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ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
49522 Cann v. Rose. Plaintiff's costs. Account 527/52 ??/??/1866
49523 Receipt for Bailiff's fees at Mattishall. Receipt 527/53 20/10/1869
49524 Gunvils Manor Wymondham. Account of Admission Fees etc. of William Cann. Account 527/54 23/10/1883
49525 List of articles of William Cann for valuation. List 527/55
49526 Account of the residuary legatees of John Cann. Account Book 527/56 ??/11/1892 ??/06/1894
49527 Valuation of Dairy Utensils at Cavick House, Wymondham. Valuation 527/57 24/10/1869
49528 Funeral expenses re: Willian Cann. Account 527/58
49529 Letter re: Woodhouse Farm Attleborough, Old Buckenham and Besthorpe. Letter 527/59 11/03/1895
49530 Bill of Mr Steele to Cann & Clarke. Bill 527/60 ??/??/1852 26/11/1865
49531 Norfolk County Court Clare Sewell Read v. William Dye Plaintiff's Claim. Claim 524/61 11/10/1894 20/10/1895
49532 Forehoe Union and Wymondham Highway Rate receipts of William Cann. Receipt 527/62 28/12/1893
49533 Small payment account of the executors of William Cann. Account 527/63 07/06/1894 08/07/1895
49534 Cavick House, Wymondham, rent account. Account 527/64 11/10/1883 16/10/1889
49535 Observations and replies re: estate of William Cann. Observation 527/65
49536 Deductions from rent payable by William Cann re: Cavick estate Wymondham. Account 527/66 ??/??/1884 07/05/1889
49537 Norfolk County Court Summons re: Clare Sewell Read v. William Dye. Summons 527/67 06/11/1894
49538 Legacy duty payable by Clara S. Read. Form 527/68 12/07/1894
49539 Items at Wramplingham House selected by Arthur Bailey. List 527/69
49540 Items selected by Miss Florence Cann. List 527/70
49541 Letter re: mortgage of land in North Tuddenham. Letter 527/71 06/10/1893
49542 Bill of Howlett & Groom to William Cann re: Deducing Title of Properties. Bill 527/72
49543 Lands in the occupation of William Cann in Wramplingham. List 527/73
49544 Receipt for tithe rent re: Wramplingham estate. Receipt 527/74 21/04/1893
49545 Schedule of title deeds and writings re: an estate in Wramplingham of William Cann purchased by J. B. Graver Browne. Schedule 527/75 19/02/1801 08/09/1866
49546 Wymondham Town Council Meeting Agendas for 1974 Agenda 431/07 10/01/1974 03/12/1974
49547 Wymondham Heritage Society members' cards for period 1980 - 1988 Card 405/5/3 5 ??/??/1967 ??/?/1988
49548 List of presidents and chairmen of Wymondham Heritage Society from 1982 to 1988 List 405/5/4 5 ??/09/1982 ??/12/1988
49549 Letter to J. Wilson, thanking him for the Wymondham Heritage Society newsletter for Autumn 2011 Letter 405/5/5 5 17/09/2011
49550 Wymondham Heritage Society newsletters from March 1988 to Autumn 2020 Newsletter 405/5/6 5 ??/03/1988 ??/??/2020
49551 Conveyance of Daveys Meadow, Wymondham by A. A. W. Bailey to Esau Thraxton. Conveyance 527/76 27/07/1889
49552 Probate of the will of Charlotte Ann Haward. Will 527/77 30/07/1866
49553 Abstract of Title of property of William Cann at Wramplingham. Abstract of Title 527/78 21/05/1853 20/04/1894
49554 Miscellaneous rent accounts of William Cann. Account 527/79
49555 Valuation of furniture at Wramplingham Hall. Valuation 527/80 14/06/1861
49556 Field Plan. Park Farm Wymondham? Plan 526/1
49557 Rental (transcription) of Little and Great Farm Wymondham. Rental 526/2 ??/??/1622
49558 Sale Particulars of Park Farm, Wymondham. Sale Particulars 526/3 15/07/1933
49559 Sale Particulars of Park Farm, Wymondham. Sale Particulars 526/4 05/08/1916
49560 In Chancery. Interrogations (copy) re: Bailey v. Sewell. Case 526/5
49561 Registration and Admission of the vicars of Wymondham. Miscellaneous 526/6 21/02/1660 02/06/1701
49562 Inquisition post mortem (translation) re: Sir John Clifton. Inquisition post mortem 526/7 ??/??/1388
49563 Extracts of accounts of vicars of Wymondham. Account 526/8 29/08/1629 03/11/1798
49564 Bargain and Sale of land in Wymondham between Henry Hobart, Rev. Henry Charles Hobart, Ralph Dunn, John Blake, Joseph Sewell and Robert Bygrave. Bargain and Sale 526/9 04/12/1798
49565 Sewell et. al. v. Bayley re: Park farm Wymondham. Case 526/10 ??/??/1824
49566 Extract of claims under Wymondham Inclosure re: Sewell v. Bailey. Miscellaneous 526/11
49567 Affidavits re: Park Farms, Wymondham. Affidavit 526/12
49568 Wymondham Heritage Society newsletters from 1991 to 1999 Newsletter 405/6/1 6 11/09/1991 ??/01/1999
49569 Bayley v. Sewell. Observations in support of motion for a new trial. Observation 526/13
49570 Bayley v. Sewell. Opinion of Mr Boteler. Opinion 526/14 04/11/1825
49571 Sewell et. al. v. Bayley. Copy of issues. Case 526/15 ??/??/1824
49572 Sewell v. Bayley. Evidence of Robert Brasnett. Evidence 526/16 04/08/1825
49573 Sewell v. Bayley. Additional Observations. Observation 526/17 ??/??/1594 ??/??/1824
49574 In Chancery Sewell v. Bayley. Costs (copy). Account 526/18 ??/??/1825
49575 In Chancery Sewell v. Bayley. Affidavits of George Bedford and David Miller. Affidavit 526/19 10/12/1823
49576 Norfolk Assizes Sewell et. al. v. Bayley Judges charge to jury (copy). Case 526/20 ??/??/1825
49577 Wymondham Heritage Society Scrapbook recording newspaper articles of local interest including merger of the Wymondham Society with the Heritage Museum. Newspaper 406/1 1 25/09/1987 15/06/2009
49578 Wymondham Heritage Centre/ Museum Steering Group ( First Meeting) - Agenda and Minutes of meeting Minutes 406/2/1 2 23/02/1981
49579 Wymondham Town Council Meeting Agendas for 1973 Agenda 431/08 09/01/1973 04/12/1973
49580 Sewell v. Bayley. Extracts of letters of Messrs Mitchell & Clark and observations of Mr Boteler. Observation 526/21 22/07/1824 0/07/1824
49581 An index of the reports in the newsletters of the Wymondham Hertiage Society and The Wymondham Society with a list of subjects and detailed description List 405/9 9 ??/05/1982
49582 Wymondhanm Heritage Society newsletters from June 2000 to September 2009 Newsletter 405/7/1 7 ??/06/2000 ??/09/2009
49583 Wymondham Heritage Society Newsletters from 2010 to 2019 Newsletter 405/8/1 8 ??/05/2010 ??/??/2019
49584 Note re: early ownership of Park Farm, Wymondham. Miscellaneous 526/27
49585 Great Park Farm, Wymondham. Field plan with field names. Plan 526/28
49586 Letter re: history of Great Park, Wymondham. Letter 526/30 21/06/1824
49587 Writ of seizin for coheirs of Robert de Tateshall. Writ 526/29 25/11/1306
49588 Letter re: the case involving Great and Little Park Farms, Wymondham. Letter 526/31 26/07/1824
49589 License of Alienation for Jane Driby. Licence 526/32 19/07/1325
49590 Abstract of Title (draft) to Freehold Houses, Land & Premises in Wymondham (Lot 3) Abstract of Title 421/1/1 1 12/10/1870 03/12/1894
49591 Draft Conveyance : Mrs Julia de R. B. Clarke & Wm. R. Clarke to Mr Jesse Thurston : Estate at Wymondham Conveyance 421/1/2 1 11/10/1872 16/11/1872
49592 Iniqusition Post Mortem re: Thomas de Caly. Inquisition post mortem 526/33 ??/??/1316
49593 Inquisition Post Mortem re: John Bernak. Inquisition post mortem 526/34 20/03/1345
49594 Writ of seizin re: Ralph and Maud Cromwell. Writ 526/35 20/11/1360
49595 Writ of seizin re: Ralph and Maud Cromwell. Writ 526/36 04/02/1360
49596 Inquisition Post Mortem re: William Bernak. Inquisition post mortem 526/37 14/01/1359
49597 Inquisition Post Mortem re: Sir John Clifton. Inquisition post mortem 526/38 24/10/1447 23/11/1447
49598 Inquisition Post Mortem re: Constantine Clifton. Inquisition post mortem 526/39 10/04/1432
49599 Inquisition Post Mortem re: Sir William Knyvett. Inquisition post mortem 526/40 04/12/1515
49600 Inquisition Post Mortem re: William Fitz William. Inquisition post mortem 526/41 18/10/1516
49601 Inquisition Post Mortem re: Sir Edward Knyvett. Inquisition post mortem 526/42 20/04/1528
49602 Inquisition Post Mortem re: Sir Edmund Knyvett. Inquisition post mortem 526/43 12/01/1549 01/02/1550
49603 Inquisition Post Mortem re: Sir Thomas Knyvett. Inquisition post mortem 526/44 ??/??/1569 29/11/1569
49604 Inquisition Post Mortem re: Sir Thomas Knyvett. Inquisition post mortem 526/45 26/09/1594 25/10/1594
49605 Deed of Covenant and Indemnity relating to the "Berney" diamond Spray belonging to widow Mrs Charlotte Berney. Deed 421/1/3 1 23/09/1848 01/11/1904
49606 In Chancery, Bayley v. Sewell et. al. Witness depositions. Declaration 526/46 ??/??/1823
49607 Sale Particulars for Properties in 19 Lots lately belonging to Mrs Julia de Roubigne Beevor Clarke deceased. Sale Particulars 421/1/4 1 22/06/1894
49608 Extract from Blomefield vol.1 page 725. Miscellaneous 526/47
49609 Norfolk Summer Assizes 1825. Sewell et. al. v. Bayley. Brief for the Defendant. Case 526/48 20/06/1820 ??/??/1825
49610 Wymondham Heritage Museum Steering Group - Agendas/ Memorandums and Minutes of meetings held during 1981 Minutes 406/2/2 2 10/03/1981 08/12/1981
49611 Wymondham Heritage Museum - Assessment on proposal for a Heritage Musuem in Wymondham Norfolk Report 406/2/3 2 ??/11/1981
49612 Sewell et. al. v. Bayley. Exhibits, vicars books. Case 526/49 ??/??/1640 ??/??/1779
49613 Wymondham Heritage Museum - Minutes of the committee meetings held during 1982. Minutes 406/3/1 3 05/01/1982 21/01/1983
49614 Wymondham Heritage Museum Association - Minutes of fund raising committee of the association/ Youth meeting/ Association committee meetings held during 1983. Minutes 406/3/2 3 01/02/1983 31/01/1984
49615 Baley v. Sewell et. al. Case for the Plaintiff. Case 526/50 20/06/1820 29/10/1823
49616 Abstract of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Inquisition post mortem 526/51 ??/??/1298
49617 Lease of Little Park Farm, Wymondham by Sir John Hobart to Francis Burges. Lease 526/52 01/04/1665
49618 Rates re: Great and Little Park Farms, Wymondham. Miscellaneous 526/53 ??/??/1726 ??/??/1729
49619 Inquisitions re: Wymondham Parks. Inquisition post mortem 526/54
49620 Freeman v. Wiseman. Additional Observations. Observation 526/55 ??/??/1594
49621 Vicars of Wymondham. List 526/56 25/02/1660 03/11/1788