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ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
48822 Manor of Wymondham of the King (i.e. Wymondham of the Queen) : Admission of Margaret Hobbes to a Messuage & 15 acres in Downham, Wymondham. Admission / Surrender 422/5/5 5 25/09/1561 26/03/1606
48823 Frogs Hall Lane, Wymondham in snow. Black & White Print Photograph 479/81
48824 Kimberley Gardens, Chapel Lane, Wymondham. Brochure 479/82
48825 Town Green Estate, Chapel Lane, Wymondham. Brochure 479/83
48826 Chapel Lane, Housing Project, Wymondham. Brochure 479/84
48827 Rent account re: Frogs Hall cottages and meadow. Account 479/85 ??/??/1853 17/04/1855
48828 Bill of John Woodbine for work on Parson's cottage, Frogs Hall, Wymondham. Bill 479/86 15/03/1851 04/03/1853
48829 Renr account book re: Frogs Hall Cottages, Wymondham. Account Book 479/87 11/10/1848 22/04/1856
48830 Manor of Wymondham of the Prince (i.e. Wymondham of the Queen) : Admission of Hannah Jay to a Messuage & 15 acres at Downham in Wymondham, Admission / Surrender 422/5/6 5 26/03/1606 01/10/1623
48831 Manor of Wymondham of the King (i.e. Wymondham of the Queen) : Admission of Robert Wilton to a Messuage & 15 acres in Downham, Wymondham with Release & Quitclaim of Thomas Hobbes Admission / Surrender 422/5/7 5 01/10/1623 12/01/1627
48832 Manor of Wymondham of the Queen : Surrender of Robert Wilton and Admission of Thomas Allen to a Messuage &15 acres in Downham, Wymondham. Admission / Surrender 422/5/8 5 12/01/1627 13/04/1631
48833 Sale of property in Wymondham, Norfolk Sale Particulars 408/11 2 22/06/1894
48834 Mr C. R. Ayton (Deceased) - Note describing particulars of mortgages held for a number of properties. Note Pomeroy 392/23/7 23 10/07/1906 18/11/1921
48835 Mr C. R. Ayton (Deceased) - Handwritten letter from R.R. Woodcock enclosing list of stocks and shares with prices as on 06/04/1928. Letter Pomeroy 392/23/8 23 06/04/1928 14/01/1930
48836 Abstract of Title to premises in Besthorpe, copyhold of the Manor of The Queen. 1751 - 1847 Abstract of Title Pomeroy 220/41 31/12/1847
48837 Abstract of Title to premises in Wattlefield, Wymondham, copyhold of the Manor of Wymondham Grisaugh 1789 - 1840 Abstract of Title Pomeroy 220/42 ??/??/1840
48838 Abstract of Title to premises held in the Manor of Grisaugh, Cromwells, 1789 - 1840 Abstract of Title Pomeroy 220/43 ??/??/1840
48839 Abstact of Title to premises at Wymondham and Besthorpe, Norfolk, 1715 - 1845 Abstract of Title Pomeroy 220/44 ??/??/1845
48840 The Legatees under the will of Ann Burrell (late of Wymondham) to the Trustees and executors under her will, release and indemnity Release Pomeroy 220/45/1 12/02/1849
48841 Receipt by the executors of John Shaw (late of Diss, deceased) of interest money due under the will of Ann Burrell, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/45/2
48842 Mr C.R. Ayton ( Deceased) - letter from Barclays Bank regarding deed of sale of property ( property name not given) to Mr George Cross Letter Pomeroy 392/23/9 23 03/01/1930 07/02/1931
48843 Schedule of deeds and writings regarding the estate purchased by R. H. Gurney from the Trustees under the will of Mrs Burrell Schedule Pomeroy 220/46 19/01/1848
48844 Trustees of Mrs Ann Burrell, deceased, to R. H. Gurney, observation and requisitions upon the Title to an estate in Wymondham Observation Pomeroy 220/47 05/10/1847
48845 Mr Cyril R. Ayton - letter acknowledging receipt of deeds of sale of property known as "Abbeyside". Property sold by E.L. Semmence. Letter Pomeroy 392/23/10 23 11/10/1919 06/02/1931
48846 Mr C.R. Ayton ( Deceased) - letter regarding power of attorney in respect of sale of £5000 War Stock 5% (1929-1947). Letter Pomeroy 392/23/11 23 21/02/1930 22/02/1930
48847 Postcard from Solicitors' Law Stationery Society Ltd acknowledging receipt of communication from Pomeroy and Son Postcard Pomeroy 392/23/12 23 28/09/1931
48848 Mrs F.M.. Ayton ( Deceased) - letter from Civil Service Supply Association Ltd regarding cheque in connection with probate of the will. Letter Pomeroy 392/23/13 23 21/07/1932
48849 Ayton Account - Two letters from C.E. & S.C.Sparrow enclosing cheques "on account" of outstanding debt. Letter Pomeroy 392/23/14 23 14/04/1931 20/04/1931
48850 Letter from Norwich Union Fire Insurance regarding Fire Policy 9354587 - J.W. Long Letter Pomeroy 392/23/15 23 ??/??/1927 04/11/1931
48851 Wymondham Property Sale re Ayton. Correspondence from Arnold, Son & Hedley regarding sale of two buildings by auction. Correspondence Pomeroy 392/23/16 23 06/11/1931 10/11/1931
48852 Mr C.R. Ayton ( Deceased) - letter from Mr R May ( an executor of the will) advising request signed and posted and change of address. Letter Pomeroy 392/23/17 23 17/10/1933 19/11/1933
48853 Mr C.R. Ayton ( Deceased) - correspondence and receipt regarding outstanding electricity account at property called "St Catherines", Ringland Lane, Costessey and purchase of hoover. Correspondence Pomeroy 392/23/18 23 27/10/1933 23/11/1933
48854 Two letters from Ayton Asphalte Co Ltd regarding lease of property and licence to use machinery. Letter Pomeroy 392/23/19 23 11/10/1948 14/10/1948
48855 Sale Particulars for The Burfield Estate in Norfolk. Sale Particulars 408/12 3 01/07/1865
48856 Draft copy of Deed of Enfranchisement re Reverend Henry Lombe Younger to Reverend Randall Burroughes. Deed 408/13 3 24/06/1865
48857 Observation on the title to Burfield Hall Estate, Wymondham, Norfolk Observation 408/15 3 23/03/1792 01/07/1865
48858 Abstract of Wymondham, Norfolk inclosure award. (1865). Randall Burroughes to Frances Graver Browne Abstract of Title 408/16 3 16/09/1808 ??/??/1865
48859 Case of opinion for William Wigg Case 408/17 3 ??/??/1865
48860 Further instruction to Mr Wigg for the Conveyance from Reverend Randall Burroughes and others to J. B. Graver Browne Conveyance 408/14 3 06/11/1865
48861 Instructions to Mr Wigg re Burroughes to Browne Instructions 408/18 3 ??/10/1865
48862 Bargain and sale of a freehold and copyhold farm at Wymondham, Norfolk Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 220/48 15/01/1847
48863 Sales particulars of an estate in Wymondham and Besthorpe, Norfolk, to be sold by auction on the instructions of the Trustees of Mrs Ann Burrell, deceased Sale Particulars Pomeroy 220/49 15/05/1847
48864 Copy of observations on the Title to an estate at Wymondham and Besthorpe, Norfolk, Burrell's trustees to Gurney. Observation Pomeroy 220/50
48865 Abstract of Title to copyhold of the Manor of Wymondham, Cromwells 1805 - 1840 Abstract of Title Pomeroy 220/51 05/01/1848
48866 Probate inventory of farming stock, furniture and other effects late the property of Mrs Ann Burrell of Wymondham, Norfolk, deceased. Inventory Pomeroy 220/52 30/12/1846
48867 Extract from a Baptism at Wymondham of Mary Anne, daughter of Samuel and Maria Page, 07/06/1836 Baptism register copy Pomeroy 220/53 10/11/1856
48868 Extract of a Baptism at Moulton, Norfolk of Susan Anne, daughter of John and Susan Hall, on 21/10/1838 Baptism register copy Pomeroy 220/54 06/10/1859
48869 Residuary account of the estate of the late Ann Burrell, widow, of Wymondham, Norfolk Account Pomeroy 220/55 ??/02/1849
48870 Legacy receipt regarding an estate. late of Ann Burrell, deceased, widow, of Wymondham, Norfolk Receipt Pomeroy 220/56/1 17/02/1849
48871 Legacy receipt regarding the estate of the late Ann Burrell, widow, of Wymondham, Norfolk Receipt Pomeroy 220/56/2 17/02/1849
48872 Legacy receipt regarding the estate of the late Ann Burrell of Wymondham, Norfolk Receipt Pomeroy 220/56/3 17/02/1849
48873 Annuity receipt regarding the estate late of Ann Burrell, widow, of Wymondham, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/57/1 09/06/1849
48874 Annuity receipt regarding the estate late of Ann Burrell, widow of Wymondham, Norfolk, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/57/2 17/08/1850
48875 Annuity receipt regarding the estate of Ann Burrell, widow,of Wymondham, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/57/3 20/06/1853
48876 Receipt of Susan Anne Hall of a legacy under the will of Ann Burrell, widow, of Wymondham, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/58/1 11/10/1859
48877 Receipt of John Burrell Hall of a legacy under the will of Ann Burrell, widow, of Wymondham, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/58/2 31/12/1860
48878 Draft receipt of Hannah Hall of a legacy under the will of Ann Burrell, widow, of Wymondham, Norfolk, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/58/3 29/10/1853
48879 Receipt of Eliza Brown of a legacy under the will of Ann Burrell, widow, of Wymondham, Norfolk, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/58/4 02/08/1853
48880 Receipt of Isaac Brown, (junior) of a legacy under the will of Ann Burrell, widow, of Wymondham, Norfolk, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/58/5 29/10/1853
48881 Probate of the will of William Tawell, draper of Wymondham. Will 521/1 11/11/1793 05/07/1797
48882 Will (draft) of William Hardy Taylor of Wymondham. Will 521/2 ??/??/1880
48883 Letter to William Hardy Taylor. Letter 521/3 15/01/1881
48884 Assignment under the will of Thomas Taylor. Assignment 521/4 ??/??/1880
48885 Probate of the will of John Tillott, weaver of Wymondham. Will 521/5 20/04/1842 10/10/1843
48886 Probate of the will of Samuel Tillott of Wymondham. Will 521/6 16/01/1784 27/08/1785
48887 Release of land and premises in Wymondham by Nathaniel and Ester Barnard to Samuel Tillott. Release 521/7 17/02/1767
48888 Lease of land and premises in Wymondham by Nathaniel and Esther Barnard to Samuel Tillott. Lease 521/8 16/02/1767
48889 Probate of the will of William Brame Tubby of Tottenham, Middlesex. Will 521/9 25/07/1861 10/03/1862
48890 Administration of the will of James Tubby of Morley St. Peter, Will 521/10 19/07/1886 05/03/1887
48891 Receipt of Rebecca Ann Page, of a legacy under the will of Ann Burrell, widow of Wymondham, Norfolk, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/58/6 02/08/1853
48892 Receipt of Mary Ann Page, of a legacy under the will of Ann Burrell, widow of Wymondham, Norfolk, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/58/7 17/11/1856
48893 Receipt of Ann Wright Cooper, of a legacy under the will of Ann Burrell, widow of Wymondham, Norfolk, deceased Receipt Pomeroy 220/58/8 19/10/1853
48894 John Shaw's authority to David Morley to pay proceeds of sale of effects to John Burrell of Wymondham Authorization Pomeroy 220/59 05/12/1834
48895 Abstract of Title - 29-31 Damgate Street, Wymondham Abstract of Title 564/1 14/10/1875 22/11/1922
48896 Probate of the Will of John Turner of Wymondham. Will 521/11 01/06/1830 30/11/1835
48897 Probate of the will of Henry Tuttle of Wicklewood and Moulton Saint Michael. Will 521/12 24/10/1838 13/03/1869
48898 Copy of cost for the marriage settlement of Miss Julia Burroughes. Marriage Settlement 408/19 4 26/04/1835 10/05/1835
48899 Probate of the will of Mary Wade spinster of Wymondham. Will 521/13 19/07/1873 25/03/1882
48900 Supplement Abstract of Title to an estate in Wymondham and Wicklewood, Norfolk Abstract of Title 408/20 4 02/08/1838 02/08/1841
48901 Supplemental Abstract of Title to Estates held in the Manors of Grisaugh, Cromwells, Rustens and Wymondham Of the Queen Abstract of Title 408/21 4 07/12/1838 03/01/1866
48902 Probate of the will of Sarah Wade of Wicklewood. Will 521/14 21/07/1860 24/03/1871
48903 Sale of the Estate of Reverend Thomas Cooke Burroughes Sale Particulars 408/22 4 14/05/1847
48904 Copy of inventory and valuation of property of Reverend Thomas Cooke Burroughes to Mr Thomas Mays Inventory 408/23 4 20/12/1847
48905 Abstract of Title re Mrs Mary Burroughes and others. Abstract of Title 408/24 4 21/11/1797 ??/??/1847
48906 Supplemental Abstract of Title re Estate in Wymondham, Norfolk Abstract of Title 408/32 4 27/07/1849 ??/??/1850
48907 Probate of the will of William Wade, farmer of Wicklewood. Will 521/15 10/03/1857 01/08/1857
48908 Manor of Wymondham Hethersett. Admission of Samuel Austin as son & heir of his father Benjamin Austin, to 7 acres copyhold land next to Kidsmore in Wymondham Admission / Surrender 422/6/3 6 29/04/1695 29/10/1711
48909 Manor of Wymondham Hethersett. Thomas Allen admitted after surrender of Thomas Maltward, to 7 acres of land of Tenement Morells Admission / Surrender 422/6/4 6 11/10/1680 26/10/1685
48910 Manor of Wymondham Hethersett. Thomas Maltiward admitted under the will of Thomas Allen, deceased, to 7 acres in Wymondham. Admission / Surrender 422/6/5 6 20/10/1653 11/10/1680
48911 Manor of Wymondham Hethersett. Admission of Thomas Allen after surrender of Thomas Drudry, to 7 acres of the tenement Morells. Admission / Surrender 422/6/6 6 11/04/1638 11/04/1638
48912 Manor of Wymondham Hethersett. Admission of Thomas Drury after the surrender of John Symonds, to 12 acres 20 perches land of tenement Morrells in Wymondham. Admission / Surrender 422/6/7 6 04/12/1572 18/03/1596
48913 Declaration by James Daniel regarding an estate at Wymondham, late Burrell family Declaration Pomeroy 220/61 25/10/1847
48914 Receipt of Isaac Brown and John Hall of cash belonging to them as trustees and executors under the will of Mrs Ann Burrell Receipt Pomeroy 220/62/1 02/06/1853
48915 Receipt of money under the will of Ann Burrell, deceased, for the maintenance and education of named minors Receipt Pomeroy 220/62/2 17/01/1855
48916 Receipt of money under the will of Ann Burrell, deceased, for the maintenance and education of named minors Receipt Pomeroy 220/62/3 11/10/1859
48917 Receipt of money under the will of Ann Burrell, deceased, for the maintenance and education of named minors Receipt Pomeroy 220/62/4 01/11/1860
48918 Certified copy of the Baptism of Ann Wright Burrell, daughter of John and Ann Burrell at Wymondham, Norfolk Baptism register copy Pomeroy 220/63/1 29/11/1848
48919 Receipt by Ann Wright Burrell of money under the will of her late grandmother, Mrs Ann Burrell Receipt Pomeroy 220/63/2 01/12/1848
48920 Declaration of John Hall, of Wymondham, Norfolk, as to the date of birth of his daughter Susan Ann Hall Declaration Pomeroy 220/64/1 11/10/1859
48921 Declaration of John Hall of Wymondham, Norfolk, as to the date of birth of his son, John Burrell Hall Declaration Pomeroy 220/64/2 31/12/1860