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ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
203 Transfer of land in Hackford by Henry Betts to Richard Pitts. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/30 01/01/1693
204 Lease of land to Robert Blackbourne by Robert Conolde. Lease Pomeroy 25/31 30/06/1610
205 Confirmation of allotment of land to William Papillon. Poor condition. Manor Court Roll Pomeroy 25/32 02/??/1809
206 Transfer of land in Suton to William Jubbs the younger by Willam Jubbs the elder. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/33 21/11/1679
207 Grishaugh Manor, Wymondham. Surrender by William Jubbs to Walter Carver. [In Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 25/34 29/08/1712
208 Transfer of property in Fundenhall and Tacolneston by John Gray and Susanna Elmer to James Poynter. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/35 10/10/1693
209 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Samuel Style to Elizabeth Gallard. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/36 09/12/1690
210 Lease of land in Great Melton by William and Anne Grigson to Thomas Chapman and Charles Greene. Lease Pomeroy 25/37 ??/10/1708
211 Bond for good right by John Harrison to John Dymond. Bond Pomeroy 25/38 14/03/1663
212 Transfer of property in Hingham by Stephen Burrell to his daughter Alice on her marriage to William Le Neve. Marriage Settlement Pomeroy 25/39 06/05/1678
213 Transfer of land in Wattlefield, Wymondham by John Lynes to Elizabeth Gallard. Release Pomeroy 25/40 20/02/1694
214 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Robert Gallard to Robert Cocke. [In Latin.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/41 1 02/09/1617
215 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Robert Cocke and Thomas Hunstone to Robert Wright. Conveyance Pomeroy 25/42 1 15/10/1692
216 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Robert Wright to Francis Cocke. [In Latin.] Conveyance Pomeroy 25/43 1 07/10/1647
217 Transfer of properties in Wymondham by Francis Cocke to John Howse. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/54 1 02/11/1647
218 Transfer of land in Wymondham by Robert Wright and Francis Cocke to Thomas Shardlowe and Bartholomew Stone, and Robert Howard and John Howes Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/45 1 08/11/1647
219 Release of property in Wymondham. See 25/45. Release Pomeroy 25/46 1 ??/??/1647
220 Transfer of property in Wymondham by John and John Balleston to George Gay. Conveyance Pomeroy 25/47 1 20/06/1655
221 Transfer of propeties and land in Wymondham and Bunwell by John and John Balleston to George Gay. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/48 1 22/06/1655
222 Acknowledgement of payment by John and John Balleston from George Gay for properties in Wymondham and Bunwell. Acknowledgement Pomeroy 25/49 1 22/06/1655
223 Release of rights by Robert Wright to Jonh Howes for prpoerties in Wymondham. Quit Claim Pomeroy 25/50 1 14/11/1647
224 Transfer of property and land in Wymondham by John and John Balleston to George Gay. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 25/51 1 04/06/1656
225 Transfer of land in Wymondham to Mary Ann Turner and Sarah Turner by Gamaliel Ransome. Conveyance Pomeroy 26/1 07/10/1796
226 Agreement by Thomas Harvey to purchse property from Ann Falconer. Agreement Pomeroy 26/2 04/11/1771
227 Agreement by Thomas Harvey to deliver a quantity of barley to Robert Harvey in lieu of a debt to Mary Harvey. Agreement Pomeroy 26/3 10/12/1828
228 Cromwells Manor, Wymondham. Admission of John Shepherd. [In Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 26/4 20/06/1713
229 Particulars of the estate of Reuben Gilman in Wymondham. Undated. Account Pomeroy 26/5
230 Account of court payments of Wicklewood. Account Pomeroy 26/6 07/04/1737
231 Lease of property in Spooner Row and Wattlefield by Richard Drake to John Colman. Lease Pomeroy 26/7 15/10/1767
232 Lease of property in Market Place, Wymondham by Peter Stoughton to Edward Tookie. [Includes 7 related documents - letters and reciepts - 26/8/1-26/8/7.] Lease Pomeroy 26/8 13/07/1774
233 Transfer of property between Richard Godfrey and Stephen Cushen and Bartolowmew Stone. [In Latin.] Deed Pomeroy 26/9 24/06/1603
234 Lease of messuages in Coston by Issac Staff to Henry Spore. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/10 07/10/1760
235 Copy of a bond by Samuel Proctor regarding a copyhold estate of Thomas Dersley. Bond Pomeroy 26/11 03/05/1768
236 Grishaugh Manor, Wymondham. Surrender of property by Ann Falconer to Thomas Harvey. Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 26/12 03/04/1771
237 Rustens Manor, Wymondham. Surrender by John Smyth. Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 26/13 14/02/1753
238 Cromwells Manor, Wymondham. Admission of Nicholas Jackson on the surrender of land by John Prentice. Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 26/14 19/05/1774
239 Cromwells Manor, Wymondham. Admission of John Jackson on the surrender by John Coe. Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 26/15 31/01/1753
240 Draft tenancy agreement. Agreement Pomeroy 26/16 ??/??/1720
241 Indenture between Esau Freeman and Phillipp Cullyer. Indenture Pomeroy 26/17 18/05/1624
242 Letter regarding possesion of an estate. Badly damaged. Letter Pomeroy 26/18 21/12/1815
243 Schedule of Title Deed of several estates mortgaged to the late Thomas Newton and Samuel Sheen. [Includes names of several Wymonham people.] Deed Pomeroy 26/19 1 ??/??/1624 28/07/1833
244 Agreement on the transfer of property by Richard Riches Akers to Robert Hicks, and the acknowledgement of receipt of payment. Agreement Pomeroy 26/20 1 30/03/1810
245 Will (probate copy) of Robert Barnes of Botesdale, Suffolk. Will Pomeroy 26/21 1 25/06/1823
246 Certified copy of the baptism of James Barnes in theParish Register of Redgrave, Suffolk. Certificate Pomeroy 26/22/1 1 02/03/1817
247 Certified copy of the birth of Benjamin Barnes in the Parish Register of Botesdale, Suffolk. Certificate Pomeroy 26/22/2 1 30/03/1813
248 Certified copy of the baptism of Benjamin Barnes in the Parish Register of Redgrave, Suffolk. Certificate Pomeroy 26/22/3 1 17/09/1813
249 Certified copy of the baptism of Robert and Sarah Barnes in the Paris Register of Redgrave with Botesdale, Suffolk. Certificate Pomeroy 26/22/4 1 19/09/????
250 Oath by Ann Nichols that Robert and Elizabeth Barnes of Botesdale, Suffolk had two sons James and Benjamin. Affidavit Pomeroy 26/22/5 1 13/06/1823
251 Extract of Enclosure Award of Great Ellingham with plan of allotment to John Mann. Award Pomeroy 26/23 1 01/05/1802
252 Bond by Robert and Ann Hicks to Richard Lloyd. Bond Pomeroy 26/24 1 06/11/1810
253 Will (copy) of Robert Barnes. Will Pomeroy 26/25 1 27/07/1801
254 Administration of the estate of Benjamin Barnes of Botesdale, Suffolk. Administration Pomeroy 26/26 1 21/10/1801
255 Articles of agreement to purchase between Joseph Dover and Robert Holmes. Agreement Pomeroy 26/27 1 19/12/1791
256 Covenant regarding the sale of land held of the manor of Pulham. Covenant Pomeroy 26/28 1 02/04/1839
257 Particulars and conditions of sale by auction of estates in Pulham. Sale Particulars Pomeroy 26/29 1 05/11/1827
258 Will (attested copy) of Robert Howlett. Will Pomeroy 26/30 1 27/01/1773
259 Obligation of Jacob Mounlain to Jehosaphat Postle in the sum of £410. Bond Pomeroy 26/31 1 29/09/1748
260 Mortgage of property in Attleborough. Mortgage Pomeroy 26/32 1 12/03/1732
261 Affidavit by John Kipper regarding Asty Harwick and property in Attleborough. [Damaged.] Affidavit Pomeroy 26/33 1 16/06/1733
262 Obligation by Asty Harwick to Philip Alpe in the sum of £650. Bond Pomeroy 26/34 1 23/07/1729
263 Claim to right of title of Cooks Close. Claim Pomeroy 26/35 1 ??/??/????
264 Articles of agreement between Edmund Borman and Asty Ives. [No.21.] Agreement Pomeroy 26/36 1 14/08/1658
265 Acquitance by Edmund Borman to Asty Ives. [No.23.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 26/37 1 29/09/1659
266 Will (copy) of Asty Ives. [No.25.] Will Pomeroy 26/38 1 ??/??/1697
267 Particulars and conditions of the sale of a farmhouse and cottage in Great Ellingham. Sale Particulars Pomeroy 26/39/1 1 14/07/1864
268 Note regarding the purchase of property. Note Pomeroy 26/39/2 1 23/09/1865
269 Note regarding the purchase of land in Great Ellingham. Note Pomeroy 26/39/3 1 20/09/1865
270 Particulars of the sale of a farmhouse and cottage in Great Ellingham. Sale Particulars Pomeroy 26/40 1 14/07/1864
271 Title to the cottage late of John Woodcraft of Tivetshall. Letter Pomeroy 26/41 1 18/11/1815
272 Particulars of the sale of a small farm and cottage. Sale Particulars Pomeroy 26/42 1 09/07/1870
273 Will of Ambrose Woodborne of Wymondham. [No1.] Will Pomeroy 26/43 2 14/02/1630 08/05/1637
274 Lease of Malthouse and Bull yard etc. by Giles Ringald and Frances Woodborne to Francis Lawes. [No.3.] Lease Pomeroy 26/44 2 09/01/1639
275 Conveyance of the Bull Inn and Malthouse etc. in Wymondham to Ambrose Woodborne. [No.4.] Conveyance Pomeroy 26/45 2 18/11/1642
276 Transfer of the Bull Inn and Malthouse etc. in Wymondham by Ambrose Woodborne to William Dey. [No.5.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/46 2 18/11/1642
277 Conveyance of the Bull Inn, brewhouse and malthouse etc. in Wymondham by William Dey to George Dey. [No.6.] Conveyance Pomeroy 26/47 2 21/04/1645
278 Transfer of the Bull Inn, brewhouse and malthouse etc. in Wymondham by William Dey to Ralph Jubbs. [No.7.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/48 2 03/03/1647
279 Transfer of the Bull Inn, brewhouse and malthouse etc. in Wymondham by William Dey to Ralph Jubbs. [No.8.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/49 2 03/03/1647
280 Lease of the Bull Inn, brewhouse and malthouse etc. in Wymondham. [No.9.] Lease Pomeroy 26/50 2 04/03/1647
281 Transfer of the Bull Inn, brewhouse and malthouse etc. in Wymondham by Ralph Jubbs to William Jubbs. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/51 2 02/03/1648
282 Transfer of the Bull Inn, brewhouse and malthouse etc. in Wymondham by John Townsend to Ralph Jubbs. [No.11.] Conveyance Pomeroy 26/52 2 31/03/1648
283 Sale of the Bull Inn, brewhouse and malthouse etc. in Wymondham by Giles Ringald to Thomas Harris. [No.12.] Conveyance Pomeroy 26/53 2 03/11/1651
284 Release of title to the Bull Inn and its buildings in Wymondham by Ralph Jubbs to John Jubbs for £5. [No. 13.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/54 2 08/07/1652
285 Transfer of the Bull Inn, Wymondham, and its buildings by William Jubbs to John Jubbs for £100. [No.14.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/55 2 07/03/1653
286 Transfer of the Bull Inn, Wymondham, and its buildings from William Jubbs to John Jubbs. [No 15.] Conveyance Pomeroy 26/56 2 07/06/1653
287 Extract of the will of Thomas Burroughes, relating to the Bull Inn. Will Pomeroy 26/57 2 24/01/1780
288 Release of several properties in Wymondham by Tabitha Jubbs. [No.16.] Release Pomeroy 26/58 2 01/10/1706
289 Lease of several properties in Wymondham to Thomas Randall by Martin Jubbs and Christopher Bayly. [No.17.] Lease Pomeroy 26/59 2 01/11/1706
290 Transfer of properties and land in Wymondham to Thomas Randall by Martin Jubbs and Christopher Bayly. [No.18.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/60 2 02/11/1706
291 Lease of properties by Elizabeth Burroughes to John Stephenson Cann. [No.20.] Lease Pomeroy 26/61 2 10/02/1780
292 Release of properties by Elizabeth Burroughes to John Stephenson Cann. [No.21.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 26/62 2 11/02/1780
293 Abstract of title of Elizabeth Burroughes. Abstract of Title Pomeroy 26/63 2 14/02/1634 29/10/1755
294 Choseleys Manor, Wymondham. Surrender by Elizabeth Burroughes to John Stephenson Cann. Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 26/64 2 15/07/1780
295 Release and Quit Claim of the property and estate of Thomas Burroughes to Randall Burroughes by Thomas Cooke Burroughes and Elizabeth Burroughes. [No.19.] Quit Claim Pomeroy 26/65 2 03/04/1777
296 Petition (copy) by Richard Duffield re: inheritance of land in Crownthorpe. Petition Pomeroy 1/1 ??/??/15??
297 Obligation by Stephen Gibbs, ? Harrold and Nicholas Beckett to Anthony Ransome and Richard Mauby. Bond Pomeroy 1/2 26/02/1711
298 Transfer of land in Wicklewood. Feoffment Pomeroy 1/3 30/05/1534
299 Transfer of property in Yaxham by Richard Russon to Henry Darsey. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 1/4 07/11/1694
300 Transfer of land in Wicklewood by Starkey and Pitts to Joan Stone. Feoffment Pomeroy 1/5 12/05/1647
301 Transfer of property in Attleborough. Feoffment Pomeroy 1/6 24/01/1653
302 Obligation by Alice Parkeson to Henry Darcy. Bond Pomeroy 1/7 08/12/1694