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ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
51022 Wymondham Heritage Society : Millenium Walk 2000 A walk through 1000 years of history Photograph 407/5/3 5 14/05/2000 17/05/2000
51023 Abstract of Title Abstract of Title 564/50 15/10/1877 29/03/1893
51024 Abstract of Title to land South of Chapel Lane, Wymondham Abstract of Title 564/51 22/12/1859 16/11/1881
51025 Cromwells Manor and Grisaugh Manor Wymondham. Admision of John Stephenson Cann. Manor Court 473/12 19/05/1790
51026 Agreement William Cann et. al. and William Robert Clarke re: The Thee Boars, Spooner Row, Wymondham. Agreement 473/13 14/06/1873
51027 Freehold title of William R. Cann. Property 473/14 19/08/1717 ??/06/1821
51028 Rustens Manor Wymondham. Copyholds of W. R. Cann deceased. Admission / Surrender 473/15 19/05/1790 07/05/1799
51029 Once upon a town...two page report of events around Wymondham reliving the town's history. Newspaper 407/5/4 5 26/05/2000
51030 Wymondham Heritage Museum at the Bridewell : Handbill Advertisement 407/5/5 5 01/03/2002 30/11/2002
51031 Wymondham Museum : Get set for new season at museum : Also Wymondham Choral Society Newsletter 407/5/6 5 01/03/2002 04/05/2002
51032 The Bridewell - chapters in 200-year story : also Donna to ride before Queen Newspaper 407/5/7 5 04/05/2002 18/06/2002
51033 General Certificate D, for Game Duty issued by John Cullyer in Forehoe and Humbleyard Divisions of Wymondham Certificate 450/1/1 1 03/09/1832 10/09/1840
51034 Wymondham Brewery property. Property 473/16
51035 Sale Particulars of the Woolpack and two cottages in Wymondham. Sale Particulars 473/17 21/08/1863
51036 Wymondham Brewery estate encumbrances. Account 473/18 27/08/1873
51037 Wymondham Brewery shares of sale money. Account 473/19 31/12/1872 26/05/1976
51038 Account of John Mitchell and Edward P. Clarke with Messrs Cann & Co. Account 473/20 17/09/1828 06/04/1869
51039 Wymondham Heritage Museum re-opens for 2003 seaon : Where people feared to tread Newspaper 407/5/8 5 29/03/2003
51040 Wymondham Museum : Exhibition 'Images of England' display :Taking a snapshot of our county's heritage Newspaper 407/5/9 5 01/03/2004 31/07/2004
51041 Wymondham Museum : Letters - ' Museum has much to offer' : 'Thanks to staff at the rail station' Newspaper 407/5/10 5 10/6/2004
51042 Wymondham Museum : Museum marks 60 years since war end. Newsletter 407/5/11 5 ??/??/1939 03/03/2005
51043 Wymondham Museum : Exhibition remembers the contribution of ordinary people of Wymondham during the war Newspaper 407/5/12 5 23/05/2005 25/06/2005
51044 Wymondham Museum : Museum reopening with new displays Newspaper 407/5/13 5 16/02/2006 01/03/2006
51045 Wymondham Museum : Magnificent history on display Newspaper 407/5/14 5 23/02/2006
51046 Wymondham Museum : Plaque hails Neil's work. Newspaper 407/5/15 5 08/02/2007
51047 Wymondham Museum : Awards for museum and stalwart pair. Newspaper 407/5/16 5 17/04/2008
51048 Wymondham Museum : Chance to brush up on your knowledge! : Also Reports of Wym W.I.: Nature Group : Garden club : Men's club. Newspaper 407/5/17 5 26/02/2009
51049 Wymondham Museum : Documenting the region's history. Newspaper 407/5/18 5 25/02/2010
51050 Wymondham Museum : School life in the 'good old days'. Newspaper 407/5/19 5 25/03/2009
51051 Wymondham Museum : Museum marks 60 years since war end. Newspaper 407/6/1 6 03/03/2005
51052 Wymondham Development Partnership : GET IT RIGHT, A halt should be called to new housing developments. Newspaper 407/6/2 6 10/03/2005
51053 Receipts issued to James Marr and others, for property tax paid in the Parish of Suton, Wymondham Receipt 450/1/2 1 31/01/1844 23/03/1844
51054 Property and Income Tax receipts for Mr J. Poll of Silfield & Wreningham, Wymodham, Norfolk Receipt 450/1/3 1 11/10/1853 11/11/1854
51055 Receipts for half year Property and Income Tax paid in the Parishes of Town Green and Damgate for Mr Cranness, Mrs Mitchell H. Clarke and D. Wrampling Receipt 450/1/4 1 16/04/1854
51056 Receipts to Mr Rolfe for payment of Property and Income tax paid for Silfield Division of Wymondham Receipt 450/1/5 1 11/10/1842 10/10/1847
51057 Eastern Counties Railway Company receipt to Mr Mitchell Receipt 450/1/6 1 07/12/1853
51058 Messrs Cann & Co account with Mitchell & Clarke. Account 473/21 17/09/1828 06/04/1868
51059 Account of John Mitchell and Edward P. Clarke with William Robert Cann. Account 473/22 17/04/1815 06/04/1835
51060 Account of William R. Cann. Account 473/23 17/06/1814 06/04/1835
51061 Wymondham Development Partnership : Check out plan for town Newspaper 407/6/3 6 13/10/2005
51062 Wymondham Development Partnership : 'New chairman for partnership'. Also PTO for 'Work together for town future' Newspaper 407/6/4 6 13/10/2005
51063 Account of John Mitchell and Edward P. Clarke with Messrs Cann & Co. Account 473/24 17/09/1828 06/04/1869
51064 Chapel Lane: objection to development : Housing objectors' bid to save view of Abbey Newspaper 407/6/5 6 20/10/2005 25/11/2005
51065 Account (copy) of William R. Cann sent to E. C. Bailey.. Account 473/25 28/11/1835 22/06/1868
51066 Account of Mitchell & Clarke with William R, Cann. Copy sent to E. C. Bailey. Account 473/26 17/05/1815 ??/06/1868
51067 Interest account of Cann & Co. Account 473/27 ??/06/1824 ??/??/1869
51068 Declaration by Rebbeca Rowing re: C. R. S. Nixonn. Declaration 473/28 15/18/1883
51069 Property and Income Tax receipt of payment for Mr Browne of Suton, Wymondham Receipt 450/1/7 1 31/01/1844
51070 Inland Revenue licence issued to Mrs Clarke, authorising her to keep one male servant Licence 450/1/8 1 27/11/1872
51071 'Claim of Exemption' Income Tax Notice for Miss E. F. Kett of Damgate Street, Wymondham Income Tax Assessment Form 450/1/9 1 ??/05/1872
51072 Notice of Assessment under the Property and Income Tax Acts, for Mitchell & Clarke of Vicar Street, Wymondham. Notice 450/1/10 1 ??/??/1850 ??/??/1854
51073 South Norfolk Design Awards : Architects' work praised by council. Newspaper 407/6/6 6 27/10/2005
51074 Notice to Mitchell & Clarke of Vicar Street, Wymondham, requesting payment of tax duties on their profits, at the Kings Head Public House in Wymondham Notice 450/1/11 1 10/01/1853 11/02/1853
51075 Income Tax notices to Mitchell & Clarke requesting payment of taxes due for the years 1853 & 1858 Income Tax Assessment Form 450/1/12 1 15/01/1855 15/04/1858
51076 Assessment of Income Tax Notice for Reverend R. Eden of Wymondham Income Tax Assessment Form 450/1/13 1 ??/??/1864
51077 Assessment of Income Tax Notice for E. P. Clarke of Wymondham Income Tax Assessment Form 450/1/14 1 ??/??/1864
51078 Site for Surgery Friarscroft Lane : Letters of objection : Why ruin this land? : Wrong site for surgery. Newspaper 407/6/7 6 10/11/2005
51079 Surgery & allotments plans : Friarscroft Lane. Newspaper 407/6/8 6 27/11/2005
51080 4 items on one document : Volunteer awards : Objection to 3000 house in Wymondham : Christmas toys for children : Wymondham College expansion. Newspaper 407/6/9 6 24/11/2005
51081 Wymondham Heritage Society : 2005 Annual Review. Newspaper 407/6/10 6 01/12/2005
51082 Wymondham Development : also : Tolls Meadow Newspaper 407/6/11 6 01/12/2005
51083 Market Cross - Repair Work under way Newspaper 407/6/12 6 11/01/2007
51084 Wymondham Abbey : 900th anniversary bronze map. Newspaper 407/6/13 6 ??/??/2007
51085 Wymondham Development : Halt threat of Urban Sprawl Newspaper 407/6/14 6 ??/??/200?
51086 Wymondham Development Partnership : 'Don't loose heart on new homes'. Newspaper 407/6/15 6 03/10/200? 17/10/200?
51087 Wymondham : 'Historic landmarks aplenty'. Newspaper 407/6/16 6 ??/??/????
51088 Wymondham Heritage Society : "Helping Hand". Wymondham High School volunteer at recycling site at Westgate car park. Newspaper 407/6/17 6
51089 Wymondham Museum : "Special day marks the past" Newspaper 407/6/18 6 ??/??/1996 ??/??/2006
51090 Wymondham Museum : "Memories of the war effort, Remembering the Home Front". Newspaper 407/6/19 6 25/06/????
51091 Wymondham Museum : "Just the ticket" Newspaper 407/6/20 6 ??/??/2006
51092 Wymondham Museum : "Heritage comes to life at town display". Newspaper 407/6/21 6 ??/??/2006
51093 Star Throwers : "Icy shower supports charity". Team from shops and businesses along Fairland Street. Also Reports from Ukulele Group, Nature Group, Heritage Society & Probus Club. Newspaper 407/7/1 7 06/12/2014 29/01/2006
51094 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland Revenue/Audit Commission/ Utilities/ Grants/ Norfolk Association of Local Councils/ Wages (Febuary1990 to March 1990). Account Wymondham T C 410/1/1 1 23/01/1990 03/04/1990
51095 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/ Inland Revenue/ Grants/ Wymondham Old Grammar School/ Heritage Society/ Ministers Officiating at Funerals/ District Council/ Wymondham Football Club/ Wages (March 1990 to April 1990). Account Wymondham T C 410/1/2 1 ??/10/1989 01/05/1990
51096 Wymondham Town Council - Payments to suppliers/Inland Revenue/Insurance Company/ Feilden & Mawson/ District Council/ Fire Protection Comapny/ Wages (April 1990 to May 1990). Account Wymondham T C 410/1/3 1 02/02/1990 29/05/1990
51097 Assessment of Income Tax Notice to Mitchell & Clarke for 4 owners of properties in Wymondham Income Tax Assessment Form 450/1/15 1 ??/??/1864
51098 'Changing room boost' also 'Museum Plea' : Letters to newspaper Newspaper 407/7/2 7 29/01/2015
51099 Assessment of Income Tax Notice for Randall Ward of Downham Wymondham Income Tax Assessment Form 450/1/16 1 ??/??/1864
51100 Income Tax Return for C. Clarke Junior, of Vicar Street, Wymondham Income Tax 450/1/17 1 27/07/1874
51101 'College greets students from South Korea' Newspaper 407/7/3 7 23/01/2015
51102 Income Tax and Inhabited House Duties Assessment for 1904/5 for the Division of Forehoe and Humbleyard Income Tax and Inhabited House Duties form 450/1/18 1 10/07/1903 24/06/1914
51103 'Two week Stateside tour is success for talented singer' Newspaper 407/7/4 7 ??/??/2012 29/01/2015
51104 Property and Income Tax Schedule D. Return for Town Green, Wymondham, addressed to Mrs Lane's executors Income Tax Assessment Form 450/1/19 1 20/05/1844
51105 Notice of Assessment of Income Tax for property in Damgate Street, Wymondham Income Tax Assessment Form 450/1/20 1 27/09/1864
51106 Wymondham Museum : "Museum room to mark anniversary" also "Delight at letter from palace" Newspaper 407/7/5 7 21/04/2016
51107 The Bridewell, Wymondham : 3 dimensional sketch of Bridewell complex from above. Drawing 407/8/1 8 ??/??/1995
51108 Cellars of the original Bridewell : Excavations 1995. Drawing 407/8/2 8 ??/??/1995
51109 "Diversity in Gardening" A new look gardening club founded on the Wymondham Bridewell. Brochure 407/8/3 8 ??/??/1810 ??/??/1995
51110 Recent excavations at The Bridewell (See also Plan [407/8/5] ) Letter 407/8/4 8 22/12/1996
51111 Wymondhan Bridewell Complex - Outline Plan Drawing 407/8/5 8 ??/12/1996
51112 Invitation to Opening of The Bridewell by HRH The Duke of Gloucester. Card 407/8/6 8 16/05/1966 23/05/1966
51113 Invitation to visit the Bridewell complex (Citizens Advice Bureau, British Red Cross Society & Wym Heritage Museum) on the opening day. 407/8/7 8 23/05/1966
51114 Wymondham Heritage Society : Opening of Wymondham Heritage Museum by David Mawson. Card 407/8/8 8 12/04/1996
51115 Wymondham Heritage Society : Newsletter No 25, Summer 1996 Newsletter 407/8/9 8 ??/05/1996
51116 Sale of land (draft) the trustees of Rev. William Papillon to William R. Cann. Bargain and Sale 473/29 ??/??/1838
51117 Sale of (draft) of messuages, malthouse and land by the executors of William Hayward to William R. Clarke. Bargain and Sale 473/30 31/07/1837
51118 Sale particulars of an estate in Wymondham of Charles Cooper deceased. Sale Particulars 473/31 28/05/1808
51119 Map of some Wymondham public houses. Map 473/32
51120 Sale Particulars and Contract of Thetford, Brewery Property. Sale Particulars 473/33 07/06/1858
51121 Transfer of a mortgage by William R. Clarke et. al. to Elijah C. Bailey. Mortgage 473/34 10/09/1873