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ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
49222 Bundle of receipts re The Plowman Family Account 428/38 4 14/02/1884 20/11/1886
49223 Reference to Conveyance Council re Plowman v Plowman Conveyance 428/39 5 21/01/1887 03/06/1887
49224 Draft document re Plowman v Plowman Miscellaneous 428/40 5 21/01/1887
49225 Copy of minutes of order on motion. Plowman v Plowman Minutes 428/41 5 21/01/1887
49226 Particulars required to be furnished by order of 21st January 1887. re Plowman v Plowman Sale Particulars 428/42 5 21/01/1887
49227 Schedule of deeds for Edward Plowman's estate in Wicklewood, Norfolk Schedule 428/43 5 01/03/1887
49228 Draft Abstract of Title of the Trustees under the will of Edward Plowman Abstract of Title 428/44 5 16/04/1887 18/04/1887
49229 Legal account for work carried out between October 1831 and April 1832 Account Pomeroy 336/1/8 1 05/10/1831 09/04/1832
49230 Legal account for work carried out from December 1829 to December 1830 concerning preparing property at Hackford and Garvestone for sale at auction Account Pomeroy 336/1/9 1 22/12/1929 13/12/1830
49231 Legal account for work carried out in preparation of an auction sale of an estate regarding T. C. Watson Account Book Pomeroy 336/1/10 1 21/01/1841 ??/07/1842
49232 Legal bill for preparing 6 notices for tenants to quit (filed with T. C. Watson's paperwork) Account Pomeroy 336/1/11 1 ??/04/1839
49233 Mr Watson's bill from F. Butcher, cart grease manufacturer, of Halesworth, Suffolk Bill Pomeroy 336/1/12 1 07/05/18??
49234 Legal account regarding the estate of the late T. C. Watson Account Pomeroy 336/1/13 1 01/12/1829 13/09/1830
49235 Legal account regarding the sale of cottages at Garvestone, Norfolk Account Pomeroy 336/1/14 1 01/02/1835
49236 Legal account for conveyancing an estate from A. Watson to Mr Brunton Account Pomeroy 336/1/15 1 04/03/1836 31/08/1836
49237 Legal account for preparing the sale of Brick Kiln property by auction Account Pomeroy 336/1/16 1 ??/04/1837
49238 Legal account for work carried out by Mitchell regarding the sale of land at Fundenhall and Garvestone Account Pomeroy 336/1/17 1 01/01/1838 25/08/1838
49239 Legal account for work carried out regarding a sale of a cottage at Hackford Account Pomeroy 336/1/18 1 20/01/1831 ??/??/1832
49240 Legal bill for the prosecution of Mr Foulsham Bill Pomeroy 336/1/20 1 09/03/1830
49241 Legal account for work carried out in respect of stamp office duty to be paid (T. C. Watson's estate?) Account Pomeroy 336/1/19 1 20/01/1834 ??/06/1834
49242 Legal account for work carried out regarding the late T. C. Watson's estate and debts Account Pomeroy 336/1/21 1 17/01/1831
49243 Legal account for work carried out regarding the Commissioners of Taxes and Stamp Duty (T. C. Watson?) Account Pomeroy 336/1/22 1 01/02/1833
49244 Map of an estate belonging to Mr T. C. Watson in Wymondham, Norfolk Map Pomeroy 336/1/23 1 ??/??/1814
49245 Abstract of Title of the late Thomas C. Watson to premises, copyhold, in the Manor of Wymondham of the Queen Abstract of Title Pomeroy 336/1/24 1 06/06/1753 02/09/1811
49246 Affidavit of Mr Thomas Hart Standley as to the mode of sale of property belonging to the Plowman family Affidavit 428/45 5 27/04/1887 04/05/1887
49247 Copy of opinion re conditions of sale of the Plowman family property Conditions of Sale 428/46 5 06/06/1887
49248 Draft copy of affidavit re John Plowman Affidavit 428/47 5 04/07/1887
49249 Copy of instructions to resettle Conditions of Sale re Edward Plowman (Deceased) Conditions of Sale 428/48 5 28/07/1887
49250 Sale of the Plowman family property Miscellaneous 428/49 5 ??/07/1888
49251 Copy of undertaking by Auctioneer to pay deposit into court. re Plowman v Plowman Miscellaneous 428/50 5 11/08/1887
49252 The Estate of Edward Plowman (Deceased) Sale Particulars 428/51 5 14/08/1887
49253 List of persons to whom particulars were sent re The sale of the Plowman family property List 428/52 5 17/08/1887
49254 Sale of property in Wymondham and Besthorpe, Norfolk Sale Particulars 428/53 5 27/08/1887
49255 Probate of the will of Jeremiah Wiffen of Wymondham. Will 523/20 1 27/01/1780 19/08/1780
49256 Discharge of a legacy Jeremiah Wiffen by Stephen and Hannah Ritches to William Jackson. Discharge 523/21 1 31/05/1791
49257 Letter of Attorney of Elizabeth Browne to Samuell Wade. Power of Attorney 523/22 1 11/06/1730
49258 Satisfaction of Elizabeth Browne from Samuel Wade. Satisfaction 523/23 1 10/10/1740
49259 Obligation of William Wiffen to Sarah Ringer re: £200. Bond 523/24 1 06/04/1781
49260 Satisfaction of Sarah Ringer to William Jackson re: Surrender of hereditaments of Brockdish Manor, Wymondham. Satisfaction 523/25 1 29/11/1785
49261 Bond of Catherine Wade to Jeremiah Wiffen for £260 re: sale of premises of Brockdish Manor, Wymondham. Bond 523/26 1 01/01/1757
49262 Bill to Jeremiah Wiffen re: rent charges. Bill 523/27 1 29/09/1755
49263 Brockdish Manor Wymondham. Surrender by Elizabeth and Thomas Brown to Samuel Wade. Admission / Surrender 523/28 1 11/10/1740
49264 Brockdish Manor Wymondham. Receipt for fine on admission of Jeremiah Wiffen. Receipt 523/29 1 06/07/1757
49265 Obligation of Edward and Elizabeth Browne to Anne Wade on Conditional Surrender. Bond 523/30 1 11/06/1724
49266 Bill to Jeremiah Wiffen re: rent charges. Bill 523/31 1 29/09/1751
49267 Brockdish Manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of Jeremiah Wiffen on Surrender of Catherine Wade. Admission / Surrender 523/32 1 06/07/1757
49268 Obligation of Edward and Elizabeth Browne re: Surrender by Jeremiah Burroughes, Bond 523/33 1 07/08/1721
49269 Brockdish Manor Wymondham. Admission of Edward and Elizabeth Browne. Admission / Surrender 523/34 1 27/06/1720
49270 Brockdish Manor Wymondham. Surrender of Edward and Elizabeth Browne to Admission / Surrender 523/35 1 25/03/1720
49271 Brockdish Manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of Katherine Wade from death of Samuel Wade. Admission / Surrender 523/36 1 15/03/1750
49272 Brockdish Manor Wymondham. Admission (copy) of Samuel Wade on Surrender of Elizabeth and Thomas Browne. Admission / Surrender 523/37 1 24/10/1740
49273 The London Gazette re Edward Plowman Deceased Brochure 428/54 5 16/08/1887
49274 Draft sale particulars of the Estate of Edward Plowman. Sale Particulars 428/55 5 11/10/1887
49275 Calculation of the cost of enfranchisement to the copyholds. The Plowman Family Account 428/56 5 29/11/1887
49276 Wymondham and Kimberley Brick Kiln Yard Day Book for 1806 Account Book Pomeroy 336/2/1 2 15/12/1805 ??/??/1806
49277 Probate of the will of William Wrigglesworth, farmer of Wicklewood. Will 523/38 2 28/12/1805 21/07/1825
49278 Release of premises in Wicklewood by executors of E. Clarke to William Wrigglesworth. Release 523/39 2 11/10/1805
49279 Release of premises in Wicklewood by William Atkins to Edward Clarke. Release 523/40 2 08/06/1758
49280 Lease of premises in Wicklewood by William Atkins to Edward Clarke. Lease 523/41 2 07/06/1758
49281 Schedule of deeds and writings of estates of John and William Wrigglesworth at Wicklewood. Schedule 523/42 2 13/03/1749 16/04/1730
49282 Draft copy of Warrant to enter Satisfaction on a Conditional Surrender passed by Edward Plowman to Clarke Stoughton Warrant 428/57 6 09/02/1858 12/11/1888
49283 Conveyance of an estate at Wicklewood by the executor of Lydia Wrigglesworth t William Wrigglesworth.. Conveyance 523/43 2 15/04/1830
49284 Will (copy) of Edward Clarke of Morley St. Peter. Will 523/44 2 12/06/1781
49285 Schedule of Document relating to the title to lands in Wymondham and Besthorpe belonging to Edward Plowman Schedule 428/58 6 06/02/1858 12/11/1888
49286 Sale of land in Wymondham and Besthorpe, Norfolk Sale Particulars 428/59 6 27/08/1887 19/06/1888
49287 Draft Conditional Contract for sale Plowman to Rudling Contract 428/60 6 13/06/1888
49288 Assignment in trust of an estate in Wicklewood. Assignment 523/45 2 16/04/1830
49289 Release of land at Wicklewood by Kett to William Wrigglesworth. 523/46 2 06/04/1815
49290 Lease of land at Wicklewood by Kett to William Wrigglesworth. 523/47 2 05/04/1815
49291 Assignment of land at Wicklewood in trust. Assignment 523/48 2 31/12/1681
49292 Wicklewood Inclosure Award to Thomas Kett and Thomas Back. Award 523/49 2 07/02/1810
49293 Wicklewood Inclosure Award to William Wrigglesworth. Award 523/50 2 07/02/1810
49294 Mortgage of William Wrigglesworth to Garrett Odin Taylor. Mortgage 523/51 2 27/12/1805
49295 Obligation of William Wrigglesworth to Garrett Oddin Taylor. Bond 523/52 2 27/22/1805
49296 Assignment of William Atkins mortgage by Rev. Sany to Nicholas Jackson. Assignment 523/60 2 13/02/1759
49297 Mortgage of William Atkins to Rev. Sany. Mortgage 523/53 2 13/08/1756
49298 Obligation of William Atkins to Rev. Sany. Bond 523/54 2 13/08/1756
49299 Discharge of Legacies under will of Robert Nottley to William Atkins. Discharge 523/55 2
49300 Sale Particulars of William Atkins estate at Wicklewood. Sale Particulars 523/56 2 ??/??/1757
49301 Agreement between William Atkins and Rev. Sany. Agreement 523/57 2 ??/??/1789
49302 Probate of the will of Catherine Wright widow of Wymondham. Will 523/58 2 01/02/1843 31/08/1849
49303 Wicklewood Inclosure. Index of Claims. Miscellaneous 523/59 2 ??/??/1808
49304 Copy of the Affidavit of Arthur Glasspole Affidavit 428/61 6 19/03/1888
49305 Draft Abstract of Title re property and land belonging to Edward Plowman (Deceased) Abstract of Title 428/62 6 ??/??/1888
49306 Observation and Requisitions on Title. Plowman to Rudling Observation 428/63 6 16/07/1888
49307 Copy of order confirming Contract. Plowman v Plowman Contract 428/64 6 10/08/1888
49308 Copy of order to pay purchase money to mortgage instead of into court. re The Plowman Family Mortgage 428/65 6 14/09/1888
49309 Draft conveyance Edward Plowman to William Rudling Conveyance 428/66 6 12/11/1888
49310 Draft abstract of Title re Edward Plowman Deceased Abstract of Title 428/67 6 21/05/1845 14/04/1887
49311 Mr C. R. Ayton (Deceased) - last will and testimony dated 04/03/1927 and proven 29/11/1928 ( Not Signed) . Will Pomeroy 392/29/1 29 04/03/1927 29/11/1928
49312 Mr Cyril Robert Ayton and Mr Malcolm Charles Ayton - typed copy of deed of dissolution of partnership in business known as "C. R. Ayton". Deed Pomeroy 392/29/2 29 04/09/1931
49313 Mr Malcolm Charles Ayton - deed of covenant to Mr Cyril Robert Ayton. Deed Pomeroy 392/29/3 29 04/09/1931
49314 Mr Cyril Robert Ayton - Account with Mr M.C. Ayton and his Administratrix. Account Pomeroy 392/30/1 30 01/01/1939 01/01/1948
49315 Mr Malcolm Charles Ayton (Deceased) - summary sheet showing valuation for probate. Valuation Pomeroy 392/30/2 30 11/07/1944
49316 Mr Malcolm Charles Ayton (Deceased) - valuation for probate of household furniture/ business assets. Valuation Pomeroy 392/30/3 30 11/07/1944 12/09/1944
49317 Mr Malcolm Charles Ayton (Deceased) - valuation for estate duty of freehold properties in Wymondham. Valuation Pomeroy 392/30/4 30 12/09/1944
49318 Mr Cyril Robert Ayton - handwritten account prepared by Pomeroy and son for undertaking client instructions etc. Account Pomeroy 392/30/5 30 15/11/1948 ??/07/1950
49319 Mr Malcolm Charles Ayton (deceased)/ Cyril Robert Ayton/ Mrs E E Ayton - correspondence regarding deed of covenant and purchase of Avenue Road garage, Wymondham, Norfolk. Correspondence Pomeroy 392/30/6 30 09/10/1938 05/06/1950
49320 Mr Cyril Robert Ayton - conveyance documents/ requisitions of title/ schedule of deeds relating to purchase of garage situated next to Avenue Road, Wymondham, Norfolk. Conveyance Pomeroy 392/30/7 30 11/10/1897 10/06/1950
49321 Account book titled 'Wymondham Day Book 1807 - 1808' (Brick Kiln Yard day book) Account Book Pomeroy 336/2/2 2 28/12/1806 25/01/1809