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ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
403 Receipt of payment by Bartholomew Dey for work carried out by William Palgrave. Receipt Pomeroy 2/5 02/11/1746
404 Rent account for land. Account Pomeroy 2/6 ??/??/1736 ??/??/1737
405 Account. Account Pomeroy 2/7 ??/??/????
406 Will of John Warmoll of Saxlingham Nethergate. Will Pomeroy 2/8 06/05/1780 13/09/1780
407 Will of Anthony Sayers of Saxlingham Nethergate. Will Pomeroy 2/9 24/10/1769
408 Receipt for payment by Bartholomew Dey for work carried out. Receipt Pomeroy 2/10/1 17/11/1748
409 Bill for work carried out. Account Pomeroy 2/10/2 07/05/1748 02/07/1748
410 Bill for work carried out. Account Pomeroy 2/10/3 29/09/1748
411 Bill for work carried out. Account Pomeroy 2/10/4 ??/07/1748
412 Bill for work carried out. Account Pomeroy 2/10/5 29/09/1748
413 Conditions of a lease. Lease Pomeroy 2/11 29/09/1730
414 Letter to Mr. Burroughs, Attorney, from Bartholomew Dey. Letter Pomeroy 2/12 23/03/1732
415 Conditions of a lease by Samuel Tilvar to Bartholomew Dey. Lease Pomeroy 2/13 11/03/1749
416 Lease between Bartholomew Dey and James Dover. Lease Pomeroy 2/14 29/09/1753
417 Covenants in a Melton Lease. [See also 2/14.] Lease Pomeroy 2/15 ??/??/1753
418 Lease of land to Francis Quantril by Bartholomew Dey. Lease Pomeroy 2/16 18/12/1750
419 Notes regarding whether a wife can make a deed of gift without her husbands consent. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/17 ??/??/17??
420 Manor Court of Wicklewood. Admission of Ann Grigson. Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 2/18 13/05/1709
421 Receipt for cost of a ring bequeathed by Ann Grigson. Receipt Pomeroy 2/19 20/02/1738
422 Notes regarding right of title to an estate. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/20 ??/??/????
423 Bill for work carried out. Account Pomeroy 2/21 ??/04/1745
424 Will of Ann Grigson of Reymerstone. Will Pomeroy 2/22 ??/??/????
425 Lease of a garden in Silfield by Bartholomew Dey to Francis Quantril. Lease Pomeroy 2/23 18/12/1750
426 Notes regarding Ann Grigson's estate. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/24 ??/??/17??
427 Notes on Ann Grigson's estate. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/25 ??/??/17??
428 Notes regarding William Grigson's rights to his wife's land. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/26/1 08/01/1738
429 William Grigson's right to his wife's land. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/26/2 30/11/1738
430 Covenant on William Grigson's right of tenancy. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/26/3 ??/??/17??
431 Note regarding inhritance copyhold. [Possibly connected to Doc 2/26.] Note Pomeroy 2/27 ??/??/17??
432 Notes on right of inheritance of a copyhold. [Probably related to Doc. 2/26.] Note Pomeroy 2/28 ??/??/17??
433 Bequest by Ann Grigson. Will Pomeroy 2/29/1 ??/??/17??
434 Note regarding who inherits when one of two coheiresses dies. Note Pomeroy 2/29/2 ??/??/17??
435 Question whether a husband or the wife's heirs should inherit. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/29/3 ??/??/17??
436 Notes on inheritance. [Probably relating to previous documents.] Note Pomeroy 2/30 ??/??/17??
437 Bill for work carried out by John Fickling. Account Pomeroy 2/31 13/06/1733
438 Letter to Peter Stoughton, Attorney at Law, Wymondham, requesting a copy of Anthony Sayer's will. Letter Pomeroy 2/32 17/08/1786
439 Case for right of title of Elizabeth Wormall. Case Pomeroy 2/33 09/09/1747 06/05/1780
440 Case to prove Thomas Sayer's right of title. Case Pomeroy 2/34 02/09/1757
441 Lease of land in Wacton by William Hubbard and Peter Stoughton to John Brown. Lease Pomeroy 2/35 09/10/1801
442 Case for John Robson's right of inheritance. Case Pomeroy 2/36 19/11/1781
443 Lease of property by Joseph Garden to James Howlett. Lease Pomeroy 2/37 20/03/1759
444 Lease of property in Wymondham and Crownthorpe to Thomas and Peter High by John Barnwell and his wife. Lease Pomeroy 2/38 20/04/1773
445 List of papers sent to Mr. Fellows regarding the Sayers. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 2/39 10/05/1738
446 Transfer of property by Margaret Kitmore and others to William Cullyer. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 2/40 1 04/04/1660
447 Will of Edmund Cullyer, grocer of Wymondham. Will Pomeroy 2/41 1 07/03/1638
448 Transfer of property by Richard Ferrier, Robert and Ellen Gallant, and William Cullyer to James Aldridge. [Sealed to Doc. 2/42/2.] Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 2/42/1 1 30/09/1737
449 Transfer of property. [Sealed to Doc. 2/42/1.] Lease Pomeroy 2/42/2 1 30/09/1737
450 Mortgage of property to Stephen Buckle by James Aldridge. Mortgage Pomeroy 2/43 1 13/09/1737
451 Assignment of a mortgage of leasehold and copy hold property. Mortgage Pomeroy 2/44 1 30/04/1747
452 Lease of property to Elizabeth Britiffe. Lease Pomeroy 2/45 1 23/06/1753
453 Lease of property in Wymondham to Thomas Stafford. Lease Pomeroy 2/46 1 15/01/1772
454 Articles of agreement for the repair of a wall. Agreement Pomeroy 2/47 1 23/02/1775
455 Mortgage of property in Wymondham to Rev. James Stoughton. Mortgage Pomeroy 2/48 2 05/07/1793
456 Will of James Howlett, Yeoman of Wymondham. Will Pomeroy 2/49 2 05/07/1792
457 Mortgage of James Howlett's property in Wymondham and Wramplingham to Peter Stoughton. Mortgage Pomeroy 2/50 2 30/12/1785
458 Mortgage of land in Wymondham by James Howlett to John Clarke Stoughton. Mortgage Pomeroy 2/51 2 05/07/1793
459 Mortgage of property in Wymondham and Wramplingham to William Collison. Mortgage Pomeroy 2/52 2 30/12/1785
460 Mortgage of property in Wymondham and Wramplingham by James Howlett to Charles Clarke. Mortgage Pomeroy 2/53 2 24/12/1781
461 Transfer of property in Wymondham to James Howlett. Conveyance Pomeroy 2/54 2 27/05/1773
462 Transfer of property in Attleborough. No.19. [In Latin.] Conveyance Pomeroy 2/56 2 ??/??/16??
463 Assignment of an estate in Wymondham from John Browne to John Scottow. [In Latin. Document has earlier No.7. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/1 1 20/08/1571
464 Lease of an estate in Wymondham by John Browne. [In Latin. Document has earlier No.8. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/2 1 20/08/1571
465 Release of right to an estate in Wymondham by John Barnard. [Document has earlier No.6. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Release Pomeroy 6/3 1 20/10/1570
466 Assignment of an estatate in Wymondham by John Barnard. [Documennt has earlier No.5. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/4 1 20/10/1570
467 Release of right to an estate in Wymondham by George Flemyn to John Barnard. [In Latin. Document has earlier No.4. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Release Pomeroy 6/5 1 03/03/1569
468 Assignment of an estate in Wymondham by John Flemyn to John Barnard. [Document has earlier No.3. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/6 1 03/03/1569
469 Assignment of an estate in Wymondham by Thomas Knyvett to George Flemyn. [In Latin. Document has earlier No.2. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/7 1 12/04/1561
470 Demise of an estate in Wymondham by Thomas Knyvett to George Flemyn. [Document has earlier No.1. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/8 1 12/04/1561
471 Assignment of an estate in Wymondham to William Cooper by John Scottow et al. [Document has earlier No.9. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/9 1 01/08/1580
472 Will (probate copy) of William Cowper. [Document has earlier No.10. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Will Pomeroy 6/10 1 04/10/1613
473 Assignment of an estate in Wymondham to Richard Cadywould by William Cowper. [Document has earlier No.11. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/11 1 06/02/1614
474 Release of an estate in Wymondham to Richard Cadywould by William Cowper. [Document has earlier No.12. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property. In Latin.] Release Pomeroy 6/12 1 20/08/1615
475 Assignment of an estate in Wymondham to Mary Ladyman by Richard Cadywould. Lists previous holders of the property. [Document has earlier No.13. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/13 1 10/01/1622
476 Will (probate copy) of Mary Ladyman. [Document has earlier No.14. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Will Pomeroy 6/14 1 10/01/1622
477 Assignment of an estate in Wymondham to Abacock Cadywould from Richard Cadywould. [Document has earlier No.15. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/15 1 07/12/1601
478 Release of right to lands in Wymondham. [In Latin. Document has earlier No.16. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Release Pomeroy 6/16 1 07/10/1625
479 Letter of attorney to receive mortgage money on an estate in Wymondham. [Document has earlier No.17. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Power of Attorney Pomeroy 6/17 1 02/04/1643
480 Lease of property in Wymondham by Richard Cadywould to Peter Locke. [Document has earlier No.18. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/18 1 10/04/1643
481 Assignment of an estate in Wymondham by Abacock Cadywould to Edmund Ellis. [Document has earlier No.19. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Lease Pomeroy 6/19 1 18/11/1644
482 Release of right to an estate in Wymondham by Abacuck Cadywould to Edmund Ellis. [In Latin. Document has earlier No.20. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Release Pomeroy 6/20 1 18/11/1644
483 Release of right to an estate in Wymondham to Edmund Ellis by Richard Cadywould. [In Latin. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Release Pomeroy 6/21 1 18/11/1644
484 Release of right to an estate in Wymondham by Frances Intwisle to Edmund Ellis. [Document has earlier No.24. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Release Pomeroy 6/37 09/06/1650
485 Release of right to an estate in Wymondham by Agnes Intwist to Edmund Ellis. [Document has earlier No.23. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Release Pomeroy 6/38 17/07/1647
486 Release of right to an estate in Wymondham by Robert Intwist to Edmund Ellis. [Document has earlier No.22. Doc. 6/1-6/21, Bundle I, & 6/37-6/39 all relate to the same property.] Release Pomeroy 6/39 25/11/1644
487 Mortgage of property in Wymondham to Richard Dey by Thomas Stafford. Mortgage Pomeroy 6/22 2 12/09/1670
488 Bond by C. Sewell to Thomas Stone regarding property in Wymondham. [Earlier doc. No.7.] Bond Pomeroy 6/23 2 04/11/1661
489 Sale of property in Wymondham north of the market towards Norwich by Thomas Stone to Richard Dey. [Earlier doc. No.14.] Conveyance Pomeroy 6/24 2 01/03/1663
490 Transfer of property in Wymondham by John Quayntrell to Robert Sewell. [Earlier doc. No.8.] Conveyance Pomeroy 6/25 2 08/04/1625
491 Transfer of property in Wymondham. [In Latin. Earlier doc No.6.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/26 2 02/01/1622
492 Transfer of property in Wymondham from Robert and Thomas Dey to William and Anne Greene. [In Latin. Earlier doc No.5.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/27 2 03/01/1622
493 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Henry Westgate to Abraham Corker. [In Latin. Earlier doc. No.9.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/28 2 16/03/1601
494 Mortgage of property in Wymondham by Richard Dey to Thomas Stafford. [Earlier doc No.17.] Mortgage Pomeroy 6/29 2 12/11/1670
495 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Thomas Stone to Richard Dey. [In Latin. Earlier doc. No.16.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/30 2 01/03/1663
496 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Benjamin Fairchild and William Harris to Thomas Stone. [Earlier doc. No.15.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/31 2 14/07/1657
497 Transfer of properties in Wymondham by Richard Dey to George Dey. [Earlier doc. No.5.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/32 2 14/07/1657
498 Bond by Dorothy Corker to Robert Sewell rgarding a newly built property in Wymondham. [Earlier doc. No.13.] Bond Pomeroy 6/33 2 14/07/1657
499 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Clere Sewell to Thomas Stone. [In Latin. Earlier doc. No.11.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/34 2 04/11/1661
500 Obligation by Thomas Stone to Richard Dey regarding properties in Wymondham. [Earlier doc. No.10.] Bond Pomeroy 6/35 2 16/03/1663
501 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Richard Dey to Robert Bennett. [Earlier doc. No.3.] Feoffment Pomeroy 6/36 2 18/11/1666
502 Transfer of property in Wymondham to Martin Norton by Thomas ans Stephen Kett. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 6/40 04/02/1669