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49822 Release of property in Park Lane, Wymondham by Thomas Wells to Robert Blake Harvey. Release 455/3 1 01/11/1828
49823 Lease of property in Park Lane, Wymondham, by Thomas Wells to Robert Blake Harvey. Lease 455/4 1 1/10/1828
49824 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Absolute Surrender of Thomas Wells to Robert Blake Harvey. Admission / Surrender 455/5 1 01/11/1828
49825 Rustens Manor Wymondham. Absolute Surrender of Thomas Wells to Robert Blake Harvey Admission / Surrender 455/6 1 01/11/1828
49826 Rustens Manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of Robert Blake Harvey on Surrender of Thomas Wells. Admission / Surrender 455/7 1 11/11/1828
49827 Rustens Manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of John Wells an infant. Admission / Surrender 455/8 1 22/12/1774
49828 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Admission (copy) of John Wells on death of his father John Wells grandfather Thomas Wells. Admission / Surrender 455/9 1 11/11/1774
49829 Rustens Manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of John Wells. Admission / Surrender 455/10 1 26/07/1773
49830 Mrs Clarke's rental account with named tenants and rental payments made for year 1889 Rental Pomeroy 420/6/26 6 29/09/1889
49831 Mrs Clarke's rental account listing tenants' payments for the year 1890 Rental Pomeroy 420/6/27 6 29/09/1890
49832 Mrs Clarke's rental account listing tenants and payments received for the year 1891 Rental Pomeroy 420/6/28 6 29/09/1891
49833 Agreement between the children of Mary Wells. Agreement 455/11 1 0/04/1740
49834 Manor of the Queen Wymondham. Conditional Surrender of Mary Wells to Robert Gallard. Admission / Surrender 455/12 1 26/08/1734 16/05/1740
49835 Rustens Conditional Surrender (copy) of Samuel Wells to Robert Burroughes. Admission / Surrender 455/13 1 07/08/1716
49836 Rustens Manor Wymondham. Satisfaction of Jeremiah Burroughes. Satisfaction 455/14 1 06/03/1728
49837 Conveyance of land in Wymondham by Richard Lubbock to Thomas Wells. Conveyance 455/15 1 17/12/1740
49838 Lease of land at Wymondham by Richard Lubbock to Thomas Wlls. Lease 455/16 1 26/12/1740
49839 Rustens Manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of Thomas Wells on Surrender of Elizabeth Wright. Admission / Surrender 455/17 1 21/06/1754
49840 Obligation of Elizabeth Wright to Thomas Well re: enjoyment of Copyhold. Bond 455/18 1 21/06/1754
49841 Obligation of John Wells to Thomas Wells re: Surrender of premises at Wymondham. Bond 455/19 1 23/02/1739
49842 Will of Mary Wells widow of Wymondham. Will 455/20 1 30/11/1731
49843 Conveyance of land at Wymondham by Thomas Wells to Richard Lubbock. Conveyance 455/21 1 22/04/1740
49844 Lease of land at Wymondham by Thomas Wells to Richard Lubbock. Lease 455/22 1 21/04/1740
49845 Mrs Clarke's rental account with names of tenants and payments received for the year 1892 Rental Pomeroy 420/6/29 6 29/09/1892
49846 Abstract of Title of an estate at Wicklewood under the will of Lydia Wrigglesworth. Abstract of Title 455/23 2 26/05/1722 08/05/1828
49847 Letter regarding 'Matthews's field with negotiation of an offer to rent by Mrs Harris Letter Pomeroy 420/7/1 7 21/08/1891
49848 Letter to Mrs Clarke from Wymondham Athletic Sports, to thank her for her donation to a prize fund Letter Pomeroy 420/7/2 7 12/05/1891
49849 Letter to Mrs Clarke requesting a donation for the upkeep of Hackford Church Letter Pomeroy 420/7/3 7 09/05/1891
49850 Letter to Mr Pomeroy regarding the rental of land in Chapel Lane, Wymondham Letter Pomeroy 420/7/4 7 09/05/1891
49851 Letters to Mr Pomeroy from Julia Larke regarding household repairs Letter Pomeroy 420/7/5 7 22/04/1891 07/05/1891
49852 Letter from L. Woods to Mr Pomeroy, requesting a Christmas present from Mrs Clarke Letter Pomeroy 420/7/6 7 20/12/1890
49853 Letter from a Minister, Charles Bloy, requesting financial help from Mrs Clarke Letter Pomeroy 420/7/7 7 08/12/1890
49854 Letter to Mrs Clarke from wine merchants apologizing for the quality of their sherry Letter Pomeroy 420/7/8 7 27/10/1890 29/10/1890
49855 Letter from Mr Meadows, thanking Mrs Clarke for her kindness shown to him and his family Letter Pomeroy 420/7/9 7 24/10/1890
49856 Letter to Pomeroy from Mr Preston thanking Mrs Clarke for her kind financial interest in him Letter Pomeroy 420/7/10 7 01/10/1890 14/10/1890
49857 Will (copy) of Lydia Wrigglesworth widow of Wicklewood. Will 455/24 2 08/05/1828
49858 Mr Parkinson's letter to Mrs Clarke asking for financial help to fund his convalescent home Letter Pomeroy 420/7/11 7 09/09/1890
49859 Two statements of dividends payable half yearly during 1890 Stocks and shares Pomeroy 420/7/12 7 30/06/1890 31/07/1890
49860 Great Western Railway letter acknowledging receipt of fee paid re: Wigg Letter Pomeroy 420/7/13 7 05/07/1890
49861 2 Legal letters regarding the sale of stock belonging to the late Mrs Clarke Letter Pomeroy 420/7/14 7 30/07/1890
49862 Great Western Railway and The North British Railway Company half yearly statements Stocks and shares Pomeroy 420/7/15 7 31/12/1889 31/01/1890
49863 Letter to Mrs Clarke offering her a turkey for Christmas, from J. Barker Letter Pomeroy 420/7/16 7 20/12/1889
49864 Letter to Mrs Clarke requesting a donation to Norwich Mission Letter Pomeroy 420/7/17 7 06/12/1889
49865 Letter to Mrs Clarke from Meadows of Wymondham, thanking her for her kindness and refers to his wife's health Letter Pomeroy 420/7/18 7 07/11/1889
49866 Letter to Mrs Clarke regarding the ill health of Mrs Grisdale Letter Pomeroy 420/7/19 7 21/10/1889 22/10/1889
49867 Letters to Mrs Clarke from H. Johnson thanking her for her £5 donation to the local school at Scoulton, Norfolk Letter Pomeroy 420/7/20 7 11/10/1889 15/10/1889
49868 Release by the legatees of Lydia Wrigglesworth to Robert Colman. Release 455/25 2 16/04/1830
49869 Bill of James Colman to Edward Miller. Bill 455/26 2 28/03/1818 02/04/1828
49870 Bill of Richard Batson to Mr Miller for carrying Mrs Wrigglesworth from Wicklewood to Hackford church. Bill 455/27 2 05/01/1829
49871 Bill of Mitchell & Clarke to executors of Lydia Wrigglesworth. Bill 455/28 2 02/03/1829 22/09/1829
49872 Bill of J. Robins to Edward Miller for work at Mrs Wrigglesworth's farm. Bill 455/29 2 04/01/1829
49873 Bill and receipt of J. B. Royal to executors of Lydia Wrigglesworth. Bill 455/30 2 29/04/1829 19/06/1829
49874 Letter to Mrs Clarke thanking her for the £70 donation received by W. Jackson Letter Pomeroy 420/7/21 7 03/10/1889
49875 Letter from Norwich Theatre Manager to Mrs Clarke, regarding a performance in aid of Norfolk & Norwich Hospital Letter Pomeroy 420/7/22 7 05/09/1889
49876 Letter from Mrs Clarke's former niece's tutor asking for help for the gardener's little girl Letter Pomeroy 420/7/23 7 25/08/1889
49877 Dividend statements, filed with Mrs Clarke's letters Stocks and shares Pomeroy 420/7/24 7 30/06/1889 17/08/1889
49878 Letter from Mr Scott with a rent payment and advising of a damp gable end wall Letter Pomeroy 420/7/25 7 13/07/1889
49879 Receipt of Land Tax from Mitchell & Clarke for estate at Wickewood of Lydia Wrigglesworth. Receipt 455/31 2 20/09/1829
49880 Bill of Mr Chapman to Edward Miller. Bill 455/32 2
49881 Memorandums from J. Springall, builder, to arrange a meeting with Pomeroy Memorandum Pomeroy 420/7/26 7 18/05/1889 20/06/1889
49882 Bill of James Parker to Executors of Lydia Wrigglesworth re funeral. Bill 455/32 2 30/01/1829 21/11/1829
49883 Legal letter concerning the will of Rev. Edwards and Sophia Lombe Letter Pomeroy 420/7/27 7 14/05/1889
49884 Letters to Mrs Clarke asking for assistance by Martha Palmer Letter Pomeroy 420/7/28 7 08/05/1889
49885 Letter from John Barker to Mrs Clarke asking for assistance Letter Pomeroy 420/7/29 7 06/05/1889
49886 Legal letter from The Bank of England to Whites & Pomeroy, solicitors Letter Pomeroy 420/7/30 7 27/04/1889
49887 Letters to Mrs Clarke regarding financial assistance Letter Pomeroy 420/7/31 7 24/04/1889 25/04/1889
49888 Bank of England letters stating that the dividend stock amount is incorrect Letter Pomeroy 420/7/32 7 25/04/1889
49889 Letter to Mrs Clarke asking for help for Mr Cobb's daughter who is deaf and dumb Letter Pomeroy 420/7/33 7 04/04/1889
49890 Account of furniture etc. of Lydia Wrigglesworth sold at auction. Account 455/33 2
49891 Account of Robert Colman executor of Lydia Wrigglesworth re: sale of land. Account 455/34 2
49892 Letter to Mrs Clarke regarding a financial donation to the Grammar School gymnasium Letter Pomeroy 420/7/34 7 02/04/1889 04/04/1889
49893 Assignment of a legacy by Rev. John Henry Steward et. al. on direction of Robert Kett to George Arthur Dye. Assignment of legacy 455/35 2 10/04/1830
49894 Letters to Mrs Clarke requesting financial assistance Letter Pomeroy 420/7/35 7 23/03/1889 29/03/1889
49895 Letter to Mrs Clarke asking for her support in obtaining a place in the asylum for Mr Cobb's deaf and dumb daughter Letter Pomeroy 420/7/36 7 21/03/1889
49896 Letter to Mr Pomeroy thanking Mrs Clarke for her support in helping to obtain votes Letter Pomeroy 420/7/37 7 19/03/1889
49897 North British Railway Company and Great Western Railway statements of dividends Stocks and shares Pomeroy 420/7/38 7 31/12/1888 31/01/1889
49898 Letter to Mrs Clarke asking her for her continued support Letter Pomeroy 420/7/39 7 16/06/1891
49899 Letters to Mr Pomeroy from Mr Barling of Brooke to arrange a meeting Letter Pomeroy 420/7/40 7 ??/05/1879 18/06/1879
49900 Conveyance of an estate at Besthorpe between the personal representatives of the late Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke and David Woodrow Conveyance Pomeroy 420/8/1 8 24/04/1895
49901 Last will of Sarah Ann Woodrow (Formally Leeder) Will Pomeroy 420/8/2 8 05/02/1892
49902 Legal charged incurred by the executors of the late Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke Account Pomeroy 420/8/3 8 ??/05/1894 12/03/1895
49903 Schedule of deeds relating to a property at Besthorpe late Leeder Schedule Pomeroy 420/8/4 8 18/05/1814 11/01/1895
49904 Executors' Account with Legatees under the Will and Codicils of Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke. Account Book 421/2 2 11/02/1894 20/12/1902
49905 Abstract of Title (copy) of of property in Wymondham. Abstract of Title 455/36 3 16/08/1824
49906 Warrant of attorney of Samuel Peter Wilsea to Messrs Tomkins and Hine. Power of Attorney 455/37 3 19/02/1834
49907 Sale Particulars and Agreement of Colls Farm, Silfield, Wymondham. Sale Particulars 455/38 3 31/10/1835
49908 Sale Catalogue of livestock furniture etc. of Samuel Peter Wilsea. Sale Particulars 455/39 3 21/10/1834
49909 Release and Covenant (draft copy) of premise in Wymondham by Samuel Peter Wilsea to Uri Vassar. Release 455/40 3 29/12/1838
49910 Legal letters regarding the late Mrs J. Clarke and Woodrow Letter Pomeroy 420/8/5 8 20/02/1895 29/03/1895
49911 Expenses for attending Mrs Clarke's hay Account Pomeroy 420/8/6 8 ??/??/1890
49912 Plan of Wymondham showing fields near the River Tiffey and the Abbey Plan Pomeroy 420/8/7 8 ??/?/1894
49913 Wymondham Urban District Council Meeting Agendas 1968 Agenda 432/03 02/01/1968 03/12/1968
49914 Sketch of a yard at Mr Plumstead's house and proposal to cover in the passage Drawing Pomeroy 429/8/8 8 ??/??/1885
49915 Bills from E. Woodbine to Mrs E. P. Clarke for building work carried out Bill Pomeroy 420/8/9 8 07/01/1874 01/12/1874
49916 Acknowledgement of terms of occupation of a cottage in Wymondham to James Brummage, coachman to E. P. Clarke Acknowledgement Pomeroy 420/8/10 8 23/09/1870
49917 E. P. Clarke's rent account with Charles Crane Account Book Pomeroy 420/8/11 8 29/09/1849 12/01/1856
49918 Registration certificate for Edward Palmer Clarke as an Attorney in Law in Wymondham Certificate Pomeroy 420/8/12 8 16/11/1868
49919 Mr E. P. Clarke's return under The Assessed Taxes Act Income Tax Assessment Form Pomeroy 420/8/13 8 18/01/1870
49920 Memorandum from Atlas Assurance Co. to E. P. Clarke regarding a valuation of property Memorandum Pomeroy 420/8/14 8 20/07/1840
49921 Abstract of Deeds (draft) re: an estate at Norwich. Abstract of Title 455/41 3 08/12/1832 11/08/1840