lane
3318 Nether Downham Area of Wymondham
3319 Chapple Road Road