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ID Description Type Collection Box Bundle Shelf Rel Start Rel End
805 Runhall Manor of Popes and The Rectory. Receipt for court fine on the admission of John Stoughton. Receipt Pomeroy 5/5 1 08/12/1730
806 Inventory. [Damaged.] Inventory Pomeroy 5/6 1 05/03/1677
807 Runhall Manor of Popes and the Rectory. Admission of Roger Stoughton on the surrender by William and Honor Love. Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/7 1 13/07/1700
808 Runhall Manor of Popes and the Rectory. Admission of Roger Stoughton and surrender by William and Honor Love. [In Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/8 1 01/11/1700
809 Runhall Manor of popes and the Rectory. Admission of John Pyke. [In Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/9 1 23/10/1667
810 Runhall Manor of Popes and the Rectory. Admission of Elizabeth Roper. Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/10 1 24/03/1658
811 Runhall Manor of Popes and the Rectory. Surrender by John Pyke. [In Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/11 1 15/10/1689
812 Manor of the Queen, Wymondham. Transfer of property in Wymondham. [In Latin. Used to wrap bundle, part missing.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/12 2 27/03/1668
813 Transfer of land in Wymondham to Bartolomew Stone by Thomas and Stephen Kett. Bargain and Sale Pomeroy 5/13 2 12/08/1668
814 Statement regarding debt of Thomas and Stephen Kett to Bartholomew Stone. Statement Pomeroy 5/14 2 07/05/1668
815 Obligation of Thomas and Stephen Kett and George Gay to Bartholomew Stone regarding prperty in Wymondham. Bond Pomeroy 5/15 2 27/03/1668
816 Cromwells Manor, Wymondham. Admission of Stephen Kett. [In Latin. Pinned inside 5/16/2.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/16/1 2 14/08/1648
817 Cromwells Manor, Wymondham. Admission of Stephen Kett. [In Latin. Note on reverse re. admission of Robert Stone.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/16/2 2 27/03/1668 09/04/1685
818 Grishaugh Manor, Wymondham. Admission of Stephen Kett. [Part in Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/17 2 30/10/1666
819 Obligation of Thomas and Stephen Kett and George Gay regarding Property. Bond Pomeroy 5/18 2 10/11/1666
820 Manor of the Queen, Wymondham. Admission of Stephen Kett. [In Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/19 2 21/12/1670
821 Oath regarding the route of a water course in Wymondham. [Pinned inside 5/20/3.] Oath Pomeroy 5/20/1 2 13/04/1684
822 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Abraham Williams to Robert Stone. [Pinned inside 5/20/3.] Conveyance Pomeroy 5/20/2 2 20/03/1687
823 Transfer of property in Wymondham by Abraham Williams to Robert Stone. Conveyance Pomeroy 5/20/3 2 26/03/1687
824 Grishaugh Manor, Wymondham. Admission of Stephen Kett. [In Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/21 2 20/12/1647
825 Grishaugh Manor, Wymondham. Admission of Stephen Kett. [In Latin.] Admission / Surrender Pomeroy 5/22 2 18/11/1667
826 Note regarding a water course. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 5/23 2
827 Obligation by Thomas and Stephen Kett. Bond Pomeroy 5/24 2 26/03/1668
829 Wymondham Central Hall Invoice Pomeroy 15/1 1
830 Work at Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter Pomeroy 15/2 1 05/04/1965
831 Central Hall, Wymondham. Receipt 3687. Receipt Pomeroy 15/3 1 13/09/1965
832 Invoice regarding Central Hall, Wymondham. Invoice 5310. Invoice Pomeroy 15/4 1 06/08/1965
833 Central Hall, Wymondham. Receipt from National Council of Social Publications Department. Receipt Pomeroy 15/5 1 04/03/1959
834 Central Hall, Wymondham. General rate and water charges. Invoice Pomeroy 15/6 1 19/10/1964
835 Central Hall, Wymondham. Gestetner duplicator. Guarantee Pomeroy 15/7 1 12/01/1959
836 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. work from J. Owen Bond & Son, Norwich. Letter Pomeroy 15/8 2 10/06/1964
837 Central Hall, Wymondham. Tenders for work. Letter Pomeroy 15/9 2 02/10/1964
838 Central Hall, Wymondham. Receipt for work. Receipt Pomeroy 15/10 2 21/01/1965
839 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. work from J. Owen Bond & Son. Letter Pomeroy 15/11 2 05/04/1965
840 Centrall Hall, Wymondham. Invoice re. work. Invoice Pomeroy 15/12 2 17/05/1966
841 Design sheets for Wymondham hall from H. & H. Blacknell Ltd, Farnborough, Hants. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/13 3
842 Designs for Wymondham hall, from Blacknell Ltd, Farnborough, Hants. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/14 3
843 Designs for Wymondham hall from Blachnell Ltd, Farnborough, Hants. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/15 3
844 Letter re. design for Wymondham hall, from Blacknell Ltd, Farnborough, Hants. Letter Pomeroy 15/16 3 29/05/1957
845 Letter re. designs for Wymondham hall from G. W. Humphrey. Letter Pomeroy 15/17 3 26/11/1957
846 Central Hall, Wymondham. Job description of caretaker. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/18 4 26/10/1965
847 Central Hall, Wymondham. Job description of caretaker. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/19 4 26/10/1965
848 Central Hall, Wymondham. Job description of caretaker. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/20 4 26/10/1965
849 Central Hall, Wymondham. Job description of caretaker. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/21 4 26/10/1965
850 Central Hall, Wymondham. Conditions and regulations concerning hire. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/22 4 ??/??/1965
851 Central Hall, Wymondham. Application for hire. Application Pomeroy 15/23 4 ??/??/1965
852 Central Hall, Wymondham. Pomotion Committee draft agenda. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/24 4 ??/12/??11 ??/??/1965
853 Central Hall, Wymondham. Scale of charges. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/25 4 ??/??/1965
854 Central Hall, Wymondham. Chairman's Report. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/26 4 06/10/1965
855 Central Hall, Wymondham. Conditions, regulations and charges. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/27 4 ??/??/1965
856 Central Hall, Wymondham. Copyright charges. Letter Pomeroy 15/28 4 ??/??/1965
857 Central Hall, Wymondham. Scale of charges. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/29 4 ??/??/1965
858 Centrall Hall, wymondaham. Conditins and Regulations. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/30 4 ??/??/1965
859 Central Hall, Wymondham. Performing Rigths Society licence. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/31 4 ??/??/1965
860 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from Norfolk Conservative Assoc. Letter Pomeroy 15/32 5 10/02/1965
861 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from south Norfolk Labour Party. Letter Pomeroy 15/33 5 05/02/1965
862 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from Norfolk Education Committee. Letter Pomeroy 15/34 5 04/02/1965
863 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. heating. Letter Pomeroy 15/35 5 20/11/1964
864 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from J. Owen Bond & Son. Letter Pomeroy 15/36 5 31/08/1964
865 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from J. Owen & Sons, Architects & Surveyors. Letter Pomeroy 15/37 5 21/05/1964
866 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/38 5 21/12/1964
867 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/39 5 09/10/1964
868 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from J. Owen Bond & Son, Architects & Surveyors. Letter Pomeroy 15/40 5 07/10/1964
869 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. building work. Letter Pomeroy 15/41 5 01/10/1964
870 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from J. Owen Bond & Son. Letter Pomeroy 15/42 5 10/06/1964
871 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from Dept Education & Science re. grant. Letter Pomeroy 15/43 5 08/06/1964
872 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter from J. Owen Bond & Son. Letter Pomeroy 15/44 5 05/05/1964
873 Central Hall, Wymondham. W. E. A. affiliation. Letter Pomeroy 15/45 5 07/05/1964
874 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter refering to Doc. 15/47. Letter Pomeroy 15/46 5 07/04/1964
875 Centrall Hall, Wymondham. Leterr from J. Owen Bond & Son re. costs and fees. Letter Pomeroy 15/47 5 03/04/1964
876 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/48 5 30/06/1964
877 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/49 5 13/04/1964
878 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/50 5 12/12/1963
879 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/51 5 ??/??/1963
880 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter fron South Norfolk Liberal Party. Letter Pomeroy 15/52 5 03/06/1963
881 Central Hall, Wymondham. Registration under Lotteries & Gaming Act, 1956. Certificate Pomeroy 15/53 5 08/03/1963
882 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/54 5 11/12/1962
883 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/55 5 10/09/1962
884 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/56 5 14/06/1962
885 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/57 5 16/03/1962
886 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/58 5 ??/09/1961
887 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/59 5 ??/12/1961
888 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. Village Halls Conference. Letter Pomeroy 15/60 5 27/10/1961
889 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/61 5 05/12/1960
890 Central Hall, Wymondham. Band booking. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/62 5 23/09/1961
891 Letter re. booking of W. I. hall. Letter Pomeroy 15/63 5 20/09/1961
892 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re booking of band. Letter Pomeroy 15/64 5 14/09/1961
893 Central Hall, Wymondham. Wine and cheese party. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/65 5 25/06/1961
894 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. advertising income. Letter Pomeroy 15/66 5 13/07/1960
895 Letter re. payment for room by Wymondham Central Hall Fund Committee. Letter Pomeroy 15/67 5 21/05/1960
896 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/68 5 13/06/1960
897 Letter re. payment for a room at Wymondham Ex Service Men's Club. Letter Pomeroy 15/69 5 17/05/1960
898 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. Fund Committee meeting. Letter Pomeroy 15/70 5 27/04/1960
899 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/71 5 09/03/1960
900 Letter re. donation to Wymondham Central Hall Fund. Letter Pomeroy 15/72 5 14/02/1960
901 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. hiring stage units from Norfolk Education Committee. Letter Pomeroy 15/73 5 ??/02/1960
902 Central Hall, Wymondham. Certificate of registration, Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1956. Certificate Pomeroy 15/74 5 03/02/1960
903 Central Hall, Wymondham. Lottery return. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/75 5 10/12/1959
904 Central Hall, Wymondham. Letter re. band booking. Letter Pomeroy 15/76 5 30/12/1959
905 Business card. Miscellaneous Pomeroy 15/77 5